(11-19-2012, 01:52 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Yes, but the notion that reincarnation doesn't exist has little, if anything, to do with the teachings of Jesus.
The Gnostics make a good case for the idea that belief in reincarnation was standard back in the time of Jesus:
Most biblical references to reincarnation were erased from the texts back in 300 AD by Emperor Constantine, when they decided which books to include and which to leave out. There are many other 'scriptures' that openly talk about reincarnation, but they weren't included in the 'official' bible. Remember, the bible isn't one book, but a collection. Humans decided which books went into the collection.
Despite their best efforts, some references still remain:
Presumably, the reason they erased the references and established a '1- life' doctrine was to better control the populace; the idea being that if people knew they were eternal beings, they wouldn't be so susceptible to control and fear tactics. "Obey us or burn in hell!"
(11-19-2012, 01:52 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I still don't seem to be communicating the question clearly enough. There is no "attack" here on Christianity.
You didn't come across that way at all!
(11-19-2012, 01:52 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Anyway, forget about Christianity. Let's just talk reincarnation.
Why would an entity program an incarnation to have a belief that this is their "one and only" shot at physical life? Is there some advantage to this?
What other religions besides the Abrahamic ones don't believe in reincarnation? Any?
If none or few, then that is a clue, knowing what we know about the origins of the Abrahamic religions.
But getting back to your question, from the entity's perspective, I would guess that it has less to do with reincarnation per se, and more to do with choosing to incarnate into a very restricted lifestyle, required to answer to authorities, with fear at the base of it all.
So why would someone do that? Maybe (just guessing here) because they failed to polarize sufficiently for harvest during the first 73,000 years of this cycle, so they chose to raise the stakes during the last 2000 years.
They backed themselves into a corner. They couldn't manage to learn love on their own in 73,000 years...and now they would be forced to choose between 2 extremes, made into almost a caricature by fundamentalist religions.
Some of them, however, are Wanderers, incarnated into a religion to help reach people from the inside. They sacrificed knowledge of the truth, just as we all did when we agreed to be veiled.
All 3 Abrahamic religions contain the opportunity for polarizing in both directions; all 3 offer the full spectrum, from blatant STS all the way to lofty STO ideals and philosophies, with sitting on the fence and just doing as they're told, in the middle. It's all there, and depictions of the archetypes are all there too, just as in Tarot, Astrology, etc. Their holy books can be oracles. It's all laid out for them. The task is to choose.
Knowledge of reincarnation is among the nuggets of gold hidden in the teachings, but very few find it. For most, it isn't necessary to find it, and would even be counterproductive, because such knowledge is too advanced for an entity who has very little time to polarize. They didn't want to risk misinterpreting reincarnation into thinking "I have plenty of time...I'll polarize next lifetime." They couldn't afford that risk, so they locked themselves into the belief that "this is my only shot at it" which may even be true, in light of this being the time of the Harvest.
They chose to reincarnate into a belief system that this is their only life, because, from the perspective of it being their last chance to polarize this cycle, it IS their only life!