I've been noticing more and more 'guidance' related phenomena recently. Firstly I see little sparks of light that seem to be signs of confirmation, they are just little sparkles that appear in my vision when I am thinking of something, around people's heads when they are smiling or saying something important, or just floating around text that has interesting ideas. At first they were either white or dark indigo bordering on black but now I see them in blue, green, occasionally yellow, orange and red.
I've done a lot of work on clearing my blue-ray energy center and now I feel a big lump of energy in my throat every once in a while when I am thinking about something or telling someone about something which I take as confirmation too.
The most useful and consistent form of guidance for me has been music. My Higher Self seems to think of themselves as somewhat of a DJ and there's almost always a song playing in my head that has lyrics or a melody that fits the situation I'm in quite well. Related to this, I have a really good memory when it comes to music, I can remember songs I haven't heard for years almost note for note and I've spent a lot of my life hunting down obscure music that has the emotional charge I am looking for. I've had this "personal DJ" as long as I can remember, except for some little periods when I gave into self-doubt and depression, but even then I would put my huge music collection on shuffle and the songs I needed to hear would come to me.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I do tarot readings too
I've done a lot of work on clearing my blue-ray energy center and now I feel a big lump of energy in my throat every once in a while when I am thinking about something or telling someone about something which I take as confirmation too.
The most useful and consistent form of guidance for me has been music. My Higher Self seems to think of themselves as somewhat of a DJ and there's almost always a song playing in my head that has lyrics or a melody that fits the situation I'm in quite well. Related to this, I have a really good memory when it comes to music, I can remember songs I haven't heard for years almost note for note and I've spent a lot of my life hunting down obscure music that has the emotional charge I am looking for. I've had this "personal DJ" as long as I can remember, except for some little periods when I gave into self-doubt and depression, but even then I would put my huge music collection on shuffle and the songs I needed to hear would come to me.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I do tarot readings too