10-25-2012, 10:38 AM
(10-25-2012, 09:37 AM)Siren Wrote: To recognize and uphold external figures of authority takes that power/free-will away from yourself, diminishing/limiting/restricting your innate ability to exercise that quintessential divine principle: free-will. To lend that free-will to others ("their will be done over mine") empowers the enslaver/master/elite.But truly exercising free will is not really the province of 3D. We are made to be dependent on others for the purpose of learning yellow-ray lessons. Therefore, each other-self is made to be an authority in some capacity, for the sake of convenience, in one or more circumstances. This is the daily life of 3D. We may acknowledge the ideal of self sovereignty and even think we appreciate it, but it is not the purview of 3D. So we are back to the question of how to recognize authority.