(11-16-2012, 02:54 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: If reincarnation exists, then why would all these souls keep deciding to come back as Christians that don't believe in reincarnation?
Here's a story I'm making up to answer your question.
Souls incarnated or developed or transferred to 3d planet Earth. They became lost and experienced much suffering. Various souls incarnated at various times to try to help them find a way to a better experience. Jesus was one of these. The people at that time were deeply moved by his message, which they understood only a little. A structured church developed, which spread the message until everyone on earth had been exposed to it. However, few actually understood the message. The church kept simplifying the message in order both to broaden the appeal and to maintain the power of those in control.
The influence of Christianity kept growing because there were still kernels of beauty and truth in the teachings, despite the flaws in the transmission of the story.
Gradually, once the message had been communicated to all on the planet, various entities began to grow in understanding it, the structure placed on the teachings began to crumble as the understanding of the actual teachings themselves began to grow.
That brings us to now.
Why did all this happen this way? Because that's the way we all wrote this story.
P.S. People don't necessarily keep coming back as Christians, do they? They could come back as anything.