12-03-2012, 09:30 AM
(12-03-2012, 03:04 AM)TheEternal Wrote: Interestingly, awhile later, I was attending an Ascended Master sound journeying event, and I had a huge resonance with the lady who was doing it, whom I found out resonates with Kia,
Was that by any coincidence Galilee?
Very beautiful name by the way.
Egypt, in this modern age of scientific measurement and observation limited to the rules and laws of the scientific community, tends to offer the world their understanding of Egypt based upon evidence discovered in archaeological digs. Literature, on the other hand offers us a glimpse into the Egyptian past according to the impressions and experiences of ancient authors and explorers.
I dare to say that your feelings that something is amiss, are not unfounded in lack of information or ignorance.
What you sense is an immediate discord with connections which may be deeply rooted in your consciousness.
There are many who claim to have strong ties to the ancient Egyptians, and yet eagerly follow after associations like Theosophy or reconstructions of what they believe to be Khemetic paganism.
I, like you, have a very disturbing sense when I try to associate with such information as it just seems to contradict with the connection I feel when I relate to ancient Egypt. The modern aspects and speculations are also in error of many things of which I have been made aware through my 'connections'.
For one thing it is my understanding that the modern dating processes have not accurately designated the true age of Egypt. That civilization dates back much,MUCH, further than what any of our text books and museums have suggested according to their gathered materials and information.
Either they have simply not dug deep enough, in the right places, or there is much that remains successfully hidden.
Egypt was one of those places, like Sumeria and Lumeria, which many mistakenly refer to as Lumeria, where the hybridizing of human and alien took place, and where the Lords of that operation made their homes and bases of operation. Su was a word which related to the Sun, and Lu related to the moon. The Ancient Ones held these cosmic bodies in sacred regard, and often used them as representations of the dual nature of creation.
And like Su and Lu, Egypt developed ritualistic tradition based upon what it was taught for thousands of years, which at some point became corrupted by both the loss of its source, and external influences bent on self satisfaction, which manipulated the rituals and traditions to be used as opportunities to support and nurture their selfishness.
Out of all of the ancient cities, came both ancient information which remains secretly preserved, as well as its apocryphal twin. And it is this apocrypha which most religions and cultures today observe.
Egypt, in its glory, was a far cry from the way it is modernly depicted as the slave controlled cities of Pharaohs. Just as Druidism is not accurately depicted by its modern day attempts at reconstruction.
It is my understanding that the druids are far more closely related to Ancient Egypt than the Celtic culture which today's history teachers/students relate it to.
Egypt was a place unlike the rest of the primitive planet.
Mankind lived in primitive nature, gathered in family groups as hunter/gatherers, migrating nomadically from one area of resource to another, and always in search of new resources and experiences. They had conquered fire and adapted to many variations of lifestyle in order to survive a harsh planet of constant struggle. There was no sense in building permanent homes for all of that effort would be a certain waste of time knowing that before the year was over they would be forced to move to another location in order to survive. Their homes were caves they found along the way, and cloth and plant shelters which sometimes could be dismantled and taken with them from place to place. But for the most part, carrying any more than was necessary would have been a burden on top of the many things which they had to carry that could not be left behind. Like their children, and their elders, for instance. who here has elderly family members or small toddlers that simply would be incapable of traveling across outdoor terrain?
This was the normal life of mankind in the early days of Egypt.
In those times, when man was still using stone tools and living in caves, some visitor from some other place, whoever or whatever it was, brought with them a very different way of life for humankind. And instantly alien civilization was born on earth, or at least in its more obvious surface places.
With this civilization came information and luxury. And also the agenda of those who brought it here, which entailed the experimentation with breeding and hybridizing.
The advanced degree of their state of being was so far beyond the primitive state the human, that it should not be surprising at all that the primitive humans considered them Gods. These gods were flying in the sky and constructing great buildings using methods that seemed more like magic than construction. And their tales of people living in the stars, and their declarations of being from those stars, and the majestically accurate knowledge they had of astrological conformation, certainly exaggerated that tendency to see them as gods from the heavens.
The amazing beauty and majesty of the cities which would have been constructed cannot be compared to stone buildings and pyramids which are today acknowledged as remnants of that ancient civilization. Much is either buried far deeper into the Earth, or completely eradicated for reasons of divisiveness.
In places like Gobleki Tepe, Hisarlik, and Jericho, it is becoming clearer that these places are systems of burial and reconstruction dating much further back into history than previously thought based on evidence discovered in the area. Such evidence originally pointed to a culture of bronze age stature, suggesting it to be the first of ancient civilized peoples. But now it is realized that what was thought to be the first construction there is in fact built over the top of much more ancient places.
There is also often the confusion of a mixing of cultural antiquities which should not have been found in the same places or that seem to be found in the wrong layer of strata believed to coincide with a particular time period.
It is my understanding that many of what is believed to be ancient sites, are actually survivor sites built over the top of places that was once known by those ancient people to be sacred and related to those gods of the much more ancient and advanced civilizations. This is why, in virtually all of these dig sites, we find depictions of technology which should not be related to the cultures and era of those lands, and also why we often find that there are many similarities and connections between sites found halfway across the planet from each other. Many ancient cultures seem to have many common themes and legends, which often suggest advanced status and traditional heritage and experience dating even farther back than the evidence found in the areas of their homes would seem to relate.
We are simply scratching the surface of the planet and trying to create a history from half of a page of the entire story. And science, in its state of glory and belief that it can do no wrong, has no reluctance toward declaring conclusions based on confounding and often conflicting evidence. Darwin's theory of evolution and much of neurobiology suffers from this disease. But much is taught in our schools as fact rather than speculation, while at the same time defiantly denying any argumentative evidence as inconclusive in comparison with the potential 'probability' of their own evidence.
Such is the Egypt we know today as the Land of the Pharoahs.