(10-31-2012, 02:36 AM)rie Wrote: Anderson Cooper & this cat? lol
Haha most definitely!
(10-31-2012, 10:46 AM)Pickle Wrote: Along those lines can you imagine that you know you will come back through your descendant in two generations, and must program your own children properly, in order that you in turn are properly setup for your own return? If we all worked in this fashion the world would be quite different. We would take care of our children in the way we are supposed to, and we would pay more attention to what is happening in the now.
Hmmm...interesting idea. That may be true in many cases, but in other cases, the entity might wish to experience a different ethnicity, for varied experiences. Of the past lives I remember, most were European, but at least 1 was Native American. My husband remembers being Chinese, likely for many lifetimes because it's very deeply ingrained, but then has a very vivid memory of being German. And in my past life memory of being Native American, I saw him in my life too. Now he's Hispanic. So he has bounced around quite a bit!
Maybe we tend to reincarnate as a descendant, if we wish to further explore a certain pattern, in that ethnicity, and then bounce over to something else entirely.
It has been speculated that extremely materialistic, greedy people often reincarnate as a starving child in a 3rd world country. Karmically, it makes sense.