(11-29-2012, 07:24 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: So, take that as you will. But we have here a query that directly asks about the balance between wisdom and compassion, and Ra replies that this density learns the lessons of love. Otherwise, the remainder of the quote looks to support what you have been saying, and which I haven't disagreed with.
Yes, I'm not disagreeing with you either, on that point.
But, did you miss this?
85.16 Wrote:It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallization of this all-important springboard energy center.
Love is the springboard, and it may take "many, many essays into compassion" to get to that love; thus compassion seems to be the springboard into the springboard!
(11-29-2012, 07:24 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:This is why it's so difficult for humans to feel compassion for their younger 2D brethren.
It is difficult because feeling compassion for 2D entities is an advanced lesson in compassion.
Maybe, maybe not. I agree that it's far easier for 3D entities to feel compassion for other humans, than for 2D entities, especially if they were taught that 2D entities don't matter or are just things for us to use and consume.
But, as Pickle has repeatedly pointed out, much of that is programmed behavior. Many children naturally feel compassion for animals. We've all heard stories of children suddenly refusing to eat meat after learning it's a dead animal, but what happens then? The parents force them to eat it anyway, and after awhile, the child's natural repulsion is suppressed.
In light of this, I'm not sure it's really so hard. It's more likely just that humans are programmed to suppress the compassion that comes naturally.
But let's say, for a moment, that you're right, and it is an "advanced" lesson for a 3D entity to learn compassion for 2D entities.
If so, then I could understand why it might be difficult for most humans to 'get it.'
But that doesn't explain why it's so difficult for Wanderers.