02-02-2010, 08:29 AM
Hi ayadew,
glad to hear that the worst is over. This is a very important subject. Here I send you Love /Light and offer some help. I have experienced greetings of this nature several times in the past - they are not to be taken lightly. A cleansing of your home /flat / building is required.
I had followed Ra's advice and formed a "seal" of sea salt around the perimeter of my flat, these crystals being instructed to not allow any Negative entities to cross. However, partly due to convenience I have reverted to simply burning sage whilst blessing the house, again being careful to cover all the exterior walls, nooks, crannies etc. My intent is set during the cleansing - I may repeat the words "bless this house, in the name of our Infinite Creator shall no entity of negative polarity enter this abode", or similar. My understanding of this process is that the pure intent is made manifest through performance of the ritual.
A crystal grid in your home can also help to maintain a high frequency - not the sort of thing that negative entities really enjoy. It sounds like you are an attractive target to warrant this degree of attention from our 5th density friend, concluding that you must become both well versed and disciplined in various psychic shielding techniques. I could not have “survived” the greetings I have received from negative Entities in the past had it not been for the presence of the Christ within my heart. More I do not wish to say. Christ is the warm comforting blanket of loving knowingness.
It’s ok to ask for help when fighting these battles that are in every way as “real” as anything we experience here. This I have been told time after time. My message to you would be to fight these “intruders” with a Sword of Light. Just as the Negative Polarity has it’s own “pecking order” the Positive also has it’s hierarchy. I must focus intent to invoke the Entity to be of help. In my case it is the Christos Family along with the Angels.
The Christ has the power of the Violet Flame of Love, able to transmute fear and negativity into Love / Light. This is just one of the tools available for the lightworker.
The following meditation can be of great assistance when making a Calling:
In a standing position, or if seated with both soles flat on the ground and back straight. Close your eyes, Feel the white Infinite Light Energy flowing from above through the Crown Chakra down the spine to the Green Ray Center, the Heart Chakra. Now visualise the connection you have with Mother Gaia, the Energy rooting you to her crystalline heart . This Light flows upwards and meets also in the Heart Chakra. Now you are truly One, protected from both below and from above by the Love / Light centered in the your physical Body. At this time a request my be made for the Angel or Guide closest to you to enter your sphere of Light. You will feel the presence now. If you so desire you may ask a favour of your Angel / Guide, you have been granted this wish. Feel the healing Light illuminate your body, your Light sphere growing in size and magnitude. Your consciousness is indeed not limited in any way whatsoever, you are a limitless and radiant Being of pure Love / Light. Request that this connection be maintained, that you may always sense your true nature in respect to the Creator.
Please excuse the longer post, I justify on the grounds of importance for all forum members who share these experiences.
Love & Light
glad to hear that the worst is over. This is a very important subject. Here I send you Love /Light and offer some help. I have experienced greetings of this nature several times in the past - they are not to be taken lightly. A cleansing of your home /flat / building is required.
I had followed Ra's advice and formed a "seal" of sea salt around the perimeter of my flat, these crystals being instructed to not allow any Negative entities to cross. However, partly due to convenience I have reverted to simply burning sage whilst blessing the house, again being careful to cover all the exterior walls, nooks, crannies etc. My intent is set during the cleansing - I may repeat the words "bless this house, in the name of our Infinite Creator shall no entity of negative polarity enter this abode", or similar. My understanding of this process is that the pure intent is made manifest through performance of the ritual.
A crystal grid in your home can also help to maintain a high frequency - not the sort of thing that negative entities really enjoy. It sounds like you are an attractive target to warrant this degree of attention from our 5th density friend, concluding that you must become both well versed and disciplined in various psychic shielding techniques. I could not have “survived” the greetings I have received from negative Entities in the past had it not been for the presence of the Christ within my heart. More I do not wish to say. Christ is the warm comforting blanket of loving knowingness.
It’s ok to ask for help when fighting these battles that are in every way as “real” as anything we experience here. This I have been told time after time. My message to you would be to fight these “intruders” with a Sword of Light. Just as the Negative Polarity has it’s own “pecking order” the Positive also has it’s hierarchy. I must focus intent to invoke the Entity to be of help. In my case it is the Christos Family along with the Angels.
The Christ has the power of the Violet Flame of Love, able to transmute fear and negativity into Love / Light. This is just one of the tools available for the lightworker.
The following meditation can be of great assistance when making a Calling:
In a standing position, or if seated with both soles flat on the ground and back straight. Close your eyes, Feel the white Infinite Light Energy flowing from above through the Crown Chakra down the spine to the Green Ray Center, the Heart Chakra. Now visualise the connection you have with Mother Gaia, the Energy rooting you to her crystalline heart . This Light flows upwards and meets also in the Heart Chakra. Now you are truly One, protected from both below and from above by the Love / Light centered in the your physical Body. At this time a request my be made for the Angel or Guide closest to you to enter your sphere of Light. You will feel the presence now. If you so desire you may ask a favour of your Angel / Guide, you have been granted this wish. Feel the healing Light illuminate your body, your Light sphere growing in size and magnitude. Your consciousness is indeed not limited in any way whatsoever, you are a limitless and radiant Being of pure Love / Light. Request that this connection be maintained, that you may always sense your true nature in respect to the Creator.
Please excuse the longer post, I justify on the grounds of importance for all forum members who share these experiences.
Love & Light