11-29-2012, 03:49 PM
(11-29-2012, 03:34 PM)Pickle Wrote: I find the whole thing pointless.
I thought I should mention this anyways. It has not been mentioned, and wont make any difference for any of you. But, it could spark off other thought processes.
The majority are not polarized. Although, it is possible to be polarized, both directions.
Example, it is possible to be polarized 70% positive and 30% negative simultaneously. That would still be considered a positively polarized entity as hitting over the 50%STO causes an activation, while anything less than the 90s STS is not activating.
85.11 you may see that the service-to-self choice is one which denies the very center of the spectrum.
This is the green ray. I have come across one individual that seemed to be a positive identity, who later switched. The visible result of this switch is a heart chakra that looks like a black hole. Something for consideration.
some very good points Pickle.
from my reading of the material, when POLARISATION is measured, it is always in terms of positive or negative ratio; ie unpolarised or neutral activities don't count.
so by default, a 70% STO person is automatically 30% STS ... ie everyone is still selfish and self-indulgent on some level.
even a 95% STS individual has some concerns about personal family ties (some relationships have some nolstalgia and are not purely mercenary). Even Darth Vader felt 'something'.
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the other point being green ray ... I always thought this was the primary difference between STO and STS. But in some other threads, 4d and 5d negative seem to be missing blue ray as well.
I tend to go with your reading, that one group has the full spectrum, and the other group the full spectrum minus one vital ingredient.