(11-07-2012, 10:30 AM)LetGo Wrote: Thank you both.
i understand the idea that "Everything we do is channeling" but i meant specifically the kind of channeling offered by Darryl Anka (Bashar) and others.
My point being that most of the information was already here, and some has been for a very long time. I was looking for thought on the matter not based on the Law of One. You can answer anything with LOO philosophy, that doesn't necessarily make it true.
LoO is true if it resonates with you. If it does not resonate with you, you should leave it at the wayside.
That being said, for me, the secret to resonating with the LOO material for me was vibrating at my "green ray energy center". I had embraced compassion for non-spiritual reasons not as a mental thing, but as a vibration heart thing, 110% a few weeks before I found the material. So ultimately it was my heart, not my mind, that the philosophy resonated with.
I think many times, we can know something (ie, all are one), but we do not "vibrate" with that knowledge, or to put it another way, that knowledge is not in the core of our being. I've had many a friend tell me that they acknowledge I mentioned a spiritual truth, but they had to "understand it" in their own way. I know that's also personally been true with the following statements:
"My heart warms to hear you say that"
"Don't let it get to your head"
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
I thought I understood them at a mental level, but that never made them resonate with me till I really just had personal experiences that struck home that knowledge.
Quote:This actually brings me to another thing that I've been thinking about. LOO leaves you with the impression that any great achievement mankind has made (science or philosophy) was either thanks to a 'higher dimensional being' having something to do with it, or the person being a wanderer...this kind of leads to infinite regression. It also discredits humans in the way that they couldn't have reached the thought independently.
I'm pretty sure the LOO can answer that, that's exactly the problem.
I'm not sure I have the same impression. There is talk of wanderers, but there is also talk of humans who achieved many things (not necessarily good things) including Saint Augustine, Saint Teresa, and Saint Francis of Assisi, George Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, The Roosevelts, Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan just to name a few.
If knowing truth mentally was enough to spiritually evolve, we'd all be basically one with source.
It's knowing truth at a deeper level than mentally - it's knowing it vibrationally, that brings us closer to the source.
Develop that latter form of knowing, and I think you find out what we mean when we talk of resonance. Good luck in your journey!