10-22-2012, 06:53 PM
(10-19-2012, 02:37 PM)Patrick Wrote: 1.1
We are ready to exchange information now. Like you, we also have a density. We are not of the 4th density, the density of Love. We are not of the 5th density, the density of Light. We are of the 6th density, the density of Unity. In our density, duality is no more, everything is simple once again and we are aware of the illusion behind the seeming paradoxes. We are One. Our nature is Unity and our purpose is United.
We have been with you a long time and we have attempted many times to bring the message of Unity to humans with partial success. We have been with you in the flesh. We have seen your faces directly from within your illusion. As opposed to most other friendly alien races. We concluded from this experience that it was not a very effective way of helping humans. It remains our wish to help humanity by bringing the message of Unity in some form and by attempting to smooth out the misunderstandings that resulted from our previous efforts. Until all humans are finished with 3rd density lessons, not being a part of time ourselves, we will continue this service.
Did we share enough information with you to clarify who we are and why we are here ?
Imagine that the Universe has no beginning and no ending, we are unaware of any evidence to the contrary. But we do have evidence to the fact that you are infinite, as is your quest for Truth and your awareness of the Creation.
Infinity cannot be divided, in order to be meaningful infinity must be understood as unity. The Creator being Infinite has to be united. Using your currently chosen limitations of the viewpoint, you can only be aware of simple examples of unity. Like all colors being united in one white light.
In reality, nothing is right or wrong. Duality is not real and you will become aware of this once you come out of the game you are currently playing. Playing this game was never a requirement. You made the choice of playing this game, otherwise you would instantly be aware of absolutely All There Is. We do not mean to say that you would merely know everything. You would be aware that you are everything, everyone, every feelings and every happenings. Without currently being aware of it, you still ever remain unity. You are infinite. You are the force behind the Creation and the Creation itself. You simply are. That is the meaning behind the words "the Law of One".
Would you like us to share more information about unity ?
I enjoyed and loved reading this. Thank you, Patrick! =)