11-24-2012, 11:03 PM
(11-21-2012, 10:11 AM)dbarber@nichetech.com Wrote: From my readings of the LOO materials, it appears that it was not until the One Infinite Creator became aware did It then decide to know itself in every way possible.
I've not found any reference as to what caused this awareness, and speculate that It became self-aware at which time It wanted to know Itself in every way possible.
There is always the possibility that an external force caused this awareness.
Anyone care to speculate or perhaps offer a reference to the materials?
In my opinion, dbarber, the One Infinite Creator was *always* aware, and always will be. This awareness is infinity, and is the heartbeat and foundation upon which all beingness and existence is predicated upon.
It is causeless. People have a hard time wrapping their head around this sometimes, because we are taught to think in linear ways where things have a beginning and an end. That which is causeless has no beginning, and will have no end. It is eternal. It has always existed.
It is "somethingness" as opposed to "nothingness", for nothingness cannot be. There is no nothingness. There has only ever been "somethingness" and this "somethingness" is consciousness. This is beingness. This is existence.
Now, the nature of "awareness" is to be conscious, but conscious of what ? The only thing that exists is consciousness in different patterns and configurations, whether it be the one celled ameoba, a beam of light, a rock, a human being, or even an entire planet. So consciousness can only be conscious of, yep, you guessed it -- consciousness. All that we know is simply a series of virtual patterns in the field of consciousness.
Now, what is "self-awareness"? Awareness of self is a specific kind of awareness. What is a self? A self is an identity -- a kind of ego, or reference point, or boundary between the inner and outer. There is outside of you, and their is inside of "you". And this particular distinction is created by having a "self". We could also think of it as the demarcation between *who* you are and *where* you are.
However, consciousness, in and of itself, is unbounded and unfocused. There is nothing external to an unbounded essence. It is intelligent, because it is the continuum of knowing or comprehension itself. Thus, it is intelligent by default. The substance of comprehension *IS* consciousness. Consciousness, in its natural state (what we might even refer to as 8th density consciousness if we were so inclined), is undifferentiated. There is only unity at this approximation of understanding and an awareness of infinite strength or potential.
A self, as it were, is a focus, or distortion of intelligent infinity. It is a boundary, or limit on the infinity that existed prior to its kinetic focus that amounts to this distortion. It is a narrowing of focus from the broad perspective to the less broad perspective. Limitations are not always bad though. For example, you cannot draw on your chalk board if you don't first erase all the chalk. You have to limit the amount of chalk on the board to write on the board.
You can think of the default state of consciousness as a chalkboard that is *completely* filled up. Everything that could be drawn is drawn. It is so filled up that there is no contrast to even set apart any writing from the board. The default state of existence is a plenum as opposed to a void or vacuum. Everything that could exist does exist at this level. However, in unity there is nothing to set it apart. Separation is an illusion, so in unity there are no objects or things to differentiate. It is ALL existence.
This is an important point to consider and understand. The creator knows all. It knows everything there is to know about everything there is to know. It is omniscient. It has always been this way and always will. It is always unified and always will be.
So you are probably wondering, well what in the world are we doing here then? The answer to this question is: you are not really here. Say WHAT?!!?! :exclamation:
What we perceive as "existence" is simply a minute cross section of the creators omniscience... Lets step back from the abyss for a moment, and consider this carefully. The creator knows *everything*. But........what does it actually mean to know EVERYTHING? Knowing everything also includes the awareness of what it is like to NOT know everything. Thus, illusions of separation come into being. And they are infinitely vivid and real seeming. They don't actually come into being (they always existed), but I'm trying to word this in a way that will make the most sense to this illusory "you" reading these words.
And when i refer to an "illusory you" I'm not saying you will stop existing. Don't worry, haha. The real "you" is the consciousness looking out from the perspective of the ego that you presently identify with. It is eternal. So rest easy in that. Nobody is forcing you to let go of any reality you hold dear. When you are done sleeping, you wake up. It's that simple. Not complicated at all.
So basically, what this giant wall of text I've written here is getting around to saying is: the creator didn't "choose" to know itself. It just does. Automatically. It "appears" to choose within the illusion. This is just a knowing of what it is like to choose. All choices are explored or known. And this knowingness manifests as a series of levels of consciousness which we have come to know as "densities". These levels, or planes of existence, are products of consciousness latching onto the "knowingness" or "consciousness" of what it is like to be ignorant, to create, to grow, to wonder. The experience stops when the identification with these "objects" stop.
(11-24-2012, 12:18 AM)kanonathena Wrote: Does creator become aware in the similar fashion third density being become aware in this octave?
As Ra has stated, each step in the densities recapitulates intelligent infinity in its discovery of self awareness. So the answer is yes, the Logos experiences a similar illusion.
(11-24-2012, 05:20 AM)dbarber@nichetech.com Wrote: I remain curious as to what caused The One Infinite Creator to become aware at which time It decided to know Itself in every way possible.
So basically, to summarize my earlier verbose explanation: intelligent infinity was simply doing what it did best: being infinitely aware, infinitely intelligent, and in that intelligence and omniscience is exploring all possibilities. Its basically engaged in an eternal act of knowing all, which is itself. In this knowingness, it explores the finite, the quantifiable, the measurable. This results in the illusion or dream of a creator who creates, what we would call the Logos. These things are all illusions appearing in the stream of infinite consciousness. A progression through densities appears to occur, but it is really just a dance of thoughts in intelligent infinity. We come to realize this as our awareness "appears" to broaden as we progress through these levels.
We wake up. We realize their were no levels. We realize we never left unity in the first place. Ad infinitum.