(12-06-2012, 09:14 PM)Pickle Wrote: Some of you are literally surrounded.
What is usually a case for the majority of this demographic is the belief of 'unworthiness' and that these entities are somehow 'better' than you are. This causes a block in your own personal 'space' (Or more accurately Vortex/Torus).
All Energy follows Thought. If there is on either a conscious or unconscious level an idea contrary to the notion that you truly are Unlimited, powerful and a Creator being in your own right blocks will form in the energy stream. These 'Blocks' could be likened to thoughtforms in your own 'Aura'/'Field'/'Space' embodying such an idea, and as Pickle stated, create a 'Shield' or 'Filter' with the Parameters of 'Guides must appear this way'. One can do themselves injustice because they are then restricting the ways in which Entities can appear in a way which cannot be seen as infringing* upon your own Free Will. Belief in unworthiness especially can really throw you out of sync with 'higher' entities which truly believe all are equal and of the whole.
The below is a similar principle in a visual representation. I can't find a more 'direct' depiction at this time but consider the 'Headache' to simply be a block in your Crown. The 'Block' is caused by your Thought, and since all Energy follows Thought, you are creating a 'void' where Intelligent Infinity cannot readily penetrate due to the beliefs you embody. As stated above, this can range from beliefs of unworthiness to religious filters to simply disbelief in the paranormal. That being said, you may consider your Health 'problems' to be the same. Currently many have the 'belief' that popping a pill will 'cure' the dis-ease. What is really happening is the belief embodied within that pill by the collective and individual, whereas if only one had the faith that you are a spark of the divine, and that you do not need pills to 'heal' but rather the inherent knowing you orchestrate your reality, and always have.
You will always get what you ask. The Universe is very literal in that sense. Instead, look on the fact that you currently do not have communication as an indicator (and thus a gift) showing you there are some inner issues which may need addressing.
*Infringing in this circumstance being bypassing those filters/thoughtforms. The issue is many of these are often made on a level you aren't readily aware of, which is why you need to do some probing into your own thought processes and acknowledge/release.