(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: What I meant was- every treatment will have some degree of placebo effect. The actual degree to which it does depends on the patient- and also the practitioner.
I admit the whole subject of placebo is a bit of a sore spot with me, because I hear it so much in reference to the water. Whenever I tell my story to professionals, they often say "oh that was just placebo" or "you would have gotten the same results just by drinking any water" the latter of which is absurd, because have they ever heard of anyone getting off their deathbeds just by drinking any other water? Not to mention, that I didn't increase the amount of water! Most people do increase their water, of course, because most people weren't drinking enough water to begin with...but still, since when does drinking any other water produce results like these? It doesn't!
And the placebo doesn't apply here, because that is a human thing. Cats, dogs and horses don't have placebo. Neither do babies.
I know you're not saying it's all placebo, but I'm just sharing why it's kind of a pet peeve with me. If I were going to have a placebo effect, then I would have had it with the first machine I had (the competitor). But I didn't. Nothing happened. Then I got the medical-grade machine and all sorts of miracles happened! Not to mention my dog, who was essentially brought back from the dead!
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: People have a hard time thinking big picture. Period.
Yeah. What gets me is when they (the practitioners) accuse us of just wanting to make a buck, but then they refuse to even look at this because they don't want to lose business.
The irony is that the practitioners who do get the device and recommend it to their patients, see much better results with their patients, and when patients are happy they're more likely to refer others, so their businesses end up prospering even more, which, together with referral commissions from the company, more than makes up for patients getting well faster and buying fewer supplements.
Not to mention the ethics of withholding info that could help their patients! I may have already told you this story, but one of my naturopaths always talks about the patients who got off their deathbeds when he gave them this water, yet he still won't talk it up much! He seems very locked into his established protocol.
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: More importantly- my own! But gosh the way we have set up our belief systems and society in general... it sure is a challenge to make a living in a self-respectful way...
It's annoying that we even have to think about money at all! I would much rather just focus on helping people, with nary a thought about how I'll be able to pay my bills.
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I can't help but think of the droves who drive themselves to a big corporate box and sit in a cubicle all day every day because they see no alternative.
Been there done that! So you and I have a lot to be thankful for...at least our livelihood is something we enjoy and helps people!
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Self-promotion makes me uncomfortable...
You might try reframing...think of it as promoting services that help people, rather than promoting self.
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: maybe it's just a blockage of some sort... but on a broader scale it just annoys me that legitimate services have to be heavily promoted in order to stand out among all the garbage and flat-out fraudulent practices.
Yeah I know what you mean! I get tired of having to continually set the record straight about the junk machines out there...For example, some of them even claim to produce disinfectant water, but when you look at their specs, their machines don't reach low enough pH levels to disinfect! So unscrupulous! But consumers aren't educated enough to know what to look for.
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Well, see? That's what I mean. Personally, I see lamestream medicine as much LESS of a hindrance to what I am doing than all these bozos in the alternative health field hawking garbage to the unwitting public.
You said that before I disagreed at the time, but now I see your point.
(12-03-2012, 07:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: And then, on TOP of that we now have a wave of YouTube "gurus" leading people to believe that they don't even need ANY kind of professional help at all! Why pay a consultation fee, when Dan the Man can tell me everything I need to know for free!