10-18-2012, 12:49 AM
Quote:12.5 Questioner: I don’t understand how the Confederation stops the Orion chariots from coming through the quarantine?
Ra: I am Ra. There is contact at the level of light-form or lightbody-being depending upon the vibratory level of the guardian. These guardians sweep reaches of your Earth’s energy fields attempting to be aware of any entities approaching. An entity which is approaching is hailed in the name of the One Creator. Any entity thus hailed is bathed in love/light and will of free will obey the quarantine due to the power of the Law of One.
which density would have a light-form and which density a light-body. maybe the the difference in light-form and lightbody is the difference between low 5d and high 5d. then again they are using love/light and the power of the Law of One which suggests 6D. the guardians of the red planet did have a focus on promulgating the Law of One with its inhabitants which is kind of the penchant of 5D/6D entities
Quote:3.10 Questioner: Then if an individual is totally informed with respect to the Law of One and lives the Law of One, then such things as the building of the pyramids by direct mental effort would be commonplace. Is that what I am to understand?
Ra: I am Ra. You are incorrect in that there is a distinction between the individual power through the Law of One and the combined, or societal memory complex mind/body/spirit understanding of the Law of One.
In the first case only the one individual, purified of all flaws, could move a mountain. In the case of mass understanding of unity, each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass mind could move mountains. The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the laws of love, and which seeks the laws of light. Those who are vibrating with the Law of Light seek the Law of One. Those who vibrate with the Law of One seek the Law of Foreverness.
always weird to note there is a law of foreverness lol