11-15-2012, 12:51 PM
(11-14-2012, 09:37 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Where does the Sun end, and a ray of light begin? Yes, we can talk about them as if they are separate, and even learn something that way. But they are, in fact, identical.
Ah but this is where we do part ways my friend. They are not identical just because they are connected to each other as one process. The ray of light cannot create another ray of light from its own construction/design. The ray of light proceeds from its Source and is connected to that source as a continuing aspect of it, but it is NOT that Source. Only That Source can produce a ray of light. Only The Source can produce the thought/fragment. Once produced these cannot assume the state of being as their Source simply because they are connected as one process of being. Such are the processes, and NOT the Source or designer of the process.
We are One because we are all connected by that sacred design and that Source. And that sacred connection, is the gateway to realizing that process and the truth of self, which is why all of the ancient teachings point to it as a portal and gateway to The Other/Higher Being.
It is not a coincidence that so many ancient teachings have their wells,cauldrons and portals. The substance is not in the synchronizations or the analogies, it is in the seed of the Tree. Cut open an acorn and be amazed to discover there the Flower of Life.
There are no coincidences. And there are no destinies.
There is Divine process, and such are we.
Like the acorn, should you dissect us down to our most miniscule parts, again you would discover this Flower of Life.
The Druids did not worship the Oak tree out of foolish religiosity as the modern day re-construction attempts would make it seem. The druids honored an ancient truth which is found there and the Tree, along with many other symbols and analogies were sacred to them for the truths and wisdom they revealed, and revered because of that revelation.
Today science reveres what it observes in the microscope, a religion of its own, a reverence of its own, but the difference is that they are not connected to the ancient sources as were the Druids of old.
The difference between science and wisdom is that the latter is accrued via original sources, whereas science can only observe the remnants and hypothesize.
The Source is key to understanding the process it has set in motion. Just as the Source is vital to knowing the Tree from The Acorn within.
In all of these aspects of material manifestation there is that vital spark deep within which enables the 'process of its being'; that central point of The Flower of Life, the energy which entices the acorn to reach for both the sun and the Earth to develop into the Oak, the drive which directs the sperm to the egg, the field of awareness which causes the single cell of the fruit fly to develop in a Petrie dish solely according to what it senses via that field of consciousness of its immediate environment.
Do you see the common denominator here TN?
Each has its dual aspect and that is a crucial aspect of its process into further being.
The seed must fall into the Earth and take root. But in the same process it must also reach for the sun. A root alone cannot fulfill the process. nor can the top growth sustain the process without its root.
The human cell will not begin to develop until both the egg and the sperm are united as one.
The field of consciousness must have an environment with which to interact or it is nothing more than comatose awareness of nothing, which is unconsciousness.
Understanding such truth reveals that two is no illusion, but an absolute necessity of the process of consciousness being conscious rather than unconscious.
Sustenance comes from two sources, and this is the way with all existence, from lower process of being to higher process of being, and all the way from top to bottom.
As Above, So below!
This is precisely what that means.
I do not attune to the application of the hologram as an example of the Tree of Life simply because it has been used to suggest that each is The One, rather than an aspect of The One process of being.
It is an applicable example if applied properly. But used inaccurately to support self gratification it can be a tool of corruption.
I much rather like the analogy of the mirror where the reflection continues on and on infinitely as long as there is place and time made available for it to manifest. The reflection is NOT you, the Source of it, but the process of reflection is a continuing process of your manifestation.
And it exists only if certain parameters/elements are designed in which it can manifest. Parameters/elements which it, as a reflection/fragment/process of its source, cannot devise.
Its existence/manifestation relies completely on Its Source, and this is the way with all forms that bear the Sacred Flame and proceed to be according to Divine Design.
The thought/sound/light/energy/flame that proceeds from The Source cannot assume the identity of the Source. The ray of light proceeds to be according to design. The thought proceeds to be a conscious process of The Source of it.
All are One Divine Process.
None are The One Source, except that One.
The Two become one via the Sacred Process of connection only because that is how The One has designed it.
The Flower of Life is NOT The Source. It is the result of The Source designing and applying its intelligence in thought process.
(11-14-2012, 09:37 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote: Shin'Ar
The thought is NOT The Thinker. The Thinker has the identity. The process of it thinking does not have identity. It is just a process.
Tenet Nosche-"The thought has been endowed with consciousness, and because of this is has the potential to acquire identity."
Yes, identity based upon its interaction and experience with the environment designed before it. Identity which changes as it evolves with each and every variety of environment it experiences and becomes subject to. It cannot assume to be The Source of its very creation/environment though.
(11-14-2012, 09:37 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Not while in human form, no. In order to become The Source, the entity would need to attain complete formlessness.
And how does that which was created become that which created it? How does the 'proceeding' thought process become the 'source' of intelligence from which it spawned?
Consider that the tree does not become a Seed. The Seed becomes a tree. In this Design does the Source become its spawn, and the spawn become a reflection/procession/reproduction of its source. But minus the divine process of being such cannot happen. Without the Sacred Fire the seed and the sperm remain inert matter with no process of being. And neither can endow themselves with that Sacred Flame.
Tis the Sacred Flame which establishes the distinction between source and spawn. The spawn has it because it is endowed with it. Only The Source can provide it. And THIS is where the One and The Other are not identical in every aspect of conformation.
This is why there is death and decay.
When that Sacred Flame moves from a form of being, that form no longer proceeds to be, that process has been moved to an other and an other process of being continues via that Sacred Flame's influence. Without it, there is not One, or any. With it, there is All.
(11-14-2012, 09:37 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: What the average person thinks of as identity is not at all identity. That is merely a mask. Yes, I get that. But I am not talking about that kind of "identity." That kind of "identity" goes along with the popular notion of "love" and all other manner of nonsense of the masses.
And that kind of thinking is the 'process of being', which is a process, and not the Source of it.