11-13-2012, 10:19 PM
(07-19-2012, 11:06 AM)caycegal Wrote: If Muhammed was "the last," then what about Carla, Edgar Cayce, Abraham, etc.
Muhammad is never said to be the last "Prophet", I guess just the last of the major Abrahamic or Great prophets. One of the most interesting points/little factoids I ever came across while doing religious studies was that in Judaism it is understood that besides the Prophets mentioned in the bible there were likely hundreds of thousands if not millions of others throughout the timeline of the Old Testament, of all religions and all nations indiscriminately. The Catholic Church teaches that every nation has a angel/group of angels watching over it or given responsibility for it. A vastly different way of viewing things than what I was taught in Church, that it was only the Jewish people, Jewish religion, and Israel that were looked over by God, the chosen people. All of the others were rejected as evil degenerates.