11-22-2012, 07:56 PM
we think
if we invest enough emotional energy into a thought, it can create a thought form
thought forms dwell within our energetic body, and are usually located at one of the chakras (depending on what type of thought form was created)
thought forms await an opportunity for expression
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the easiest way to see this in action is to observe advertising. Most advertising is based on sex, and once sexual desire is stimulated it attaches to the nearest object, in this case, the product or item being advertised.
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my own personal story? I followed tech and gaming religiously maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I watched the PS3 launch with fascination. It was too pricy at the time, and I didn't have hdtv or anything. I followed all the game releases for maybe the next two years, watching and reading reviews, but never actually played the games themselves.
Fast forward to last year, and there was a cheap deal on ps3's. Like dirt cheap. I jumped in, even though I was really quite disinterested in consoles (pc gaming is so much more interesting). I didn't know why, I just felt compelled to, such a good deal I justified.
I ordered 3 or 4 used games on ebay. This stuff all arrived one week. I played maybe 20-30 minutes each game, was bored sh*tless, and a few weeks later, dismantled the whole setup and threw it into my wardrobe, where it still sits.
I asked myself why the hell I went through this experience, and I can trace it back to the thoughtforms of desire from all those years ago. One can call it self-incurred karma, or self-generating reflective action.
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if we think on something enough, deeply enough, we will eventually experience it. Maybe it will be delayed by years, but thoughtforms don't decay on their own. They can be dismantled though. (rebalanced by thought alone).
if we invest enough emotional energy into a thought, it can create a thought form
thought forms dwell within our energetic body, and are usually located at one of the chakras (depending on what type of thought form was created)
thought forms await an opportunity for expression
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the easiest way to see this in action is to observe advertising. Most advertising is based on sex, and once sexual desire is stimulated it attaches to the nearest object, in this case, the product or item being advertised.
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my own personal story? I followed tech and gaming religiously maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I watched the PS3 launch with fascination. It was too pricy at the time, and I didn't have hdtv or anything. I followed all the game releases for maybe the next two years, watching and reading reviews, but never actually played the games themselves.
Fast forward to last year, and there was a cheap deal on ps3's. Like dirt cheap. I jumped in, even though I was really quite disinterested in consoles (pc gaming is so much more interesting). I didn't know why, I just felt compelled to, such a good deal I justified.
I ordered 3 or 4 used games on ebay. This stuff all arrived one week. I played maybe 20-30 minutes each game, was bored sh*tless, and a few weeks later, dismantled the whole setup and threw it into my wardrobe, where it still sits.
I asked myself why the hell I went through this experience, and I can trace it back to the thoughtforms of desire from all those years ago. One can call it self-incurred karma, or self-generating reflective action.
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if we think on something enough, deeply enough, we will eventually experience it. Maybe it will be delayed by years, but thoughtforms don't decay on their own. They can be dismantled though. (rebalanced by thought alone).