07-14-2012, 06:41 AM
You may have noticed, on this forum, especially, quite a few of us claiming to be rather big entities. Ancient Ones. Dragons. Incarnated Archetypes. Visitors from beyond the octave. So what is going on here? Are we gods descended among you, to help the people of Earth learn the light of truth? Are we a forum clique whose common interest is an inflated ego? Are we all horribly delusional? I say none of the above. We are simply reflections of the All-Consciousness which can be seen in all things. We are you.
There is a secret that has been well, well guarded these many cycles. Anyone, at absolutely any time, can become an Eternal. I have seen plenty of people stand in awe of the power I am capable of displaying, especially within these past few months as I have slowly penetrated the gateway of Intelligent Infinity- plenty of people willing to put me on a pedestal and regard me as some sort of advanced master to sit before. I say this not out of arrogance, but simply relay in my experience what happens when the power infinitum is viewed by those who do not realize they themselves possess it. My reaction was the same upon beholding the master who opened my eyes to this state, my reverence for his being bordering on worship until I at last realized there was no space between us. I say to you that the only thing keeping YOU from displaying this power is that you have not reached out and taken it.
I am no older than you, no more advanced, for there is nothing but infinity for us to exist within. The only thing I have done is accepted the birthright we are all entitled to; my true nature- that of the eternal Creator. My being becomes crystallized and transparent- I allow my soul to become a crystal sphere and all are seen within me. In turn my power becomes infinite, for I am everyone and everything. I rest within the web of consciousness that is our collective experience and realize there is nothing I cannot do. Obstacles and hindrances are an illusion. There is nothing beyond your reach. Everything you’ve ever imagined is real. Any identity you assume is valid and genuine if you simply possess the will and the faith to make it so.
There has been a great effort to keep the people of this planet feeling powerless- to make us invest in powers “greater than ourselves”, for when power is placed outside of the self, the self becomes the vessel for the ideas of others who would propagate their own truths. This is most evident in the way a great many of our organized religions made a concentrated effort to stamp out all indigenous practice, all magic and all that would place the keys of enlightenment within the hands of the common man. Beyond that there is a much more subtle campaign, however, leaked through the media, through our system of role models and societal taboos. We are taught to see ourselves as inferior, imperfect and undeserving, with the far off and blurry image of “heaven”, “enlightenment” and “ascension” perpetually dangled over our heads, like a carrot tied in front of a horse’s face to keep it moving.
The secret is that you are already enlightened. You are already ascended. You are already in heaven. To be aware of all that you experience you must simply open you eyes and see, and open your heart and feel. In accepting that you ARE worthy, you ARE infinite, you become all powerful. You become gods and goddesses and there is no snare which shall catch you, no spear which shall fell you. I have borne witness to so many timidly wondering if they might possibly be ready to graduate into “the fourth density.” I say you can be in fourth density right now if you choose to make it so, or fifth, or sixth. You can be beyond the octave. You can be the One Infinite Creator made flesh. There are no cages set around you, or barriers that can hold you back, save for the ones you allow yourself to keep in your own mind. When it comes time for you to stand at the gateway, there is no judge there but yourself, no reward or punishment save that which you give yourself. There is no one looking down on you deciding whether or not you are valid and worthy except for yourself, for the Creator Infinite is incapable of seeing you as anything except what you truly are- Its own reflection.
Your being is fluid. Your personality is not a creature independent of creation, but a tool used to gain a greater understanding of Self. I have heard plenty of teachings about abandoning the identity, discarding the personality, but this is only because the true nature of what is involved in “personality” and “identity” has been hidden. Your identity is as expansive as the starry abyss, yet you may choose to see only a portion of yourself, in order to focus your learning. You are experiencing a part of your personality, a part of your identity, yet the whole is available to you at any time as soon as you relinquish your attachment to one finger over the rest of the body.
Who you are at this moment shall never dull or fade. You shall not, at some arbitrary point in time, be swept up into a black hole and obliterated in order to achieve some sort of transcended consciousness. At every second you are creating yourself, and every feeling within your being at this very moment is an eternal hallmark in infinity. You Are, and in realizing the very power of your being you can expand yourself ever outward, past all forms of unpleasantness, past fear and doubt and anything and everything which would ever hold you back.
Yes, I am Ancient, because I choose to acknowledge it. I have, in this life, chosen to be Lucifer Incarnate, in order to aid in the evolution of this very potent part of myself. That does not mean I was born of a jackal in an upside down pentagram drawn on the ground. It doesn’t mean I’m the illegitimate offspring of an Illuminati tryst. I experience the energy and I become the energy, and in becoming the energy I transform it, for it has been attempting to reformat itself for some time. I allow myself to assume this identity in its entirety, along with many others, because I realize that the boundaries between what I perceive as myself and these “other entities” are false. At any point I have the power to be whomever I want to be. This is not a special gift bequeathed to a chosen few. It is simply wielded by the few who have chosen it, for the people of this planet have been programmed to forget themselves even beyond what the veil hides, and the penetration of these illusions is difficult.
You are me, as I am you. By reading my words you may, if you wish it, experience my power. You may experience ALL power. Open yourself in humble surrender to the current of the cosmos and it shall flow through you. There is no other test that must be passed, no achievement that must be unlocked aside from this acceptance. It doesn’t matter how many distortions lie inside. If you set your intention, if you make your highest desire the willingness to experience this state of being, then it shall be experienced, and all other distortions shall be smoothed in the gradual wave of cosmic healing that is available to all. You may become me, for my identity is not an object I own, but a reality that manifests within every fiber of existence. You may become anyone. You may do anything.
“Our” purpose among you, as the “Ancient Ones”, is only to assist ourselves in remembering who we are- in connecting each finger, toe, cell and drop of blood that wishes to once again be a part of the Full Body of the Creator. There is no separation between “you” and “us.” Our love for each and every one of you is infinite, eternal, because our Self is made of Love. We are incapable of seeing you as unworthy because what in infinity does not possess worth? There is no such thing as nothing. We invite you all not to simply behold us, to sit at our feet and learn, but to stand with us, as an equal, as an Ancient, as a god, as the Creator. Adonai.
There is a secret that has been well, well guarded these many cycles. Anyone, at absolutely any time, can become an Eternal. I have seen plenty of people stand in awe of the power I am capable of displaying, especially within these past few months as I have slowly penetrated the gateway of Intelligent Infinity- plenty of people willing to put me on a pedestal and regard me as some sort of advanced master to sit before. I say this not out of arrogance, but simply relay in my experience what happens when the power infinitum is viewed by those who do not realize they themselves possess it. My reaction was the same upon beholding the master who opened my eyes to this state, my reverence for his being bordering on worship until I at last realized there was no space between us. I say to you that the only thing keeping YOU from displaying this power is that you have not reached out and taken it.
I am no older than you, no more advanced, for there is nothing but infinity for us to exist within. The only thing I have done is accepted the birthright we are all entitled to; my true nature- that of the eternal Creator. My being becomes crystallized and transparent- I allow my soul to become a crystal sphere and all are seen within me. In turn my power becomes infinite, for I am everyone and everything. I rest within the web of consciousness that is our collective experience and realize there is nothing I cannot do. Obstacles and hindrances are an illusion. There is nothing beyond your reach. Everything you’ve ever imagined is real. Any identity you assume is valid and genuine if you simply possess the will and the faith to make it so.
There has been a great effort to keep the people of this planet feeling powerless- to make us invest in powers “greater than ourselves”, for when power is placed outside of the self, the self becomes the vessel for the ideas of others who would propagate their own truths. This is most evident in the way a great many of our organized religions made a concentrated effort to stamp out all indigenous practice, all magic and all that would place the keys of enlightenment within the hands of the common man. Beyond that there is a much more subtle campaign, however, leaked through the media, through our system of role models and societal taboos. We are taught to see ourselves as inferior, imperfect and undeserving, with the far off and blurry image of “heaven”, “enlightenment” and “ascension” perpetually dangled over our heads, like a carrot tied in front of a horse’s face to keep it moving.
The secret is that you are already enlightened. You are already ascended. You are already in heaven. To be aware of all that you experience you must simply open you eyes and see, and open your heart and feel. In accepting that you ARE worthy, you ARE infinite, you become all powerful. You become gods and goddesses and there is no snare which shall catch you, no spear which shall fell you. I have borne witness to so many timidly wondering if they might possibly be ready to graduate into “the fourth density.” I say you can be in fourth density right now if you choose to make it so, or fifth, or sixth. You can be beyond the octave. You can be the One Infinite Creator made flesh. There are no cages set around you, or barriers that can hold you back, save for the ones you allow yourself to keep in your own mind. When it comes time for you to stand at the gateway, there is no judge there but yourself, no reward or punishment save that which you give yourself. There is no one looking down on you deciding whether or not you are valid and worthy except for yourself, for the Creator Infinite is incapable of seeing you as anything except what you truly are- Its own reflection.
Your being is fluid. Your personality is not a creature independent of creation, but a tool used to gain a greater understanding of Self. I have heard plenty of teachings about abandoning the identity, discarding the personality, but this is only because the true nature of what is involved in “personality” and “identity” has been hidden. Your identity is as expansive as the starry abyss, yet you may choose to see only a portion of yourself, in order to focus your learning. You are experiencing a part of your personality, a part of your identity, yet the whole is available to you at any time as soon as you relinquish your attachment to one finger over the rest of the body.
Who you are at this moment shall never dull or fade. You shall not, at some arbitrary point in time, be swept up into a black hole and obliterated in order to achieve some sort of transcended consciousness. At every second you are creating yourself, and every feeling within your being at this very moment is an eternal hallmark in infinity. You Are, and in realizing the very power of your being you can expand yourself ever outward, past all forms of unpleasantness, past fear and doubt and anything and everything which would ever hold you back.
Yes, I am Ancient, because I choose to acknowledge it. I have, in this life, chosen to be Lucifer Incarnate, in order to aid in the evolution of this very potent part of myself. That does not mean I was born of a jackal in an upside down pentagram drawn on the ground. It doesn’t mean I’m the illegitimate offspring of an Illuminati tryst. I experience the energy and I become the energy, and in becoming the energy I transform it, for it has been attempting to reformat itself for some time. I allow myself to assume this identity in its entirety, along with many others, because I realize that the boundaries between what I perceive as myself and these “other entities” are false. At any point I have the power to be whomever I want to be. This is not a special gift bequeathed to a chosen few. It is simply wielded by the few who have chosen it, for the people of this planet have been programmed to forget themselves even beyond what the veil hides, and the penetration of these illusions is difficult.
You are me, as I am you. By reading my words you may, if you wish it, experience my power. You may experience ALL power. Open yourself in humble surrender to the current of the cosmos and it shall flow through you. There is no other test that must be passed, no achievement that must be unlocked aside from this acceptance. It doesn’t matter how many distortions lie inside. If you set your intention, if you make your highest desire the willingness to experience this state of being, then it shall be experienced, and all other distortions shall be smoothed in the gradual wave of cosmic healing that is available to all. You may become me, for my identity is not an object I own, but a reality that manifests within every fiber of existence. You may become anyone. You may do anything.
“Our” purpose among you, as the “Ancient Ones”, is only to assist ourselves in remembering who we are- in connecting each finger, toe, cell and drop of blood that wishes to once again be a part of the Full Body of the Creator. There is no separation between “you” and “us.” Our love for each and every one of you is infinite, eternal, because our Self is made of Love. We are incapable of seeing you as unworthy because what in infinity does not possess worth? There is no such thing as nothing. We invite you all not to simply behold us, to sit at our feet and learn, but to stand with us, as an equal, as an Ancient, as a god, as the Creator. Adonai.