12-07-2012, 08:49 PM
Dear Carla, Jim and team at L/L Research, first both me and my wife would express our sincere gratitude for all the contribution you have made. A couple of questions we have, first is, are you aware of the channeling of the Cosmic Awareness (Cosmic Awareness Communications), just curious what your (or that of Quo's) thoughts are in regards to their message. The second question has to do with the coming harvest. As mentioned in previous cHanneled message that our planet will be "striking the clock" on December 12th, 2012. Also mentioned in the recent Cosmic Awareness channels was the 9 days period between the 12th and the 21st, during which the harvesting process would be completed. From your understanding or thru the informations you have received, what, in a physical sense, would happen? How would the process take place and how would that be perceived in a physical manner? I apologise if the questions seem unimportant or overlaps with covered materials and again thank you for any insights you may be able to provide us all with.