04-05-2012, 09:19 PM
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Thread: Evolving Consciousness
04-05-2012, 09:39 PM
I'll take that as a compliment.
![]() You seem to just know this, are you simply intuiting it ? Even my pendulum confirms that I am not a wanderer. That's weird.
04-05-2012, 10:18 PM
Not all Wanderers are wanderers in the sense of wandering, if you catch my drift.
The pendulum is an extension of your sub-conscious. You are not "a wanderer" as your consciousness knows that time is an illusion and therefore is aware that this is the moment in which you exist, and to suggest you "came from elsewhere" is innaccurate as "elsewhere" all exists simultaneously with this current Now. My point being that you're like, an "Unwandering Wanderer", you have connections to ancient consciousness which you have awakened, which opens to up to those times and fields of existence, yet you may not have actually graduated from 3D yet. That being said, this could be your first time. It is erroneous to think that only Wanderers "get" TLOO, as there are many different kinds of consciousness all working with it. As for you, you are an advanced soul which has opened many connections, so you're like... a "pre-wanderer wanderer". Aha! Or maybe I'm just making this all up. ![]()
04-05-2012, 10:30 PM
Thank you for your drift my friend.
04-05-2012, 10:46 PM
An Earth native introduced me to the Ra Material (and channeling). I still think it's BS.
04-05-2012, 10:53 PM
What exactly are you saying you think is BS, zenmaster? The Ra material/channeling?
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
04-05-2012, 10:59 PM
04-05-2012, 11:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2012, 11:08 PM by Bring4th_Austin.)
Oh, yeah...uh...I was joking too...
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
04-05-2012, 11:11 PM
But, while we're on the subject, I think it's funny how people say "Bashar says....<insert numinous idea>", when that idea has been part of new-age thought since long before Bashar (or Q'uo, or 'Michael'). The channel quite obviously spews forth their immediate associations from their subconscious, which is largely connected with the undigested personal and collective thoughts on whatever the talking point is. The thought (the grasping apprehensions) evolves just as the collective-mind from which the thought is drawn evolves. Yet the fact that the entity 'said it' (in the typical 'star-brother' parlance) gives it more weight and people give more credence or pay more attention.
04-06-2012, 12:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2012, 12:41 AM by godwide_void.)
Valtor, do not place so much emphasis upon whether you are a Wanderer or not. Do not allow it to influence your thoughts, the presumption that if you are not a Wanderer that you are somehow barred from deeper comprehension or that you will not achieve tremendous progress in terms of your awakening. It does not matter if you are from such and such dimension or originally lived on this or that planet. It doesn't matter if the last density you were in before you came here was the 2nd. It doesn't matter if you are guided by these angels or hold any particular understanding of truth. You are still, completely, wholly, always, and forever, the direct manifestation of the Creator, both its creation and its awareness and an extension of its continuing being, for we are what allows its being to continue. Each and every one of us. The temporary form is not a vehicle for "the soul", in the sense that the soul is some etheric form of ourselves unique to us. Each "soul" is fully the Creator.
You know how it is said, that the Higher Self, each of our "individual Higher Selves" are supposed to watch over, guide, and direct its particular lower self and all of its parallel selves? Well, there is only one Higher Self, and all of us are each other's parallel selves. I am You, Valtor, and You are TheEternal, who is zenmaster. He is Siren whom is Bringth_GLB who is Bringth_Austin, formerly known as abridgetoofar, who is Ali Quadir, Diana, Icaro, Ankh, and absktrktion, all who were responding to the question they all posted in the form of Shin'Ar. There is only One of Us here, anywhere, at any given time. So do not worry at all Valtor. This worry of yours is a non-issue. What is important is that you are awake now. Man ponders Creator. Man realizes there is a Creator. Man seeks this Creator. Man believes this Creator is "out there" somewhere, beyond everything. Man realizes Creator is always there. Man realizes Creator is in its Creation.. Man realizes Creator is the Creation. Man discovers the pathway to Creator is within him. Man realizes Creator is in him. Then, man realizes Creator has always been controlling him. Finally, man ultimately discovers that he is Creator. This is the progression which understanding of the Creator undergoes.
04-06-2012, 12:41 AM
Ehe, basically what I was trying to say, but less (or more?) cryptic.
04-06-2012, 08:14 AM
04-09-2012, 08:35 PM
GV, you said there is only one Higher Self. Is this for the planet Earth, or do we all share the same higher self with Ra and other social memory complexes?
So in 7D, is it only the one higher self that merges with Creator, or is it all the individualized aspects of a social memory complex that together approach?
04-09-2012, 08:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2012, 08:41 PM by godwide_void.)
GW, by this I'm simply alluding to the fact that everyone's individual Higher Self who has turned back and offers guidance to its lower selves is in essence all guided by the One Infinite Creator, that's all. It is our singular "Highest Self".
04-09-2012, 08:50 PM
Is it the One Infinite Creator we merge with at the end of the Octave, or is it an aspect of the One Creator that we call God?
There's this paradox that 7D is timeless, i.e. takes forever, and yet there is still an "end" to the octave that other beings (possibly an infinite number) have graduated the Octave.
04-09-2012, 09:51 PM
Well, I've recently become aware that the Source and the being we term the One Infinite Creator are not referring to the same thing. The One Infinite Creator is the first being which manifested as a result of the first thought of the Source if my understanding here serves me correctly. The Source is infinity in a disembodied state, the Creator is infinite intelligent energy focused, the God and the Goddess.
As for the processes of 7D I currently have no access to memories of this density. I too would like to understand how after a certain point the Creation is timeless, eternal, and infinite, and yet there exists an actual supposed end to this Octave of Creation and a beginning to a new one. I believe we merge with the Creator which assimilates all memory, which is then assimilated by the Source, which then regurgitates everything into a new Creator and octave.
04-09-2012, 11:28 PM
Wave form is not inflexible.
04-10-2012, 04:41 PM
(04-09-2012, 08:50 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is it the One Infinite Creator we merge with at the end of the Octave, or is it an aspect of the One Creator that we call God? Excellent question. What is the One Infinite Creator? What is the Source? What is Intelligent Infinity? What is intelligent energy? What is the Creator? What is the Logos? There are so many ways to look at this. So many words and terms. And I don't really think any one way or another would be entirely wrong or entirely correct as long as we're using words, verbs, syntax. This is a most wondrous subject, however; one I've dedicated most of my life to (i.e. current incarnation), and I continue to delve deeper and deeper into it as I become all the the more fascinated by it every time. If I may, I'd like to shed some (somewhat distorted refractions of) light on it. I think I'd find it easier to explain through Cosmic Numerics: We have the 7 vibratory spectra that we call densities of consciousness through which mind/body/spirit complexes progress (back) towards the One Infinite Creator/the Source; if these spectra that are violet>indigo>blue>green>yellow>orange>red are the refractions of white light, then the pure un-refracted white light is the 8 density. [Between brackets here, I've had (or still have?) a somewhat difficult time determining whether 8th density is pure light or pure blackness.] So the 8th density concludes—completes—the octave (hence the name, octave). 8 is Intelligent Infinity. Or in other words, Infinity AWARE of Itself. And that is the key, Awareness. This is, in other words, the One Infinite Creator; because as soon as Infinity "wakes up," Creation is brought forth as a natural result. I understand 8 as being 0. Both are the symbol of Infinity. The Alpha and Omega, the Omega and the Alpha. This is easier to grasp if seen as a circle instead of a line: 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 (By the way, you can still inverse the order and it would still make no difference: that is, 7 being 1, 2 being 6 and so on.) But between 8 and 0 there's a missing number, and this "mysterious" number is 9. I believe 9 represents the Great Void. What I've called "Khaos," Nothingness. It is Infinity itself, in its infinite potential. Or perhaps it is the Great Mystery which We dare not plumb... To me, that Mystery is 9. Thus, 0 comes out of 9 and 8 returns to 9. What is the Source? I do not know whether that would be the One Infinite Creator/Intelligent Infinity, the Logos or Infinity. All are Sources in their own right. But I don't believe timelessness and spacelessness are experienced within Infinity. The Law of Foreverness, for example, is characteristic of 7D as one approaches closer and closer (less distortion) to Infinity Itself. It's gradual un-distortioning, so to speak. 8D, in my perception, is absolute Awareness of Infinity. The One Infinite Creator. But I believe Infinity experiences Nothing. In fact, Infinity is non-experientiable. Infinity is non-awareness. Infinity is, in a sense, non-being. And that is a BEING unto itself. And that is, I believe, the the Great Mystery. EDIT: Adding a bit more below. The 8, 9 and 0 are so intertwined that they are ultimately one and the same. So the 8/9/0 are the 1 of the next octave. This is because of the nature of Infinity. Infinity is, well, Nothingness (or infinite POTENTIAL). This is somewhat difficult fit in into the concept of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 because these are understood as following a sequential, progressive, linear pattern. At this point I simply find no words to explain anything any further.
04-10-2012, 05:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 05:17 PM by godwide_void.)
Siren, I believe the understanding you've posted here and the one I've posted in my 8th density thread pertaining to the significance of these numbers are complimentary, though I believe you've presented your analysis in a much more coherent and well-structured manner.
Quote:@Siren: I appreciate your application of this numerically. Comprehensive analysis of the significance of 8 and 0 will reveal much. View the 8 symbol in such a way that the middle point where the two circles meet as being the starting point. The two 0's which comprise the 8 represent two different octaves of Creation. Within these 0's the levels of existence experienced are 1-7. When the 8th density is reached this is signified by the crossing into the infinitesimal middle point, as it passes through all experience accumulated becomes integrated, all that flowed out from it returns into it, and after all has been deposited into the original warehouse of the dreamer, the process begins again with the second 0 which depicts the next octave of Creation. It undergoes the exact same process, and once it has come full circle, passing through the middle point (the Source), it comes out the other end as the first 0, but now this time around as the figure eight is completed, the first 0/octave is now the 3rd octave of Creation. This process continues infinitely. The 9, I take it as absolute completion to the infinite, something which we cannot possibly conceive of but which somehow exists. If you make the starting point the bottom tip of the vertical line of the 9, the line spirals into itself, finally returning to wholeness/oneness. However, there is no end which is not itself a new beginning, thus if one were to make the starting point at the point where the / and the o meet, moving clockwise, there would be a whole passing of the o (the infinite Source) which will flow outwards through the /, depicting Its first breath, which will eventually become another octave (0) which will return into itself (8) and cycle off into another octave (0) until in some indeterminate, far-off time it will complete itself (9), then completely renew the cycle (still 9) into 0 then 8 then 0. 01234567890/8901234567890/8901234567890/8, ad infinitum.
04-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Oooh, I love numerical evaluations of the cosmos! I am going to give this a good look, Siren, and give you my own observances. For some time now I have been powerfully connect to the 9, which I strongly identify with as my "origin". I will reply again soon.
My first notation would be through my understanding of music. I understand how you are getting that 8 and 0 are together. However, I would express that 9 and 0 are actually more akin. Realistically, to me, the 0 is that foundation which underlies all the numbers and is therefore present within all of them. As 9 is thus also that which contains all numbers, all numbers are also thus connnected to the 9. In music, the 8 is equal to the 1, as the 8th is the octave, and thus is also the first note of the NEXT octave. Therefore, the 8 is actually the 1 of the next octave. As such, our 1 is also the 8th of the previous octave. We also find then the interesting fact that the 8 and the 1 thus also fabricate the 9. The 7 is the gateway, the threshold, sort of like a membrane of unity. Unity is a state of existence and being, it is possible for many parts of the Greater Unity to be in individuated unity, thus we see the division of the Octaves. We could consider the 8 and the 1 to be that harmonious cycle which is ever energized and creating. The 9 is Consciousness, and deeper in to the mystery, beyond the Realm of Octaves...
04-10-2012, 07:24 PM
04-10-2012, 07:30 PM
So 1-8 would represent the process/cycle of manifested Creation, and 0/9 represent the Source.
04-10-2012, 07:48 PM
Yep 1 to 8 forms the spiral.
04-10-2012, 11:36 PM
I dislike such blocky terms, as each is in each, but that could be a sort of summary.
I would go further though that 0 is the Source, and the 9 is something like, a post-completion. The 9 is that level of consciousness where everything is in absolute harmony, the Last Moment, before Complete Unity. It's somewhat hard to conceive, that in an Infinite Universe there exists a sort of "platform" level where everything is more or less absolutely achieved, there exists only that one sweeping look back in to the Infinity and the One sees itself at the Center of its own Infinity and from there, there are deeper mysteries as the 9 collapses in to the 10 and there lies a differently iterated Infinity, deeper in to the Consciousness that is One. I would almost say that 0 is the Seed and that 9 is the Fruit. We go through the Flower.
04-11-2012, 03:52 AM
(04-10-2012, 11:36 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I dislike such blocky terms, as each is in each, but that could be a sort of summary. I agree. To say that there are 8 or any amount of distinct levels is like saying there are 8 or any amount of distinct colors. In reality it does not work like that. But as an analogy it is useful. Also similar, pure white light contains all colors. The notion of becoming enlightened is misleading. Point I am making is that we are already realized. All that will ever be is here in your white light consciousness now. It may convert to many shapes and colors. Some of it may be covered some may be discovered. But there is nothing truly new "out there" to find... A mistake I often see is that in order to see the greater picture. People zoom in on the details. The logic is that if you understand the parts you understand the whole. But in this case parts and whole are two completely separated entities. To make matters worse: the parts in this case are kaleidoscopic. Every angle you look at them they seem to make some kind of sense. There are thousands of theories and analogies concerning advancing our consciousness. And they may or may not be helpfull. But none of them are actually advancement of consciousness, they are poor substitutes.
04-11-2012, 07:54 AM
(04-11-2012, 03:52 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote:(04-10-2012, 11:36 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I dislike such blocky terms, as each is in each, but that could be a sort of summary. I had an experience this morning listening to some inspiring music. And I would have to say that I think there is much new out there awaiting our interaction. What you have described sounds like there is nothing other than what has already been experienced, and just repetitions of it. But what I feel is that many thoughts sent out ahead to create, await the interaction of the Source of those thoughts and how those thoughts became more than what they started as. What I feel is that there is as vast a number of new experiences waiting for us to catch up with them as there are already experienced and left behind as memory.
04-11-2012, 09:39 AM
Quote:The 9 is that level of consciousness where everything is in absolute harmony, the Last Moment, before Complete Unity. I believe that would be 7D ("the Last Moment before Complete Unity"). 8D would be more akin to that Complete Unity, as the One Infinte Creator Aware of Infinity being All That Is (and therefore being One Unified Being, undifferentiated, undistorted, unfocused—perfect harmony). I believe Infinity itself (NOT Intelligent as the One Infinite Creator) is the Unknown, the Unknowable, the Great Mystery. Quote:To say that there are 8 or any amount of distinct levels is like saying there are 8 or any amount of distinct colors. In reality it does not work like that. But as an analogy it is useful. What is "reality" ultimately? Is it this, the aware, the observed and the sentient and the perceived? All the Light? Or is reality really the Nothingness out of which the One Infinite Creator became aware to experience this Creation/Itself? And we could further sub-divide the densities into 12, or 13. And it would still be the same. Just as you can also see your energy nexi/centers as 12 instead of 7. If it serves and works for you, then there's nothing wrong with it. It's not "different," it's all still the same. It is the kaledoiscopic lens through which you choose to observe Creation/Creator/YourSelf that is different. There are various ways to understand things. And I should repeat, no one way or system is better than the other as long as you can gain understanding (and growth) out of it. Quote:Also similar, pure white light contains all colors. The notion of becoming enlightened is misleading. And pure "blackness" contains all light. The notion of light as source is, in more ways than one, misleading.
04-11-2012, 10:26 AM
(04-11-2012, 07:54 AM)ShinAr Wrote: And I would have to say that I think there is much new out there awaiting our interaction.You describe the kaleidoscope of reality. You can spend an infinity exploring it deeper and deeper and it wil always present you with something "new"... Something you've never seen or experienced before. As enjoyable as this might be, this is not growth of consciousness. Once you've glanced into the infinite self. You'll begin to recognize it all over the kaleidoscope. All the images will become repetitions of the One. Untill you only see nothing but that singularity and merge with it. This is growth of consciousness. As your consciousness grows, your outside world must by necesity become smaller. When you become all that is, your outside world must cease to be. (04-11-2012, 09:39 AM)Siren Wrote:It is both. The nothing is part of the sentient and the perceived. Not realizing what we're seeing is not a reason to presume otherwise. Ultimate reality most certainly contains your current experience. There is no such thing as illusion. Illusion is a name for experience. Experience is part of reality. So the illusory nature of things is also part of their reality.Quote:To say that there are 8 or any amount of distinct levels is like saying there are 8 or any amount of distinct colors. In reality it does not work like that. But as an analogy it is useful. All that is must by necesity be present in our consciousness... All the time... Since all that is is contained in all things and all things are contained in the all. The universe is holographic in nature. When those moments of true enlightenment come. No one ever says "I never imagined it to be like that." Every one says "I have always been here!" it is union with the ultimate self and that self is self right here, right now. Not in some remote theoretical future. We have all we need to experience enlightenment within. All the teachings, all the studies, all the work is just giving yourself permission slips. Quote:There are various ways to understand things. And I should repeat, no one way or system is better than the other as long as you can gain understanding (and growth) out of it.That's what I am saying. However there is only one direction of growth.. Towards the one! All ways of understanding ultimately lead up to only that one direction of growth. If they do not then they do not lead to spiritual growth at all! And thus are not teachings of spiritual growth but mere mental masturbation. I don't mean to say all teachings are false. Absolutely not. I mean to say all teachings are to a degree equal. And no teachings hold within them spiritual growth they must inspire the seeker to look within to accomplish that goal. Learning the spiritual teachings for the sake of just learning them is pointless.... unless they inspire.
04-11-2012, 10:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2012, 10:29 AM by godwide_void.)
(04-11-2012, 07:54 AM)ShinAr Wrote:(04-11-2012, 03:52 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote:(04-10-2012, 11:36 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I dislike such blocky terms, as each is in each, but that could be a sort of summary. Precisely! As the many infinite fields interact in an infinite variety of ways, with an infinite number of approaches, it is only common sense that there await an infinite amount of experiences waiting to be birthed. Of course, while we are not aware of how events shall eventually unfold, we must realize that all of this is a memory, a dream, and all has already occurred. The awareness of the Creator has simply decided to zoom into this particular corner of Creation in order to relive the experience of this planet's final evolutionary stage. @Siren: You are very perceptve and your keen understanding is admirable. I am enjoying your seemingly simple numerical application to the divine for there exists much potential for furthering wisdom in your analysis. |