10-21-2012, 04:45 PM
(10-21-2012, 12:54 AM)010894 Wrote: Are we really going through a dimensional shift?
Yes. And it is occurring as we speak. To simplify matters, we may put it this way: at this particular nexus in time this planetary sphere, as a collective whole, is undergoing a major evolutionary transition—the next quantum leap in consciousness, if you will. It is to be noted, first and foremost and above all, that this is a shift in awareness, not in materiality. That is not to say there won't be material effects. Naturally, gradual but rapid physical changes will follow as a result of, and to adjust to, the radical shift in global awareness. By the same token, old belief systems, suppositions, calculations, assumptions, theories and paradigms—social, political, religious, scientific or otherwise—are bound to crumble, break apart, fall away and/or be completely redefined (the same way a flora/fauna 2nd density entity sheds its survivalistic instinct and trades it for higher values of beauty, knowledge, love, etc, as it it graduates to 3rd density). The stage will change, the lessons will be different, the experience will be another altogether.
Quote:Is there anything I can do to prepare myself for it?
You are already preparing yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be asking. The quintessential purpose/lesson of 3rd density experience is to make a choice. It is simple: the choice is service. It is then when you truly and finally ascertain this choice within yourself—your true "vocation," so to speak—that you shall finally find your "purpose" in life. This shall be confirmed and reinforced by that which feels right to you. Once ascertained, you shall then be able to follow your chosen path without doubts, insecurities or hesitation but full of certainty, dedication and purity of intention. This is the true nature of service. And the choice is service.
To clarify any grey areas of confusion that may arise, the choice is two-fold; that is, to either (1) deny, infringe, undermine, violate and subvert the free-will of other-selves in order to serve solely your-self, or (2) to respect, accept, support, honor and uphold the free-will of other-selves and thus harmoniously serve every-self. This is the choice. And the choice is yours and yours only.
Remember that ultimately all service is service to the One Infinite Creator.
Quote:How will it happen?
Variable. This is subject to individual and collective basis. I am aware that some entertain the idea of an "instantaneous ascension;" an if I am to offer you my insight on this I must tell you that it won't happen that way. The transition is both a rapid and gradual process. Individually, some entities are sufficiently ready to begin a 4th density experience with their current bodies at the present. Others will follow. The collective/global adjustment, of course, is something that will occur gradually over a period of "time." This is, from my vantage point, irrelevant/transient.
If I could offer you a suggestion, it would be that you do not concern yourself temporal measurements, but instead focus on the actual change/transformation that is occurring.
The most common type of transition will be the cessation of the yellow-ray (3D) physical vehicle's viability in order to take up a new 4D green-ray body upon the next incarnation in the already electromagnetically-calibrated 4D planetary sphere.
The least common of all cases will be a physical/genetic/chemical transmutation that will either reconfigure a 3D body to dual 3D/4D and/or to full 4D early-green body activation. This will be, as I surmise, rare and only occur in isolated instances.
There are other related instances in which the 3rd density entity may be "assisted" by 4th density entities in the transition process.
Whichever the case, the yellow-ray body must be either "shed" or transfigured into a green-ray body proper of a 4th density entity dwelling within a 4th density planetary environment.
When/if you truly realize bodies serve merely as physical vessels/containers, then you will not worry as to whether you drop it or lose it or swap it for another.
Quote:What is astral travel like and how can it easily be done?
There are various aspects (as well as divergent opinions) to what is and what constitutes "astral travel" or "astral projection" (I do find these terms clumsy, I must say). In essence, what is generally regarded as "astral travel" is an "out-of-body" experience that occurs in the time/space portion of reality (whilst the body remains at rest in space/time).
Is this what you are inquiring about? I could offer advice and guidance (based on personal experience), but I would first like to know what is your understand of "astral travel" and what do you expect of it.
I will tell you, however, that given the proper dedication, stimulus, desire/intention, discipline and practice, it is relatively easy to achieve.
Quote:Is there any information you enjoy sharing and teaching others?
Yes! There is Infinity. This is All There Is. This is the Source and One Infinite Creator. There is no other. Thus, the only possible service is service to Self/One/All There Is. And the purpose of Creation is experience.
Quote:How exactly does astrology work, if it does?
You may have heard of "sacred geometry." The Creation of the One Infinite Creator is one of beautiful, intricate intelligent design and perfect order/balance. Astrology is based on the principle/law of resonance ("like attracts like"), or to put it differently: "soul frequency vibratory-match." Various archetypical biases, personality quirks, talents, gifts, proclivities, strengths, weaknesses and limitations are mathematically determined by spacial/temporal ratios—in the case of an incarnation, by point of entrance (i.e. time/place of birth in relation to other planets and stars). This is not to say one is "doomed" in a pre-destined fatalistic way, but rather, than one has pre-incarnatively chosen the "customization," so to speak, of the incarnation; which can be revealed/reviewed/examined by the system of astrology (not the daily horoscope you find in the newspaper or beauty magazines, mind you). So in that sense, astrology can be quite useful for psycho-analysis.