So if we go down the gradual path without any form of 'tipping point' or abrupt moment to it, how do you think we're going to 'discover' the first 4D body? What will be our reaction?
How much time after 4D entities start incarnating here will it take for us to notice it happening? In other words, when do transitional bodies stop incarnating? Come December 21st, 2012 (or some other symbolic date), will all the transitionals start incarnating as pure 4D?
Will the full 4D entities starting to incarnate only be witnessed by transitionals or will there be any full 3D types left by the time that happens?
Some small things I noticed:
Transition period length is not fact; it is theory. Even the window is not to be considered 'accurate'.
Also, in response to the idea that Harvest/4D development started in 1936:
Cancer rates have been rising ever since 1936; maybe even earlier... In the above quote too, RA says that 4D work is already being done, which to me is synonymous with 4D development... Anyways, might give a little more credit to the idea
I'm having a hard time believing early 4D experience is not already underway...
How much time after 4D entities start incarnating here will it take for us to notice it happening? In other words, when do transitional bodies stop incarnating? Come December 21st, 2012 (or some other symbolic date), will all the transitionals start incarnating as pure 4D?
Will the full 4D entities starting to incarnate only be witnessed by transitionals or will there be any full 3D types left by the time that happens?
Some small things I noticed:
Quote:Questioner: Then what will be the time of transition on this planet from third to fourth-density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to estimate due to the uncharacteristic anomalies of this transition. There are at this space/time nexus beings incarnate which have begun fourth-density work. However, the third-density climate of planetary consciousness is retarding the process. At this particular nexus the possibility/probability vortices indicate somewhere between 100 and 700 of your years as transition period. This cannot be accurate due to the volatility of your peoples at this space/time.
Transition period length is not fact; it is theory. Even the window is not to be considered 'accurate'.
Also, in response to the idea that Harvest/4D development started in 1936:
Quote:40.9 Questioner: Has the vibration of the photon increased in frequency already?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is this influence which has begun to cause thoughts to become things. As an example you may observe the thoughts of anger becoming those cells of the physical bodily complex going out of control to become what you call the cancer.
Questioner: I am assuming that this vibratory increase began about twenty to thirty years ago. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The first harbingers of this were approximately forty-five of your years ago, the energies vibrating more intensely through the forty-year period preceding the final movement of vibratory matter, shall we say, through the quantum leap, as you would call it.
Cancer rates have been rising ever since 1936; maybe even earlier... In the above quote too, RA says that 4D work is already being done, which to me is synonymous with 4D development... Anyways, might give a little more credit to the idea

Quote:40.15 Questioner: Thank you. A very important concept. Does the fact that the basic vibration that we experience now is green true color or fourth-density account for the fact that there are many mental effects upon material objects that are now observable for the first time in a mass way such as the bending of metal by mind?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the final query in total of this working. This is not only correct but we suggest you take this concept further and understand the great number of entities with the so-called mental diseases being due to the effect of this green-ray true color upon the mental configurations of those unready mentally to face the self for the first time.
Are there any brief queries before we close?
I'm having a hard time believing early 4D experience is not already underway...