(10-26-2012, 01:33 AM)Parsons Wrote: This has brought interesting catalyst in discussing this article with my wife who has a BA in psychology and working towards her masters. She unfortunately treats the field of work as her religion and does not agree with this article. Oh well, at least she has made some headway in understanding that government and financial institutions are corrupt.
One of the fun things about marriages/relationships is they give you a chance to practice loving another while letting that person have different ideas, beliefs and behaviors. I think this can be very healthy as long as both persons are able to grow and are not suffering in the relationship.
I wonder how much psychologists differ from MD's, psychiatrists, ministers, gurus, etc. My experience is that I really can't generalize about any of these fields, and there are people in any field who are vibrating on a higher or lower frequency, and thus allowing more or less room/opportunity for others to grow.
I dropped out of the counseling field probably because of past-life experiences in which I may have used some authority over others to control them -- so in this life I am extremely focused on learning not to attempt to control others. This is the best guess I have been able to make about why I was unable to stay in that field. Also I guess I had learned what I had to learn from it and needed to move on to other fields of learning.