(11-14-2012, 03:12 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: I'm finding that the more I worry about money, the less I have of it.
Yeah it's a real pita for me as my energies are constantly countering my wife's energies as far as how things manifest. Any time I remove my family from the thoughts/equation things go smoother. Pretty sad in that aspect. But my wife's focus is counter productive to what I actively work with. I can't move forward as easy as possible until she integrates this particular issue.
Oh, and one of the things I just noticed, making a decision to spend money "no matter what" on something that would benefit my future plans, made the money fall into my lap. I was surprised at how it all came together. The secret seemed to be needing the money for something aligned with my purpose. Rather than money for "wants" or frivolous stuff.