10-13-2012, 05:39 AM
(10-12-2012, 09:42 PM)caycegal Wrote: Wanting to get some feedback/thoughts from you guys about rays.
Here is an attempt to define rays: A ray is the vibrational signal or energy frequency associated with a particular level of density. A chakra is a transformer in my body that receives and transmits the energy of the corresponding ray.
Thus the 6th chakra is the energy transformer that connects me with 6th ray energy.
Okay, that was the best I could come up with so far. Would love to have my thinking/understanding stimulated or clarified by your thoughts.
Your thinking on this subject is fairly clear. A few items to consider though are:
Rather than calling a chakra an "energy transformer", I would liken them more to "vibrational filters" or "energy receptors". Nothing is "transformed", but rather, each energy center filters out a portion of the omnipresent pranic light of the infinite creator. Before the energy enters the chakra system, it is undifferentiated. No ray is better than another ray. It's all just spiraling prana, with different manifestations that reflect the vibratory level.
You have outer prana, and inner prana. Where they meet determines your experience of reality. The inner prana descends downwards through the chakra system and equals your will, or inner seeking. This is the polaris of the self. The outer prana that is attracted upwards through the chakra system equals your (for the most part) unconscious desires. Where your conscious will and unconscious will (desires) meet determines your level of consciousness and/or density level. So this meeting place, of inner and outer vibratory understanding could be likened unto the balance between the conscious and unconscious. The more unconscious you are, the lower the meeting place. The more your consciousness, or will, is awakened by polarity, the more this meeting place gradually moves further upwards to higher frequency manifestations.
Rays, as you surmised, are simply spectrums of energy or consciousness associated with a particular vibratory level (density). So your sixth chakra or energy center is a filter for indigo ray energy expression.