11-07-2012, 08:37 PM
(11-07-2012, 07:48 PM)Vasistha Wrote: Catalysts can be extremly painful, and sometimes you just want to scream that you never existed. To balance a distortion, it is necessary to amplify it manyfold, this is the way it works. The catalysts only get stronger as the entity progress toward its chosen path.Yeah it's really weird. Well not weird but it's agitates me to see catalyst pop up that I know are for my own good and I know why they are popping up but I reject them. I feel like I'm giving a big middle finger to the creator. Perhaps I can ease some of this through pickle's suggestions. I forgot there are tools beyond meditation and prayer to empower oneself.
I keep seeing the label "new age" pop up and why it is a bad thing. For me my instinct was to not be new age but honestly i think it's neither good nor bad. Simply a label that people either shy away from or gravitate to whether perceived positive or negative. The catalyst was in my face in my Native American traditions class. I'm not used to such blatant catalyst but I'm sure this is a good sign that I may seek tangible answers. Which segways perfectly into Pickle's post...
(11-07-2012, 07:58 PM)Pickle Wrote: My hobby is playing with energy. I notice that prayer as to what you want, and WHY, can have an effect. If there is practicality involved in a need or wish, and it is aligned with your real purpose it comes about almost on its own. First it will happen, then you will look back and go "oh crap, it DID work!" It isn't always obvious at first. And sometimes reality sets it down in front of you and you don't even notice.I like how you say playing instead of working. I know I can do this, I already feel my will is thy will. Forget manifesting a ficus, I know what I really desire.
(11-07-2012, 07:58 PM)Pickle Wrote: I am fully aware of my other self, but that is all. I work with everyone that was lined up for me as far as guides, then use free will to utilize other guides as well to speed up the game. I use the tools they give me, and the abilities i successfully claim. I am not always successful at "claiming". I might see the astral with my corporeal eyes, but after the initial excitement wears off so does the ability. Then they cycle me through another ability like clairaudience. It's like i said "cool!" during the experience, yet i did not take it seriously. Now i am taking things a bit more seriously and they are reconnecting me slowly.
Figure out EXACTLY what you want and exactly WHY you want it. The WHY is important and fills the "intent meter". Things do not easily manifest just because we might think it is cool to do. Once you catch on to a coupke of manifestations (that may have taken time) you will want to look back and consider everything that went into it. Cool stuff if you get the hang of it. For manifestation you can choose the help of many archangels, guides, multidimensional entities, your "other"self.
Oh and emotion. Emotion is a direct connection to your help.
If you feel depression they are aware and they have their hands tied. If you can channel the emotion into a plan, they have something to work with.
Ya know Pickle I thought of you and your guides today, actually a few hours ago. I was gonna ask you about them. I thought that would be a good way to get answers, finding my guides. My higher self is a bit mysterious. The messages I receive are encoded in dreams. I will ask for all enspirited beings present to reveal themselves in my dreams before I go to sleep (and directly in a lucid dream).
Edit: oh span and I wont forget the why! thanks for that tip. I never have considered the why, other than for the greatest benefit of all beings, but that gets a bit old and isn't the truest why I could use always.
Admittedly I've shyed away from guides and especially angels because I was uncomfortable with them and labeled them as new age. Maybe I should call upon the Buddha. Of all entities the idea of the Buddha is most comfortable to me. Right up there with my higher self. Sometimes the skin on my head tingles and I imagine it's the Buddha tickling me or something. I'm about ready to roll up my sleeves and get busy with some other forms of spiritual practice. I don't know where to start but I will begin my alchemy in baby steps. I feel like a main lesson in this phase of life is directly connected the content of this thread.
what do you mean by other self pickle? higher-self?
and thanks guys this feels like a real community to me. I feel this thread has been inspiration for self-empowerment.