one other thought here. it is not up to me to try and figure out what role someone is playing on this planet. if u commit evil u are evil. its really very simple. and i view evil people as evil not lightworkers ha ha. bush cheny rumsfeld wolfowitz - all evil. not lightworkers ha ha. people who molest children - evil. wall street monsters - evil . it is quite simple actually . i evaluate people by what they do not some possible role they might be playing in the grand scheme of things. and in norrals world i am not one with these people dont want to have anything to do with them and sincerely wish that they would dissapear and go be bloodsucking parasites somewhere else in this universe. to me man has been thrown under the bus by god. this reality is set up so that evil has the upper hand and to say that i am tired of it would be the understatement of the century. other than that i am having a good day ha ha and i actually like my life, i have had a good life on this planet, what i want to see is a good life for all, i want to see the exploitation the lies the deceit and the b.s end here i want to see all peoples valued and the realization occur that all of us are valuable and have something to contribute. i dont shop at walmart because i dont like their policies. i live by my principals and i believe i am as good as any man and any man is as good as me. hopefully hopefully we will wake up, look at one another and actually value each other and care about each others welfare. when i see someone suffer i suffer and i am well past the stage of rationalizing it. suffering in my world is not good . suffering is bad , evil is bad not good ha ha and evil people are evil ha ha. and if i had one word to describe myself it would be this - passionate - i actually care about others and want to see others lead a good life and i do not - repeat - do not like the rich thieves and archons who run this planet . they are my blood enemies . this might not be the Law of One but it is the law of norral ha ha for better or worse. not afraid to fight for what i believe in and refuse to be something i am not
p.s. - i am not really good at turning the other cheek ha ha but i think that should be obvious by now. i wont ever bother u or harass u but if u think u can harass me and not feel double the pain back u are living in a fantasy world. and that attitude has gained me respect , not love , from the people i work with.
p.s. - i am not really good at turning the other cheek ha ha but i think that should be obvious by now. i wont ever bother u or harass u but if u think u can harass me and not feel double the pain back u are living in a fantasy world. and that attitude has gained me respect , not love , from the people i work with.