Nope, did not miss it.
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote: Surely the new breed are those who are already here for fourth density experience who currently reside in dual activated bodies?yes.
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote: why would the mixed yellow/green ray environment "necessitate" the birthing of a transitional body if everybody will still be around after the planet is fully 4D?Full activation of 4D is not the same as quantum leap to 4D. 4D here "instreams", but does not manifest on its own, but with intelligence from inhabitants. It's just "vibration" in potential. Requires intelligence.
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote: Ra stated that full activation of the planet will happen after roughly 30yrs (Dec21/2012?) and that the transitional period had already begun in the past.Misinterpretation.... Obviously Ra did not state that full activation will happen after roughly 30 years.
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote:Doesn't state "fully". So nope.Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years.
Questioner: After this period of thirty years I am assuming that this will be a fourth-density planet. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote:Because 75,000 years (or more) of weathering can completely obliterate any signs of artificial life? Kinda simple if you bother to think about it.Quote:Physical deactivation makes absolutely no sense as a natural process. 3D does not designate 1D material as belonging wholly to 3D, otherwise any thought associated by a 3D being with 1D material would cause it to be 3D - which is a ridiculous proposition.
How do you explain Mars then? when we observe it now it's just a barren rock/desert with no signs of there ever having been life and yet Ra says that third density entities lived there before coming to Earth 75,000 years ago?
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote:It depends on the weathering process and the building construction. Now we know there is a great deal of wind and sand.Quote:Questioner: Where did the people who are like us who were the first ones here, where did they come from? From where did they evolve?
Ra: I am Ra. You speak of third-density experience. The first of those to come here were brought from another planet in your solar system called by you the Red Planet, Mars. This planet’s environment became inhospitable to third-density beings.
Quote:Questioner: Were the entities of the Red Planet following the Law of One prior to leaving the Red Planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The entities of the Red Planet were attempting to learn the Laws of Love which form one of the primal distortions of the Law of One. However, the tendencies of these people towards bellicose actions caused such difficulties in the atmospheric environment of their planet that it became inhospitable for third-density experience before the end of its cycle. Thus, the Red Planet entities were unharvested and continued in your illusion to attempt to learn the Law of Love.
Quote:Questioner: How long ago did this transfer occur from the Red Planet to Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. In your time this transfer occurred approximately 75,000 years ago.
Wouldn't there be at least a few signs of a previous civilization?
(11-09-2012, 11:00 PM)Mcik Wrote: I'll admit it's hard to get my head around and even some of things you have said have gone over my head but I'm just giving my interperatation having studied the books without any outside influence. I seem to be coming from the same angle as Vasistha.Which doesn't attempt address anything at all about "abrupt vs gradual". I'm talking about the context of the thread.
(11-10-2012, 12:58 AM)Parsons Wrote: zm has his opinion, we have ours. He doesn't miss anything. The mind will creatively interpret or ignore things (such as sections of the Ra/Q'uo Material) if it doesn't fit in with the crystallized world-view. Short of Ra setting things straight on what they meant, nobody will be convinced if they are at all entrenched. I already called for contact to set things straight and got the gw_v questions thread. Even channeling an 8D source (essentially the Creator) and directly clarifying what will happen does't seem to clear this up. We will just have to wait about 40 days or less to find out the climax of this story.You purposely did not say anything one way or the other. You said "we will see" which is what we always do, of course. Being "convinced" vs "entrenched" is 100% meaningless, do you see? Just another artificial dichotomy. Gotta love it.