11-24-2012, 09:42 AM
(11-24-2012, 05:20 AM)dbarber@nichetech.com Wrote: My thanks for all replies to date. For Cyan, thank you for the link. Also, I'm not sure which definition of the word "arbitrary" (in your quote) is being used.
For Kanonathena, my understanding is that self-awareness is a prerequisite for graduation from 2nd to 3rd (although one in 3rd density could "invest" one in 2nd density so as to accelerate the process of graduation -- same for a 4th who could invest a 3rd, a 5th who could invest a 4th, etc.).
I remain curious as to what caused The One Infinite Creator to become aware at which time It decided to know Itself in every way possible.
In this situation, it is the same as Ra saying "soul that said that "i am complex"" or some such but said in a scientific way. Simply meaning that the root form of consiousness itself is kind of in the feedback process and the squaring system. I know its not a fancy way of saying it compared to some of the other guys who post 3 page long essays on FTL communication and the finer points of the hierarchy of thought.
But i like these due to their simplicity and archtypical quote like nature. And as i dont knwo them all straight from memory in their specific orders, i can listen to it and then some quote randomly remarks on something that i feel is significant and i move along.

Kind of like a compressed audiobook of some of the archtypes talking about what to do on a new planet with a bunch of people, sounds very relevant.