11-13-2012, 03:40 PM
I consider most of the images I see figurative. If I see an image of Jesus, for example, that doesn't mean I think you're the reincarnation of Jesus, but that there are elements within the energy that remind me of traits I consider to be exemplified by Jesus. Every once in a while I'll pull out an image that is directly specific to the person I'm reading (Oh my god, I have a whole COLLECTION of whale figurines! How did you know?!?), but generally the images are just used to convey concepts I otherwise wouldn't be able to easily describe. The initial "feel" of a person's energy is beyond words for the most part. Therefore, when I mention different deities, it might be well for you to research those figures and see what their energy means to you. Ultimately these clues are provided for your informative benefit, not mine.
Your ego struggle is something I see within a lot of seekers who have natural leadership potential. I have gone through it myself, in realizing how much importance people place on my words, and how much my counsel is valued and taken seriously. Several times I have slunk back in the shadows because I just didn't want to face the responsibility of it, sure I would fall to the temptations of my ego and use this influence to manipulate, or that I would give bad advice and end up hurting someone.
I think a lot of the distortion comes from what the role of "king" or "leader" actually consists of. We have been trained to view this position in a hierarchical sense that denotes superiority over others. A true leader, in my opinion, is simply a joiner of people- one who can take numerous opinions and personalities and ideas and weave them all together and organize things on a communal level. Some people have the natural ability of bringing people together and arranging things in a way that flows smoothly. This is not only an acceptable role, but a very valuable one. Leaders also serve to inspire and motivate the people- to offer them direction, counsel and guidance. Being a true leader doesn't involve sitting on a throne with a crown of gold on your head, because it is the love of your people that will crown your aura in radiance. So toss away all the "kingly" images society has implanted in your head and just let it come naturally.
It is also good to note that everyone makes mistakes. A lot of leaders quell their own potential out of the fear of doing something wrong, but if you're not willing to risk some mistakes and bumpy patches, you simply won't unlock your true potential. Positive leadership isn't about a flawless campaign, but in giving your all to your people each step along the way. Your best will be less on some days than others. All that matters is that you give your best, whatever it may be at the moment. I've given some pretty bad readings, and had my advice interpreted in ways that turned out to be harmful, but if I had shut down any one of those times, I wouldn't be writing this sentence right now. When something goes wrong you dust yourself off, pick up the pieces, and you keep going, and the world doesn't end. If you are truly a good and just leader who is loved by those he serves, they will understand your imperfections, and their strength will lift you up. Ultimately, issues with the ego boil down to fear of failure. Realizing you can't fail will resolve this conflict.
It is difficult for me to really explain where the "head voices" come from. I have my own rather hefty guidance system, of course, and at times I am able to communicate with the personal guidance systems of others, if that person is willing to allow the connection. There are also presences that many would deem "angelic" that I am in contact with. However, I think for the most part I simply slip "into the grid." I pop into the collective consciousness and just listen and pick things up. A reading might consist of any or all of these things...I just don't put too much thought into it. I've learned how to sort out the pertinent information from the "filler" and from negative suggestion, so it's mostly just a matter of distilling whatever information is most relevant and organizing it into something that makes sense.
Your ego struggle is something I see within a lot of seekers who have natural leadership potential. I have gone through it myself, in realizing how much importance people place on my words, and how much my counsel is valued and taken seriously. Several times I have slunk back in the shadows because I just didn't want to face the responsibility of it, sure I would fall to the temptations of my ego and use this influence to manipulate, or that I would give bad advice and end up hurting someone.
I think a lot of the distortion comes from what the role of "king" or "leader" actually consists of. We have been trained to view this position in a hierarchical sense that denotes superiority over others. A true leader, in my opinion, is simply a joiner of people- one who can take numerous opinions and personalities and ideas and weave them all together and organize things on a communal level. Some people have the natural ability of bringing people together and arranging things in a way that flows smoothly. This is not only an acceptable role, but a very valuable one. Leaders also serve to inspire and motivate the people- to offer them direction, counsel and guidance. Being a true leader doesn't involve sitting on a throne with a crown of gold on your head, because it is the love of your people that will crown your aura in radiance. So toss away all the "kingly" images society has implanted in your head and just let it come naturally.
It is also good to note that everyone makes mistakes. A lot of leaders quell their own potential out of the fear of doing something wrong, but if you're not willing to risk some mistakes and bumpy patches, you simply won't unlock your true potential. Positive leadership isn't about a flawless campaign, but in giving your all to your people each step along the way. Your best will be less on some days than others. All that matters is that you give your best, whatever it may be at the moment. I've given some pretty bad readings, and had my advice interpreted in ways that turned out to be harmful, but if I had shut down any one of those times, I wouldn't be writing this sentence right now. When something goes wrong you dust yourself off, pick up the pieces, and you keep going, and the world doesn't end. If you are truly a good and just leader who is loved by those he serves, they will understand your imperfections, and their strength will lift you up. Ultimately, issues with the ego boil down to fear of failure. Realizing you can't fail will resolve this conflict.
It is difficult for me to really explain where the "head voices" come from. I have my own rather hefty guidance system, of course, and at times I am able to communicate with the personal guidance systems of others, if that person is willing to allow the connection. There are also presences that many would deem "angelic" that I am in contact with. However, I think for the most part I simply slip "into the grid." I pop into the collective consciousness and just listen and pick things up. A reading might consist of any or all of these things...I just don't put too much thought into it. I've learned how to sort out the pertinent information from the "filler" and from negative suggestion, so it's mostly just a matter of distilling whatever information is most relevant and organizing it into something that makes sense.