(02-12-2010, 02:09 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: Oh I forgot to mention. If you are doing this as a test... nothing will not manifest brother. You have doubt. In order to manifest, you must have no doubt, and in the case of the shower screen, she must visualize it in the shower and working perfectly in order to manifest such.
Very well, but I have to say this only increases my confusion. For there have been times when I had absolutely no doubt whatsoever that something would happen a certain way, or that something would manifest for me, etc. in the past, and yet it did not- this being well before I had ever heard of the law of attraction. Certainly this must be true of others as well... How are those situations made sense of?
(02-12-2010, 02:09 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: If one manifests wanting something, they will get just that; wanting something.
If one manifests something that they received in the past, they will get just that; something the received in the past.
This is a subtle but important point, yes. We made certain from the outset to focus on the end result as if it were already existing where it needs to be, and the consequent emotional joy that this would provide.
In a way, the law of attraction makes perfect sense in so far as how it ties in with my knowledge of our spiritual nature, co-creators. But I am at a loss as to how I can actually apply it. It is a large task. What we do in our lives is generally viewed in a cause and effect sort of way, I.e. I go to college, I get a higher paying job. I lift weights at the gym, I become stronger. I need a shower filter, I have to take some action to find one. I accept that I have been conditioned in the society in which I live to believe this way- which is why I thought starting small would bolster confidence to work on a larger scale. But if this is folly, what is the viable roadmap for someone such as myself to use this principal?
(02-12-2010, 03:57 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: When you meditate on something, you need to come from your heart as if you already have it. So having the feelings of already acquired it. Then, it may not come in the way you expect. There may have been other intuitive choices along the way that were not regarded that would have led to that. It's also about being able to feel your intuition, and some times action may need to be taken.
Thank you Gemini, but how does one bring about feelings of already having something when deep inside your mind you know that you do not have it? It's sort of like the saying, you cannot un-see something. The mind cannot trick itself, it cannot tell itself that something is true when it is not, at least not without a deep ripple of doubt.