11-16-2012, 01:25 PM
So as not to hijack this thread I would like to show how the last few threads related to the respect for animals.
The question arose for Cyan to define exactly what he meant by respect, and also how he would draw the line with regard to what animal life should be considered.
After a lengthy post where I tried to point out that categorization and expectation of a common experience would be a mistake because of the fact that we are all experiencing on very different levels, Tenet and I brought the discussion into a much deeper consideration of that Process of Being, which I think is pertinent to the OP, and the ignorance of such process to be the reason why some seem to simplify a very complex situation.
I would like to elaborate on something that Tenet had said about the evolution process and if the field of consciousness evolves to a degree where it can also create.
My trying to define the relation between Other and The One, and monism and dualism as Tenet had put it, resulted in my stating clearly that the proceeding fragment cannot assume identity as The Source of The All because the proceeding fragment/field of consciousness/thought process is not an identity at all, but rather a process. A process does not have identity as self. The only self is The One Source.
However, that does not mean that in the Divine Design that this fragment as it evolves cannot evolve into an ability to create.
Actually it is the teaching of The Ancient Ones that far into the past seven archangels were dispersed into existence for that very purpose.
These are fields of consciousness just as we. They were not more gods or sources, but creations themselves. The one known as The Green Man, or Peacock Angel, in many cultures, was said to be one who created the flora and fauna of the earth. It is believed that the Sacred Eye imprinted into the design of each peacock feather is a symbolic message to mankind and considered sacred by many pagans.
Of course, in the bastardization of it, as Tenet Nosce clearly laid out, that sacred eye has become known as the 'evil eye' by many who follow perverted aspects of ancient wisdom out of ignorance of the true past history and teaching. Just as many other aspects of pagan teaching has been corrupted into black magic evil representations. Actually the Green Man, also known as Cernunnos by many pagans, has been the source of one of the greatest of bastardizations, turning him into the devil now represented in the Baphomet representation.
The point is that such perversion and corruption of Ancient Wisdom results in many mistaken and inaccurate teachings, where people come to believe they are God, or that one of the archangels is some evil demon, or that there is no reincarnation of life and that in death some identity either goes to an eternal hellfire or a heavenly place of bliss.
Given such a wreckless history of perversion and manipulation, is the wise and intelligent seeker of truth and light not obligated to apply the most intense of discernment to all that he gathers as information?
And should they not be wary of any personal bias with which they most certainly would already be afflicted with?
Shall we evolve into a state of being where we can actually create our own worlds and creatures?
Given that we are already heavily endowed with so many godly attributes at this stage of being, why would it seem unlikely that we should acquire even greater abilities? The Mystery is infinite, and in such an indefinite period of procession much time is available for great potential. Considering that evolution is a process of attaining higher state of being, then that direction and exponential ascent should certainly allow for such speculation.
The degree of advance between man and ape, or if you would rather, man and primitive man, compared to the exponential advance of man's tools of construction and communication, whether accelerated by alien interference or not, would suggest a continuance of such escalation/ascension.
However, I once again point to the element of life and creation that exists in every form, the Sacred Fire. Without that there is nothing. And in any evolved state of being or higher being, that element is not acquired by evolution. Rather it is the essential component of evolution. That is to say, that even as a field of consciousness reaches such a state of being/evolved degree that it is enabled to create, we must remember that it is 'endowed' according to Divine Design. It has always had that element within it throughout every stage of its evolution, from the time of its creation as thought, to its higher stage of being. The enabling is not a feat of its own quest. It has always been rooted in The Source from which it spawned. And according to Divine Design and Process, reaching particular stages of being and evolution/advancement/ascension that fire activates certain attributes relative to that state of being/vibration/distortion. But, its origin is not from the proceeding fragment, it is from the One Source that all originates from.
Just as we cannot attribute the origin of the ability to rationalize and theorize/intelligence to our state of being, we also will not attribute creative powers.
The Sacred Fire which dances in the form of every creation originates at The Source. And we, proceed from that Origin and Source. We are a process which contains that element/sacred fire, just as all processes do. And just as the amoeba shall not assume to be the origin of that sacred fire within it, neither shall the archangel or the evolved higher being.
The process does not become the Source as long as that process accelerates into an Infinite Mystery of the serpent chasing its tail and never catching it.
The Process of Being is The Source being and experiencing. In that truth all are one. But, the Process and potential being infinite and undetermined, insists that All is process, never The Source.
One Consciousness proceeding into Infinite Mystery.
Undetermined and infinitely potential Mystery does not become The Source of its procession. And we are that procession, that process of being.
The process is The Other proceeding from The Source; the field of consciousness; the thought wave; the sound/voice/word; vibration; materialization; the spiral; the vortex; the Serpent Goddess; the divine feminine. Duality.
To discover the divine feminine, the divinity within, is to discover the Divinely designed dual nature of existence, and the paradoxical Mystery of The singular manifestation of The One as The All.
Such discovery reveals that there is One Self, One Identity deliberately manifesting in a dual nature as a Process of Being.
And no aspect of that 'process' can claim identity as the Source when it is nothing more than the 'procession' of That One Being.
And as we consider this complexity and dilemma, how could any aspect of process categorize based upon its own arrogant understanding, or expect another aspect of that infinite and varying process to comply with its stage or state of being?
Again I ask, respect and compassion based upon what degree of evolved understanding?
All that we have to work with is state of being. And what we evolve into depends entirely on the interaction of The All. Our obligation should be to The All and that which we would like it to be as it evolves.
If we desire it to be a state of being filled with love and light rather than hatred and darkness, than we know what path we need to walk, what ingredients we need to add to our recipe, and what materials we need to place in our storehouse.
But having said that, we should always remember that each and every other also proceeds with the same choice and if we deny that choice, or judge it with condemnation based upon our own decisions and choices, then we invariably deny our own process of being.
Again I ask, respect and compassion based upon what degree of evolved understanding?
It is in ignorance of the divine 'process of being' that one expects anything of The Other; it is by Divine Design a Mystery free from expectation.
Seek love and Light if you will, but remember your freedom to do so and accord it to The All as well.
The question arose for Cyan to define exactly what he meant by respect, and also how he would draw the line with regard to what animal life should be considered.
After a lengthy post where I tried to point out that categorization and expectation of a common experience would be a mistake because of the fact that we are all experiencing on very different levels, Tenet and I brought the discussion into a much deeper consideration of that Process of Being, which I think is pertinent to the OP, and the ignorance of such process to be the reason why some seem to simplify a very complex situation.
I would like to elaborate on something that Tenet had said about the evolution process and if the field of consciousness evolves to a degree where it can also create.
My trying to define the relation between Other and The One, and monism and dualism as Tenet had put it, resulted in my stating clearly that the proceeding fragment cannot assume identity as The Source of The All because the proceeding fragment/field of consciousness/thought process is not an identity at all, but rather a process. A process does not have identity as self. The only self is The One Source.
However, that does not mean that in the Divine Design that this fragment as it evolves cannot evolve into an ability to create.
Actually it is the teaching of The Ancient Ones that far into the past seven archangels were dispersed into existence for that very purpose.
These are fields of consciousness just as we. They were not more gods or sources, but creations themselves. The one known as The Green Man, or Peacock Angel, in many cultures, was said to be one who created the flora and fauna of the earth. It is believed that the Sacred Eye imprinted into the design of each peacock feather is a symbolic message to mankind and considered sacred by many pagans.
Of course, in the bastardization of it, as Tenet Nosce clearly laid out, that sacred eye has become known as the 'evil eye' by many who follow perverted aspects of ancient wisdom out of ignorance of the true past history and teaching. Just as many other aspects of pagan teaching has been corrupted into black magic evil representations. Actually the Green Man, also known as Cernunnos by many pagans, has been the source of one of the greatest of bastardizations, turning him into the devil now represented in the Baphomet representation.
The point is that such perversion and corruption of Ancient Wisdom results in many mistaken and inaccurate teachings, where people come to believe they are God, or that one of the archangels is some evil demon, or that there is no reincarnation of life and that in death some identity either goes to an eternal hellfire or a heavenly place of bliss.
Given such a wreckless history of perversion and manipulation, is the wise and intelligent seeker of truth and light not obligated to apply the most intense of discernment to all that he gathers as information?
And should they not be wary of any personal bias with which they most certainly would already be afflicted with?
Shall we evolve into a state of being where we can actually create our own worlds and creatures?
Given that we are already heavily endowed with so many godly attributes at this stage of being, why would it seem unlikely that we should acquire even greater abilities? The Mystery is infinite, and in such an indefinite period of procession much time is available for great potential. Considering that evolution is a process of attaining higher state of being, then that direction and exponential ascent should certainly allow for such speculation.
The degree of advance between man and ape, or if you would rather, man and primitive man, compared to the exponential advance of man's tools of construction and communication, whether accelerated by alien interference or not, would suggest a continuance of such escalation/ascension.
However, I once again point to the element of life and creation that exists in every form, the Sacred Fire. Without that there is nothing. And in any evolved state of being or higher being, that element is not acquired by evolution. Rather it is the essential component of evolution. That is to say, that even as a field of consciousness reaches such a state of being/evolved degree that it is enabled to create, we must remember that it is 'endowed' according to Divine Design. It has always had that element within it throughout every stage of its evolution, from the time of its creation as thought, to its higher stage of being. The enabling is not a feat of its own quest. It has always been rooted in The Source from which it spawned. And according to Divine Design and Process, reaching particular stages of being and evolution/advancement/ascension that fire activates certain attributes relative to that state of being/vibration/distortion. But, its origin is not from the proceeding fragment, it is from the One Source that all originates from.
Just as we cannot attribute the origin of the ability to rationalize and theorize/intelligence to our state of being, we also will not attribute creative powers.
The Sacred Fire which dances in the form of every creation originates at The Source. And we, proceed from that Origin and Source. We are a process which contains that element/sacred fire, just as all processes do. And just as the amoeba shall not assume to be the origin of that sacred fire within it, neither shall the archangel or the evolved higher being.
The process does not become the Source as long as that process accelerates into an Infinite Mystery of the serpent chasing its tail and never catching it.
The Process of Being is The Source being and experiencing. In that truth all are one. But, the Process and potential being infinite and undetermined, insists that All is process, never The Source.
One Consciousness proceeding into Infinite Mystery.
Undetermined and infinitely potential Mystery does not become The Source of its procession. And we are that procession, that process of being.
The process is The Other proceeding from The Source; the field of consciousness; the thought wave; the sound/voice/word; vibration; materialization; the spiral; the vortex; the Serpent Goddess; the divine feminine. Duality.
To discover the divine feminine, the divinity within, is to discover the Divinely designed dual nature of existence, and the paradoxical Mystery of The singular manifestation of The One as The All.
Such discovery reveals that there is One Self, One Identity deliberately manifesting in a dual nature as a Process of Being.
And no aspect of that 'process' can claim identity as the Source when it is nothing more than the 'procession' of That One Being.
And as we consider this complexity and dilemma, how could any aspect of process categorize based upon its own arrogant understanding, or expect another aspect of that infinite and varying process to comply with its stage or state of being?
Again I ask, respect and compassion based upon what degree of evolved understanding?
All that we have to work with is state of being. And what we evolve into depends entirely on the interaction of The All. Our obligation should be to The All and that which we would like it to be as it evolves.
If we desire it to be a state of being filled with love and light rather than hatred and darkness, than we know what path we need to walk, what ingredients we need to add to our recipe, and what materials we need to place in our storehouse.
But having said that, we should always remember that each and every other also proceeds with the same choice and if we deny that choice, or judge it with condemnation based upon our own decisions and choices, then we invariably deny our own process of being.
Again I ask, respect and compassion based upon what degree of evolved understanding?
It is in ignorance of the divine 'process of being' that one expects anything of The Other; it is by Divine Design a Mystery free from expectation.
Seek love and Light if you will, but remember your freedom to do so and accord it to The All as well.