08-09-2009, 09:22 PM
Hi Whitefeather! Welcome to Bring4th!
Your words are very inspiring!
Your words are very inspiring!
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08-09-2009, 09:22 PM
Hi Whitefeather! Welcome to Bring4th!
Your words are very inspiring!
08-11-2009, 04:27 PM
I think this would be an excellent subject to ask Q'uo for insight on. How does one go about doing that?
(08-11-2009, 04:27 PM)MisterRabbit Wrote: I think this would be an excellent subject to ask Q'uo for insight on. How does one go about doing that? I'll pass it on and see if we can get it asked. Between this and the What would you ask Q'uo? thread, there seems to be alot of interest in this.
08-12-2009, 06:46 AM
Sorry for the slow response thr33tim3.
(08-06-2009, 01:03 PM)thr33tim3 Wrote:Choice?(08-06-2009, 09:28 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: This isn't to claim that the negative elite does not exist. It does. But it is a reflection of human creation. Not of something imposed upon humanity from the outside. You're right in all the attributes you ascribe to the Orions. They also believe that they're imposing all these things on the earth and reaping the rewards from it. Exactly like the claims. However, if I give you the suggestion to jump into a ditch, and you consequently do it... You're still to blame not me. I only told you to do it... You did it... Get my position? It makes no sense to blame a far away galaxy for some injustice on earth when that injustice on earth even if motivated by this remote galaxy is kept going here, by us. Without our support it'd die out in a heart beat. Who is more to blame? Them or us? Quote: However, many spiritual sources tell us that their plan is doomed to fail, due to their total lack of spiritual awareness! I believe it! But I wonder how such a mighty power can fall?Spirit is the primordial source. These creatures are spiritual as much as the rest of us. They just totally blocked the realization of this from their awareness. Without spiritual awareness there is no spiritual choice. Spiritual choice is final. The universe will conspire to fulfill your spiritual choices. A spiritual choice is gods command. If we have spiritual awareness and they do not. They essentially can not consciously determine our or even their own fate. Which is what they're figuring out at the moment. This causes a great deal of distress. In effect we are their catalyst pushing them towards spirit.
Hi Ali, thanks for your thoughts.
(08-12-2009, 06:46 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: However, if I give you the suggestion to jump into a ditch, and you consequently do it... You're still to blame not me. I only told you to do it... You did it... Get my position? I get your position, but I don't think this is a valid comparison. In the comparison you have given, OF COURSE you have a choice to either jump in the ditch or not. I do not feel this applies to the situation we are in now, unless you mean some sort of metaphor where "jumping in the ditch" is equivalent to "focusing on negativity" and "not jumping" is to "focus on positivity". I would put it to you that the Orion empire has constructed a situation that is more similar to being born on the side of a steep hill, with a ditch at the bottom. The natural inclination would cause one to slide straight into the ditch, where the Orion empire wants us. Only through a tremendous amount of struggle and Will can we slowly scramble up the hill, towards the Light. I do not even think that anyone on this forum could point to themselves and say that their struggle is over. So, the way you respond is a choice, yes, but the situation that we are in involves a huge amount of coercion and deception, and none of the "rules" are so clear-cut that you can simply compare them to choosing to jump in a ditch or not. (08-12-2009, 06:46 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It makes no sense to blame a far away galaxy for some injustice on earth when that injustice on earth even if motivated by this remote galaxy is kept going here, by us. Without our support it'd die out in a heart beat. Who is more to blame? Them or us? This is another point I have heard many times over the years that I still have trouble agreeing with. Who is this "US" you are talking about? The injustice on the Earth has been perpetrated by the financial elite and members of elite secret societies being guided, often hypnotically, by the Orion energy via their occult rituals, if not direct contact. Since many of these people are born into this elite culture and traumatically abused into obedience in early childhood, I still feel that it is questionable to say that they had CHOICE, but let's leave that and assume they made the choice pre-incarnationally. THESE are the people who control 90%+ of the world's resources while the majority of the world's population live on $1 a day. They have control of the drug market, the oil market, the sex industry, the media, the banks, etc. And they have this plan. I have never felt myself to have any access to these people, to speak with or communicate with them, to interact with them, even to share love with them. The vast amount of corruption in US government has discouraged me from believing you can change things by "voting people out" or writing strongly worded letters to congressmen. The politicians with any power are all already owned. What I'm saying is, there is the "US" that is the common people, the $1-a-day people, the living month-to-month people, SOME of whom are aware and concerned about issues such as UFOs, government conspiracies, New Age energies, etc. We can do our best to tell others and share the information and hope to wake people up. Meanwhile, the controlling elite group, with all the money and material power, have made a very strong choice, many centuries ago, to bring in their New World Order and implement the Orion system. There have been many kinks in the plan, and I'm sure that a major one is that US citizens still have not given up their gun ownership, but you can hardly say that the elite have lost their power and influence. Many sources insist that it is waning, but I am still waiting to observe some major changes. Of course MY CHOICE is freedom for all beings. I just don't feel like I have much say here in 3D, on this planet. I understand that, spiritually, WE are ALL ONE, both US and the power elite. However, I feel completely cut off and disconnected from those other selves, and don't know how to communicate with them to deter them from their path of control and enslavement which they have aimed at us. When you talk about "without our support, it'd die out in a heart beat", what support are you referring to? How do you propose to remove this "support" practically? It actually makes perfect sense to "blame" a far away galaxy when those are the facts you have discerned through years of research. I do not feel I am blaming them and then cowering in fear. I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture. T Phew, I'm so glad to have found a forum like this where I can have discussions on these topics. I haven't had anyone to talk with about these issues, at this level/depth, in years! Please share your thoughts, even if you totally disagree with what I'm saying, I would love to hear it! ![]() T thr33tim3 Wrote:It actually makes perfect sense to "blame" a far away galaxy when those are the facts you have discerned through years of research. I do not feel I am blaming them and then cowering in fear. I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture. Hi thr33tim3, I chose this quote as a segue to discuss a lot of the topics that you've hit in this and earlier posts. What I wanted to share is the result of a lot of my research, contemplation thereof, and filling in some of the holes with educated speculation. What follows is a possible view of an integrated system of forces aimed at two intents: 1) provide the creator with as diverse a set of experiences as possible and 2) provide maximal opportunity for entities to polarize within that environment with a bias toward STO. Although I do have a significant number of relevant quotes from Ra to support many of my statements, I will be the first to admit that a significant portion of it is informed speculation. Please PM me if you'd like see some of the quotes, the post is already too long. With that caveat, let me provide one possible explanation for the power elite. As always, I ask everyone that reads this to invoke your own powers of discernment and select the portions of this that resonate with you. If none of it does, then please discard the lot of it. But if some of it perhaps resonates and lightens your load in this incarnation, then I am happy to have been of service. At the point in time that our planet was primed to enter 3D, several independent things occurred roughly simultaneously: 1) Mars prematurely terminated its 3D cycle due to the unwise actions of the entities there which rendered the planet uninhabitable ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Given that setting, I propose that the Confederation looked at all this and sort of put out cosmic bids for a strategy of how to allow this to play out and meet the objectives I stated earlier. Clearly, an environment was needed in which all the failed 3D entities from Mars and Maldek could work through their respective karmic debts, but it was also necessary to set up an environment in which the locals could evolve and where the STO bias of this logos was embraced. The winning bid would be that which met these requirements and also provided the richest set of 3D experiences possible. My guess is that the local boys (let's call them Ra and company) won the bid, with this strategy: Earth would be influenced by two powers acting much more directly than was typical on other 3D planets. At the same time, the veil would be strengthened, thus increasing the illusion of separation, but also increasing the drive to achieve unity. One power would rule the material world through its influence over the illusion of separation (call it "evil"), the other would rule the cosmic through its influence over the drive to unity (call it "good"). Since unity is the ultimate end for everyone, this power was biased. Within this stage of power struggles, it was felt that maximal catalyst would be provided, thus creating the maximal opportunity for diverse experience. Both powers would sign on contractually to remain and play their parts throughout Earth's 3D. Next, Ra and some other SMC (call it Lucifer) sat down and did the cosmic equivalent of drawing straws to see who would be the good cop, and who would be bad cop in this play. As fate would have it, Ra picked the short straw and had to play the part of good cop, and Lucifer got the really juicy role of bad cop. Note that both of these SMC's are at a point in 6D where they transcend polarity. Still, they have signed on to do a job, and do it they must, to the utmost best of their ability. Because there would be so much locally created catalyst, and because they had kind of messed with the human DNA to make the physical vehicles "just right" for the experiment, it was decided that a quarantine be enacted to keep the experiment under control and not upset the results due to unforeseen variables. Now, in order to do his part, Lucifer saw that he needed a set of people in 3D that he could more directly work through, to enact his ideas and to make sure things happened properly, but who were almost entirely unseen by those 3D entities here to choose. These wanderers were given slightly different DNA with thinner veils, so that Lucifer could more easily commune with them directly, but again their interaction with normal humans was strictly controlled and almost non-existent. These are the true power elite, or the "hidden hands", that are helping create all the wonderful catalyst that we enjoy everyday. These wanderers, have a very clear understanding of the LOO (but it is probably distorted somewhat as well), and their part in this drama on Earth. Note that they also are bound by the rules of 3D, so they must polarize and graduate in order to avoid being stuck in another cycle of 3D existence after the Harvest. Since they clearly could not polarize STO and do their jobs properly, their only choice is to polarize STS. So, it really is important for them to achieve and remain harvestable in order for them to graduate. Once they do graduate, they understand that they will have to move into 4D negative t/s and do enough work in negative s/t to balance the negative karma that they are creating for us in this process. The 3D STS entities that we come in contact with (or least hear and read about) day-to-day, though are not these wanderers, they are the native 3Ders who are here to choose (they are also possibly from Mars or Maldek, but true 3Ders, none-the-less), and happen to have chosen STS. As you might imagine, it could be very easy to violate someone's free will if the STS wanderers were to interact with "normal" 3D people (even or especially other wanderers, that are here under the thicker veil). So the only native 3D entities that they do interact with are those that have freely chosen the STS path, and are highly polarized (95%+) along that path. Thus, it is only the very top of these STS families that are able to interact with the STS wanderers. Okay, so what's my point? Well, I simply look at it as the true power elite are just doing their job creating catalysts and creating traps in which to enslave us. What is the most fascinating to me about this hypothetical scenario, is that the STS wanderers are, by being so good at being STS, providing us with one of the greatest services that we could ever ask, the service of catalyst and the environment of clear choice. For recall that it is really only in a world of dichotomies that polarization is possible. And you must admit that they have created a wonderfully dichotic world. Regardless as to the truth of the power elite, the bottom line is the same. In order to polarize STO, what we must do is send our love and light to every soul currently incarnate. Don't dwell on the past, or concern yourself about the future. Seek only the love in the moment. Live in the now, and love the now. The future will see to itself. Food for thought, 3D Sunset
08-12-2009, 04:09 PM
Love is all there is and the rest we just make up. This is a variation on the theme of 3-D sunset.
08-12-2009, 06:49 PM
Hi 3D Sunset,
I really enjoyed your post! You have hit on a lot of ideas that are familiar to me as well from my own research. I certainly understand the concept that the "negative" STS beings are most definitely providing us with apparently much-needed catalyst in our own polarizing as STO beings, and that from that perpective we can, in fact, be GRATEFUL to them for these opportunities. Quote:(consider: no one to my knowledge has ever inquired about the roles that Confederation sources played on Mars and Maldek, but it seems reasonable to assume that they were similarly involved on those planets since they are from the neighborhood, so to speak). What immediately sprang to my mind was Amorah Quan Yin's book Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution. This book discussed in detail the soul groups that incarnated on Mars and Maldek and their interactions with each other. I sold the book soon after I read it in ~'06, so my memory of it is not that strong. I remember that Pleiadian consciousness incarnated in the latter generations to bring guidance and attempt to create balance, sort of like the indigo/crystal children are apparently here to do now, although there was always something else going on that seemed to mess everything up, including the Lucifer energy. Your assessment of the movement of spirits from those planets to Earth makes a lot of sense to me though, so you may want to check out that book for more info. I wish I still had it now... T
08-13-2009, 12:02 AM
Greetings thr33tim3,
Nice reading your posting. (08-12-2009, 01:39 PM)thr33tim3 Wrote: Hi Ali, thanks for your thoughts. Careful, struggle and will are forceful ways of going through life. Quote:What I'm saying is, there is the "US" that is the common people, the $1-a-day people, the living month-to-month people, SOME of whom are aware and concerned about issues such as UFOs, government conspiracies, New Age energies, etc. We can do our best to tell others and share the information and hope to wake people up... I believe you're right, this is the best thing we can do: raise awareness. Quote:... Of course MY CHOICE is freedom for all beings. I just don't feel like I have much say here in 3D, on this planet. I understand that, spiritually, WE are ALL ONE, both US and the power elite. However, I feel completely cut off and disconnected from those other selves, and don't know how to communicate with them to deter them from their path of control and enslavement which they have aimed at us... I suppose we should let them do what they believe they are doing; this is their will and choice. As a Ra material reader yourself, you are aware of the importance of choice. You are reaching out the ones you are reaching out and, each of us is doing our part in the big picture. The NWO is similar to a pyramidal system; it has a tiny elite at the top supported at the base by a great quantity of slaves. The base is powerful for it supports it all. Now, what happens when the base starts to awakening, rebelling and threatening from the foundations of society because it wants food, health, heating, energy and a decent live? The base of the pyramid is truly able to bring the pyramidal system to a complete collapse and, the fall from the top will be the worst. These are not times to focus our energy towards our enemies though. Rather we should be sharing it with our friends (in a wide sense). Quote:...I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture. So many things are possible via thoughts and feelings. When it is impossible to take action, you may always use your thoughts and feelings. With a little imagination, you may do real good deeds. Keeping the Light on in the dark Much Love and Light W. 13th August 2009
08-13-2009, 05:45 AM
Hey thr33tim3,
I realize I'm putting strong ideas forward here, you should know they're my ideas and I share them as such. Be like "a jewel thief with small pockets", take only what you really like. (08-12-2009, 01:39 PM)thr33tim3 Wrote: I get your position, but I don't think this is a valid comparison. In the comparison you have given, OF COURSE you have a choice to either jump in the ditch or not. I do not feel this applies to the situation we are in now, unless you mean some sort of metaphor where "jumping in the ditch" is equivalent to "focusing on negativity" and "not jumping" is to "focus on positivity".No it's really no metaphor. Either do or do not. The choice is ours. Quote:I would put it to you that the Orion empire has constructed a situation that is more similar to being born on the side of a steep hill, with a ditch at the bottom. The natural inclination would cause one to slide straight into the ditch, where the Orion empire wants us.True, but you're also born with wings. So the orion empire can jump high or low, but as soon as you flap those babies you're out of there and they can keep rubbing the ground with their bellies. Quote:Only through a tremendous amount of struggle and Will can we slowly scramble up the hill, towards the Light.This is their hill. They told you it is impossible for you not to slide into the ditch. They hinted that maybe maybe with incredible force of will and personal power you could crawl up that hill and out of there. Something surely reserved for the elite, not for the rest of us doomed to suffer and bleed under their might. But screw em. They'll never tell you those stubs on your back are wings. You either believe them on their "We're almighty" word or you do not. Quote:I do not even think that anyone on this forum could point to themselves and say that their struggle is over. So, the way you respond is a choice, yes, but the situation that we are in involves a huge amount of coercion and deception, and none of the "rules" are so clear-cut that you can simply compare them to choosing to jump in a ditch or not. If there is only one here then I'm that one. My struggle is over. It's been over since 1995. I've been on holiday ever since. Has everything been fun since? No, but it's all been my choice. And I'm not blaming reptiles for a failed love affair or two. And I'm not blaming them for me living in a small house instead of a palace. I'm not blaming them for the ignorance of my people. I've taken responsibility for my position. I came here on my own free will and no matter who else is involved in the game. I chose my last breath long ago. And the universe will conspire to bring this breath to me when the time comes. Quote:And that's us !!!(08-12-2009, 06:46 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It makes no sense to blame a far away galaxy for some injustice on earth when that injustice on earth even if motivated by this remote galaxy is kept going here, by us. Without our support it'd die out in a heart beat. Who is more to blame? Them or us? ![]() I've personally participated in occult ritual. Of various forms including a few variants very close to this elite's occult rituals. I know how it works. I've seen some drastic results and effects. I've even been attacked magically. Let me tell you a secret: As Pratchett would put it. It's all headology. It works because you believe it works. There's no power in a sword a broom or even the skull of Geronimo... You just use those because they're convincing. <granny voice> "You just know it works because it's got newt's eyes in it. Everyone knows newt's eyes see the future, fact of life that is..."</granny voice> The secret of life is that your IAM is all that is. The rest is elaborate ritual giving yourself permission slips for the light to go on and off after you hit the switch. Which is why the whole idea that they're in control is so problematic. If you claim someone else is in control. It's not just a statement of belief, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. Quote:Since many of these people are born into this elite culture and traumatically abused into obedience in early childhood, I still feel that it is questionable to say that they had CHOICE, but let's leave that and assume they made the choice pre-incarnationally. THESE are the people who control 90%+ of the world's resources while the majority of the world's population live on $1 a day. They have control of the drug market, the oil market, the sex industry, the media, the banks, etc. And they have this plan.There is always choice. I knew a victim of abuse. She was sexually abused by her mother from her first year right up to her 14th year when she fled the house and almost joined the legion of prostitutes. It was a friend who stopped her from doing this. And she started the long road to recovery which she herself stated she will never complete. But she has an interesting insight to share. She's pretty brutal when it comes to this. If people feel they're victims. If they're too apathic/pathetic to fight for themselves. They're not worth fighting for at all. She then proceeds to explain how they're better off with a bullet between the eyes. You must understand this lady has developed strong feelings in the matter. Truth is that she is university degree with expectations of a great future while most of those like her never amount to anything. Broken for life. The only difference is that one blamed another, while she blamed no one but herself for her immediate mistakes. She's right if you were to take the effort and open their cage door. Most people would complain about the draft. Or tell you how it's impossible to even exist outside the cage. The fact that someone opened the cage from outside doesn't serve as evidence apparently. Quote:What I'm saying is, there is the "US" that is the common people, the $1-a-day people, the living month-to-month people, SOME of whom are aware and concerned about issues such as UFOs, government conspiracies, New Age energies, etc. We can do our best to tell others and share the information and hope to wake people up.If that doesn't work. Then apparently the majority of the people chooses to remain ignorant. They'd rather put their faith in the sheep dog than in their own mind. Do you blame your dog for putting his faith in you? Quote:Meanwhile, the controlling elite group, with all the money and material power, have made a very strong choice, many centuries ago, to bring in their New World Order and implement the Orion system. Quote:There have been many kinks in the plan, and I'm sure that a major one is that US citizens still have not given up their gun ownership, but you can hardly say that the elite have lost their power and influence.The freedom to own guns in America has little to do with anything. You're not the only country with that freedom, most countries actually have this freedom, and as infiltration by the negative elite goes you're pretty much the top. Europe has no freedom to own guns. But Europe gives arguably at least as much or more freedom to it's citizens. If the freedom to own guns had anything to do with it then the countries where people can own guns would be the free countries. Seriously. You got a gun. Then what? Play soldier versus people who are far better at it who can shoot you from miles up in the sky? You'll never even see them. You think bullets will protect you from bullets? Sounds like a solid defense strategy. I'll be over there in the unarmed corner. ![]() Quote:Many sources insist that it is waning, but I am still waiting to observe some major changes. Of course MY CHOICE is freedom for all beings. I just don't feel like I have much say here in 3D, on this planet. I understand that, spiritually, WE are ALL ONE, both US and the power elite. However, I feel completely cut off and disconnected from those other selves, and don't know how to communicate with them to deter them from their path of control and enslavement which they have aimed at us. When you talk about "without our support, it'd die out in a heart beat", what support are you referring to? How do you propose to remove this "support" practically?The support is the belief we have that things are done to us... Good example is "My kid saw Janet Jacksons breast on television. Now he's having behavioral problems." One interpretation is a naked breast causes behavioral problems. Another interpretation is that being so messed up that you're shocked to the core by seeing a body part is what causes your kid to have some behavioral problems. A century ago a kid that age would butcher his first rabbits or chickens. And a breast is going to be traumatizing ![]() Stop putting the blame on the outside. Stop believing authority. Make up your own mind and stay down to earth. Quote:It actually makes perfect sense to "blame" a far away galaxy when those are the facts you have discerned through years of research. I do not feel I am blaming them and then cowering in fear. I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture.Stop being so unsure ![]() Their goal is to keep you unsure. They don't have the intent of the universe behind them. They could not handle your certainty. Quote:Phew, I'm so glad to have found a forum like this where I can have discussions on these topics. I haven't had anyone to talk with about these issues, at this level/depth, in years! Please share your thoughts, even if you totally disagree with what I'm saying, I would love to hear it!Your wish is my command sir ![]() It's just another insight, one I chose to follow a while ago. There's so many people choosing to believe the ridiculous. Like the belief that the evil orders are acting like weak lame ducks right now before they initiate their plan that kills off all the humans on earth. Which they could do at any point but they're doing the lame duck routine now because... Eh... It is extra mean to then suddenly reveal themselves to be all powerful? These guys are at this moment becoming a parody on themselves. The old Illuminati masters would roll in their graves with the mess the current generation is making of things. It's not even the current generations fault. It's us, we've become unmanageable. Mankind faced more difficult times. The Orions are not superior to us. They are equals at best. They have the high tech toys. But spiritually speaking they're still dormant.
08-13-2009, 08:16 AM
Interesting discussion here. Please send the 'evil doers' thoughts of love and they will join you in your love soon enough
08-13-2009, 09:12 AM
Good Greetings All:
Love is all there is and the rest we just make up--- such a powerful little statement. The little truth is the truth until it is not the truth anymore. The BIG TRUTH (LOVE or in the speak of Ra ONENESS) is the TRUTH even when the little truths are no longer the truth. Sending Love and fairy kisses to all of humanity and beyond... fairyfarmgirl
08-13-2009, 10:45 AM
(08-12-2009, 06:49 PM)thr33tim3 Wrote: I certainly understand the concept that the "negative" STS beings are most definitely providing us with apparently much-needed catalyst in our own polarizing as STO beings, and that from that perpective we can, in fact, be GRATEFUL to them for these opportunities. There are several layers to the insight. First, by recognizing their actions as a gift, rather than an curse, helps create the best mindset for accpeting and loving them. Second, one should bear in mind that the actions originate within our planetary sphere, not from the distant Orion galaxy. As a matter of fact, the quarantine was established specifically to complicate and minimize the effect that Orion members can have. The occasional holes that open in the quarantine can be seen as opportunities to restore balanced access of STS philosophies within our realm, when things become a little to STO, so to speak. I think this was also anticipated as we approach the Harvest, and is a concomitant reason for the approaching "lifting of quarantine". Again, there are many layers to this onion. Third, it should be noted that if it were to happen that all the native 3D entities on the planet polarized toward STO (see my signature), then there would no longer be a need for the STS wanderers to maintain their STS polarity, and they could simply switch polarities, forgive themselves for their deeds, and graduate STO with the rest of the planet. Note that if this were to happen, then they would have no need to spend time in negative 4D to work off the karmic debt. Here again, there are many layers to the onion, but you get the big picture. Through this reasoning, I send my love and light and acceptance and forgiveness to all those STS entities and simply create the space for them to choose to graduate in harmony with the rest of us. As Ra said, "It is not probable; but it is ever possible." thr33tim3 Wrote:What immediately sprang to my mind was Amorah Quan Yin's book Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution. Thanks for the reference. I've heard of the book, but have not read it. Love and Light, 3D Sunset
08-13-2009, 06:58 PM
(08-09-2009, 09:22 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Hi Whitefeather! Welcome to Bring4th! Hi Monica, Thank you. I love it here. I thank Bring4th for opening such a window and for providing us with an opportunity to serve, such as sharing our views and reading others', to exchange and to communicate without geographical frontiers... I have discovered the Ra Material a few years ago however, I am new to the forum and have plenty to read here and in blogs. It is a true honor. L/L, W.
08-13-2009, 07:09 PM
(08-13-2009, 06:58 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: Hi Monica, We're very happy to have you!
08-16-2009, 12:48 AM
Nice thread. The threats discussed are real, in this reality.
FEMA camps, martial law, gun confiscation, H1N1 virus, food shortages, economic collapse and even depopulation. The camps are built and hiring has begun, the presidential executive orders have been signed, and the virus exists. But all this is still in the potentiation stage. The catalyst to put them into effect has not yet arrived. If it will arrive at all. This is a very exciting time to be in physical form. There are billions and billions of us here to observe, positive and negative forces at work, during the transition into fourth density. The STS are doing everything within their power to instill fear and gather willing recruits. As the time draws near their efforts will probably intensify. The STO are also at work to instill as much positive energy into this reality as they/we can generate. Is there a safe place? It depends what one considers safe. Let's not forget, we all knew what we were getting into before we even incarnated on this planet at this time. Be open to your higher self and you will always be where you were meant to be. That is your safe place. Objectively, I envision this struggle of opposing energies as a positive for those who have yet to choose a polarity. The minority, yet powerful, negative STS force controls governments, finance, corporations, and possibly even the military. As they continue to impose their will on peaceful people, the majority, the stark contrast of darkness and light will be ever present. Some, hopefully many, will be forced to make a choice. Remember, the main objective in third density is to make a choice. While I do not agree with the methods of the STS, nor their philosophy. I do know that they are doing their best to spread what they believe. At the same time we of the STO are doing our best to spread what we believe. I wish the STS well, we are all part of our Creator's loving family. If one feels uncomfortable with what they have just read, regarding the plans and potentiation/catalyst phases of the STS. One needs to start building their defenses against potential negative energy psychic/physical attacks. RA covered this in great detail when dealing with Carla during the Ra transmissions. Learn how to discern your true higher-self from another that may be acting like your higher-self. Once you can discern and become aware of negative attacks as they are occurring, the STS entities will grow weary and the attacks will become more infrequent. The power of a sixth density STS is in its mind and presence. Yet, at its core it's just like me and you: a spirit on a mission. It's an exciting time to be in form. A great learning opportunity is before you. Embrace it, love it, enjoy it, learn from it. Namaste
08-17-2009, 09:31 AM
(08-01-2009, 11:58 PM)MisterRabbit Wrote: So, has anyone else who is concerned about this sort of thing made any "just-in-case" plans? I feel that it's time I started to, but I don't really know where to begin.i'm just trying to pay down my mortgage as soon as possible, so that i don't get too stuck later upon another potential economic collapse.
08-17-2009, 01:16 PM
1. hold enough cash in the house to last about three months. 2. pay off all debt, your mortgage first. 3. if you can, purchase some gold/silver bullion coins and keep at home. 4. at any signs of food disruptions anywhere purchase three months freeze dried foods online. 5. do not take any flu shots this season. There are others but these are the primary ones.
08-17-2009, 02:12 PM
Ali wrote:
If there is only one here then I'm that one. My struggle is over. It's been over since 1995. I've been on holiday ever since. Has everything been fun since? No, but it's all been my choice. And I'm not blaming reptiles for a failed love affair or two. And I'm not blaming them for me living in a small house instead of a palace. I'm not blaming them for the ignorance of my people. I've taken responsibility for my position. I came here on my own free will and no matter who else is involved in the game. I chose my last breath long ago. And the universe will conspire to bring this breath to me when the time comes. ------------------- Well said, Ali. I most wholeheartedly agree. Richard
08-17-2009, 06:45 PM
(08-17-2009, 01:16 PM)gharghur Wrote: Suggestions:is it a bad idea to remodel the living room off of a prime interest rate home equity loan?
08-17-2009, 06:54 PM
08-18-2009, 05:07 AM
08-18-2009, 11:25 AM
(08-18-2009, 05:07 AM)Vince Wrote: it's only half paid off. i still owe $60,000. I'm not really qualified to give advice. I just know what I've heard from financial experts...that, in general, it's advisable to retain equity in your home. We refinanced once to lower our payments and took about $12k cash to buy a vehicle. It seemed like a great idea at the time, since we really did need a vehicle, but now that we're close to paying off our house, if we had not lost that equity, we'd have it paid off about 3 years sooner. With the economic situation the way it is, at this point I'd rather get our house paid off. Ah well, you know what they say about hindsight!
08-18-2009, 11:35 AM
Hi Friends,
Safe place or location? Safety of the body? What about the safety of the soul, the safety of our goodness, the safety of our freedom? Of our freedom to create good non-harmful things? The concept of fear that the 4d negative is putting forward, is used for entrapping our mind into believing that what the negative is doing is 'true'. Let's not buy it! There is not 'truth', only 'believes' in 3d. Here is the illusion created for choice. Remember! We are moving into 4th density! What is the characteristic of 4th density, I am asking you. The characteristic is that there, in 4d, thoughts (-) are power. There, thoughts are actions. We are on the threshold of 4d, already. So? So, let's create thought-forms of a kind that is refusing the ominous offered to us from the 4d negative. According to Ra, refusing what is given by 4d negative weakens them. We are free people; so free your mind from fear and, create a refusal mode, an escape road and a new landscape for all who do not want to follow the ominous agenda of the negative forces. What we do not want for us, we do not want for us. Final dot! I am aware that STO are often isolated people, mainly because we are free thinkers and respect other people’s space. That was true in 3d world. However, now is the time to unify our protective thoughts for one another, in love, in care, in trust and in protection. It is our right to refuse the 'gift' from the STS. We have not created their ‘gift’ of virus and camps and enslavement and, we have nothing to do with such ‘gift’. Let's refuse the ominous which they want for us. Let's cancel the dangers, cancel what we do not want for us. This is a battle of mind over matter and, they do not matter. ![]() Take in your heart friends and family members and the good people you know. Think and feel strong together. We are a wall of light and, the negative will not pass, they will not impede our freedom. Our light, love, care, peace, harmony will prevail for Eternity! It already exists; we have created this already. Now is the time to embrace it! And that is all! Now is the time to align with what we have chosen already in our heart from a place of no-time! There will be a battle for 4d is not yet the 6d where love and fear work together in balance. At this stage of humanity, we are marching toward 4d and, 4d is the power of thoughts where negative and positive are battling in thought-forms. As STO, we have the right to refuse. It is our main weapon of protection against STS and, a powerful one, not one to be under-estimated. The negative will fall, their syringe for vaccination/poison will break, their weapons will turn against them and have no effect on us, and their camp will be for them alone and remain empty for us. For we are the free people! We are aware that we are co-creators and, we create what we want for us! Take care, Love and Blessings to you. W. (18th August) (*) quote from a friend (-) 'Thought-form' is a really a 'thought-feeling-form'.
08-18-2009, 02:42 PM
Hi Whitefeather, Ali and Richard
I really admire your positive attitude, at least the way you express yourself here on this forum. I have aspired to attain the mindset that you seem to express, but it still eludes my understanding. Even now, I find myself disagreeing with your posts, a number of the details and statements you make. But essentially, I feel I am missing an understanding. As I've said, I've meditated and studied on these issues for about six years now, which admittedly is not that long compared to some people who have been aware since the Ra teachings in the '80s, etc. When I hear people such as yourselves make statements that we have total creative control over our life experiences and choosing what energies come into our lives, I simply DON'T SEE THAT in my life experiences. It is a beautiful idea, and I feel in my heart that it is correct on some level, but all I can say is that I have intentionally cultivated a calm, fearless, observer mindset, and frequently affirm abundance, healing, light etc in all of my actions. However, my experience in my life has been what I would call a "struggle", basically for as long as I can remember, with very little relief. I have consciously decided to "release the struggle" SO MANY TIMES over the years, but a month or two later, I find it is still with me. That is the pattern. No matter how positive I feel about things personally, the heaviness always creeps back in, and I have to be very vigilant to not allow myself to become deeply depressed or despondent. Ali, obviously whatever happened to you in 1995 shifted you away from your previous perceptions. Still I wonder what experiences you had that taught you that you actually have creative control over your existence? I have done sigils, affirmation tapes, "treasure maps" ala The Secret, visualizations, all towards releasing fear and attracting abundance and like-minded friends, and as I've said before I find myself at this point living in the middle of nowhere, making about a thousand bucks a month in a dead end job. And this is after years of meditating and affirmation work, not to mention two college degrees! So, it certainly confuses me, but again I salute your mindset and appreciate its positivity. I would simply love to have such experiences in my own life. T
08-18-2009, 05:47 PM
(08-18-2009, 02:42 PM)thr33tim3 Wrote: When I hear people such as yourselves make statements that we have total creative control over our life experiences and choosing what energies come into our lives, I simply DON'T SEE THAT in my life experiences. It is a beautiful idea, and I feel in my heart that it is correct on some level, but all I can say is that I have intentionally cultivated a calm, fearless, observer mindset, and frequently affirm abundance, healing, light etc in all of my actions. However, my experience in my life has been what I would call a "struggle", basically for as long as I can remember, with very little relief. I have consciously decided to "release the struggle" SO MANY TIMES over the years, but a month or two later, I find it is still with me. That is the pattern. No matter how positive I feel about things personally, the heaviness always creeps back in, and I have to be very vigilant to not allow myself to become deeply depressed or despondent. I haven't read this thread, other than this last post, so forgive me for jumping in and if I'm off target in my comments. According to Ra, third-density positive work is about acceptance and forgiveness rather than control, and our incarnation is carefully planned before birth. If you're finding it difficult to shape your life in the way you want it, it may be that your soul wants it that way for the learning opportunities it is providing you. Don repeatedly tried to get Ra to give him something like a "magic bullet" that would be the secret key to healing Carla's physical distortions, and Ra repeatedly made it clear that no such bullet existed. It sounds to this uninformed observer as if your life may be analogous, at least at this point.
08-18-2009, 07:18 PM
(08-18-2009, 05:47 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: According to Ra, third-density positive work is about acceptance and forgiveness rather than control, and our incarnation is carefully planned before birth. If you're finding it difficult to shape your life in the way you want it, it may be that your soul wants it that way for the learning opportunities it is providing you. Hello um... β ![]() Yes, this makes perfect sense to me! I have thought of this possibility before, and indeed your example of Don's attempts to extract healing info for Carla is apt. Without naming names, I am familiar with other channelers who have expressed frustration to me at the fact that their sources had not given them specific info to overcome their own personal/health problems. Considering the Law of Confusion, this makes sense. It is just difficult to accept, personally, because I get frustrated by how my "efforts" haven't translated into appreciable "results". This may be exactly the issue, however, so I appreciate you voicing your impression here. T
08-19-2009, 01:25 AM
(08-18-2009, 11:35 AM)Whitefeather Wrote: The concept of fear that the 4d negative is putting forward, is used for entrapping our mind into believing that what the negative is doing is 'true'. Let's not buy it! There is not 'truth', only 'believes' in 3d. Here is the illusion created for choice. Whitefeather, you ROCK! I agree totally! But wow, great to hear it! Nice to remind one another!
08-19-2009, 12:39 PM
It's not a good idea to take on more debt.
08-19-2009, 12:47 PM
Sign up for Freecycle.org in your area (the towns/cities around you) and you will find the materials needed all for free!
fairyfarmgirl |