12-04-2012, 06:02 AM
(12-02-2012, 02:10 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I might tweak this a little to say that if the desire is from orange/yellow ray, it has much more potential to turn negative, due to the propensity for control with those rays. But it need not necessarily be so.
This desire could also be just unpolarized...? And yes, it doesn't need to turn negative, but speaking of negative/positive interpretations of a catalyst, which come before the birthing of the desire to act/not act, if the interpretation of a catalyst is negative, then it is probably streaming from the lower rays, right? And if the interpretation of a catalyst is positive, then it is probably coming from the green ray and above? What do you think?
Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:But Ra said that "there are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green-ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures."
I think they might mean only green-ray or above, which is why there are so few. If they meant simply inclusive of green ray, I would be inclined to say there are a lot more than a few.
I agree.
(12-02-2012, 04:45 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: I get the feeling that once the green ray is penetrated, the propensity of the entity to utilize the typical modalities of the lower centers is greatly reduced, due to (but not limited to) the incredible shift in thought and behavior patterns pre and post integration of green ray, and the unifying nature of green ray. Like you said, "if the desire is from orange/yellow ray, it has much more potential to turn negative, due to the propensity for control with those rays."
Think of the way higher energy pulls lower energy into conformity, and of the magnetic alignment/polarization of the "material" of self being attracted upwards into green ray and expressed solely through green ray, fully integrated.
I liked what you wrote above. Do you think that once the green ray is penetrated there is indeed such an incredible shift as you speak of here, or do you think that this shift might be more gradual, and the entity is still fighting and battling with many catalysts and constantly appearing blockages in lower rays, which might block the instreamings into the green ray from time to time?
(12-02-2012, 04:51 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Bring4th_Aaron Wrote:Think of the way higher energy pulls lower energy into conformity, and of the magnetic alignment/polarization of the "material" of self being attracted upwards into green ray and expressed solely through green ray, fully integrated.
I agree. We know that once the energy hits green ray, there is a natural propensity for it to move into blue and indigo. It doesn't require the same sort of work that is required to move the energy through orange and yellow into green.
But again, blockage is the key here. If the seeker attempts to keep the energy only in the green ray, and not allow it to continue the upward movement, then it backs up into yellow and orange, manifesting as distortions of elitism and control.
For example, this might display as competitive behavior around, "Who is the most compassionate?" and/or an attempt to define "compassion" in parsimonious terms.
For the moment I have more of a belief that it doesn't have so much to do with not allowing the energy to move upwards, but with continuously appearing catalysts and blockages which one needs to work with constantly. I believe that such is the nature of this density. This work *might* become less and less with time, but still needs to be done even when the green ray is penetrated.
(12-03-2012, 01:28 AM)Confused Wrote: (inspiration)
Very inspiring post, Confused!