It's kind of crazy the spiral of prescriptions that someone can pick up just for standing out in school. I look at my girlfriend who was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed adderall when she was young. She took them for years, altering her brain chemistry with powerful stimulants until she was diagnosed with Anxiety (really? I wonder if it's all those dextroamphetamines making her anxious), which led to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and so on and so on with an ever increasing pile of (expensive!) prescriptions. They had her on Lithium, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, stimulants, and anti-anxiety medication. These pills did nothing to help her, they just kept her numb, to escape that numbness she attempted suicide, definitely not the actions of someone who felt these medications were curing her. Thankfully she has realized that she doesn't really need them anymore and after a somewhat difficult detox period she is now free from them, and what's more she seems like an actual human being now and not the zombie all those pills had turned her into.
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