(12-05-2012, 02:41 AM)kanonathena Wrote: I must say I quite enjoyed all the subtleties, I need to actually talk to communicate in a more physical sense. I have played games with another girl before over a span of one year, the result is a disaster. Even though we met in person only a few times, never really talked, she never admitted anything, after the event has passed she kept playing the game one-sided for years.
With the other girl, we played for almost a year, later when I choose to confront, I found she had be with another guy for a month. Knowing that there is nothing I can do I chose to leave.
I have to say this situation is almost exactly what happened to me once. As I said before there was another sadistic element to it. But my emotional state at the time, and your description here are very very similar.
During this period I picked up a book called 'the sociopath next door' by Martha Stout, very good book, I got a very strong right ear ringing (the strongest I have ever had in the right ear.)
I feel like there's more I should be able to offer.