10-30-2012, 04:06 PM
I hope that your cousin recovers easily and swiftly. Learning of our purpose here is huge, and I wish him well. Another lesson, that I imagine he realizes, is that his on job site accident was deliberately planned and designed for his soul evolution.
There is no such thing as an "accident." All of the awful things that befall many of us, physical or emotional losses and pains, are all designed with a wise and loving purpose for our soul growth.
The following is a copy of a thread I contributed to (in "Patrick's Story," under Wanderer Stories). Perhaps this thread may now become a post area for all of us with NDE memories to share:
My NDE (I was 25, I'm in my 60's now), is remembered mainly as the greatest joy of my lifetime. Bliss is the best word I have for it. It was an absolute safety and an absolute calm, and an absolute certainty of understanding both macrocosm and microcosm. Also a complete (within and without), celebration of the joy of love and truth.
When I first died, I remember seeing my father (who had died when I was 14), and his mother (I had never met this grandmother). They were standing shoulder to shoulder, smiling, and facing me. They were carrying a long healthy loaf of challah between them. The loaf was long enough to cover the one's right waist, and the other's left waist, and they were holding it out, and offering this challah to me.
I don't recall what I thought of this at the time, other than the feel of simple bliss, but I think now that they were offering me life. That it was not yet my time to leave this planet.
The other clear recall I have, was of being in a sort of "school." We (there were many of us) were seated in a round amphitheater. We were all wearing very dark robes (blue or black I can't say), and we all had the hood of these robes over our heads. In this manner, I could not see another's face, and they could not see mine. We were all comfortable strangers to each other, and I think now that we were all of us experiencing our NDE.
The circular floor, if human actors were to appear, was below us. But the action, the teaching, was from a sphere, floating above that floor, just at the perfect eye level. This sphere was in a constant rotating movement, both fast and slow. The design on the sphere (hard line math, soft flowing learning) and the many colors of this sphere were constantly changing.
It was a fascinating learning of All space-time and time-space truth. And it was so simple, so very easy to grasp and to understand. It was delightful.
I've no idea of what all my companions sitting in the audience with me recall, but my recollection remains the bliss of wisdom. I feel sure that I still have all of it within me, deep within me, but most of this learning is not conscious. However, I keep surprising myself.
I have the sort of face (even when I was younger), that people seem to trust and talk to. Just yesterday this happened again, and as usual I've no idea (though maybe I do), where my words come from. But knowing somehow, how to draw the correct analogies for each individual, how to teach with gentle joy, how to suggest a preference towards wisdom behavior . . . I've no idea what I'm going to say before I say it . . . And I'll probably never see yesterday's young woman again . . . but somehow I know that that no meeting of strangers is "accident."
And for me, the car "accident" which lead to all this learning, has changed my life in more tangible ways too. Because of my NDE, and all those months in the hospital in and out of coma, there are some things I'm sure about.
I'm positive that That One is real, I know that this life is our school, I'm certain that Reality Is, and that this "reality" has its good purpose. I know that there are no accidents, and no "time," but that if there was time, that I am very old. What I really look like, and what dimension I'm from, is accepted in my heart, but I cannot say with the same certainty.
But atleast now I feel that I have some understanding (and yes, it has taken all these years), of the major lesson I am here to learn, and of what good I may do meanwhile.
I was a hippie artist (and I made a living), but as soon as I learned to walk (wheelchair "for life" lasted 2 1/2 years) I became a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and a Hypnotherapist. I'm now mainly retired, but not completely.
It's up to your cousin, and time will tell, just how this experience will change his heart, and mind, and life.
There is no such thing as an "accident." All of the awful things that befall many of us, physical or emotional losses and pains, are all designed with a wise and loving purpose for our soul growth.
The following is a copy of a thread I contributed to (in "Patrick's Story," under Wanderer Stories). Perhaps this thread may now become a post area for all of us with NDE memories to share:
My NDE (I was 25, I'm in my 60's now), is remembered mainly as the greatest joy of my lifetime. Bliss is the best word I have for it. It was an absolute safety and an absolute calm, and an absolute certainty of understanding both macrocosm and microcosm. Also a complete (within and without), celebration of the joy of love and truth.
When I first died, I remember seeing my father (who had died when I was 14), and his mother (I had never met this grandmother). They were standing shoulder to shoulder, smiling, and facing me. They were carrying a long healthy loaf of challah between them. The loaf was long enough to cover the one's right waist, and the other's left waist, and they were holding it out, and offering this challah to me.
I don't recall what I thought of this at the time, other than the feel of simple bliss, but I think now that they were offering me life. That it was not yet my time to leave this planet.
The other clear recall I have, was of being in a sort of "school." We (there were many of us) were seated in a round amphitheater. We were all wearing very dark robes (blue or black I can't say), and we all had the hood of these robes over our heads. In this manner, I could not see another's face, and they could not see mine. We were all comfortable strangers to each other, and I think now that we were all of us experiencing our NDE.
The circular floor, if human actors were to appear, was below us. But the action, the teaching, was from a sphere, floating above that floor, just at the perfect eye level. This sphere was in a constant rotating movement, both fast and slow. The design on the sphere (hard line math, soft flowing learning) and the many colors of this sphere were constantly changing.
It was a fascinating learning of All space-time and time-space truth. And it was so simple, so very easy to grasp and to understand. It was delightful.
I've no idea of what all my companions sitting in the audience with me recall, but my recollection remains the bliss of wisdom. I feel sure that I still have all of it within me, deep within me, but most of this learning is not conscious. However, I keep surprising myself.
I have the sort of face (even when I was younger), that people seem to trust and talk to. Just yesterday this happened again, and as usual I've no idea (though maybe I do), where my words come from. But knowing somehow, how to draw the correct analogies for each individual, how to teach with gentle joy, how to suggest a preference towards wisdom behavior . . . I've no idea what I'm going to say before I say it . . . And I'll probably never see yesterday's young woman again . . . but somehow I know that that no meeting of strangers is "accident."
And for me, the car "accident" which lead to all this learning, has changed my life in more tangible ways too. Because of my NDE, and all those months in the hospital in and out of coma, there are some things I'm sure about.
I'm positive that That One is real, I know that this life is our school, I'm certain that Reality Is, and that this "reality" has its good purpose. I know that there are no accidents, and no "time," but that if there was time, that I am very old. What I really look like, and what dimension I'm from, is accepted in my heart, but I cannot say with the same certainty.
But atleast now I feel that I have some understanding (and yes, it has taken all these years), of the major lesson I am here to learn, and of what good I may do meanwhile.
I was a hippie artist (and I made a living), but as soon as I learned to walk (wheelchair "for life" lasted 2 1/2 years) I became a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and a Hypnotherapist. I'm now mainly retired, but not completely.
It's up to your cousin, and time will tell, just how this experience will change his heart, and mind, and life.