12-01-2012, 09:29 PM
(12-01-2012, 05:01 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I imagine this might have something to do with why these activities (meditation and astral travel) have become serious taboo to many Christians.
I found it interesting once I had my sort of miniature "awakening" that the Bible is seriously chock full of psychic phenomena. Tons of astral travel, I mean s*** tons. Visions, trances, telepathy, healing, even some channeling here and there(Probably a pretty common thing back in those days, widespread and accepted very much so in many forms) And alot, alot of meditation. Paul did it for years on end if I am not mistaken, Jesus did it obsessively(Every time he went off to a quiet place alone to pray). Basically every time one of these guys went off to pray, to my understanding, they also meditated thereafter. They just didn't call it meditation.
God told several people to "Be still"...It is funny looking at it nowadays just how extreme the fall of the church was. Holy s*** did we ever ruin this religion.