02-10-2010, 02:50 PM
We've shared discussions before on this site, but I seem to have missed your original greeting. Thanks again for joining us.
I wonder if you might consider getting a free blog, such as at wordpress.com or blogger.com, where you could write at great length about all aspects of your integrating theories. You could, if you like, accept comments that go into a moderation queue for your review, enabling a two-way dialog while minimizing spam.
I also wonder if Ken Wilber's Integral Institute, and other Integral offshoots of his work, might be a place where people would avidly join your explorations of the theoretical frameworks underlying this unique transition time in which we live.
I wonder if you might consider getting a free blog, such as at wordpress.com or blogger.com, where you could write at great length about all aspects of your integrating theories. You could, if you like, accept comments that go into a moderation queue for your review, enabling a two-way dialog while minimizing spam.
I also wonder if Ken Wilber's Integral Institute, and other Integral offshoots of his work, might be a place where people would avidly join your explorations of the theoretical frameworks underlying this unique transition time in which we live.