07-09-2011, 04:06 AM
This is a simple thread, I offer a comparison of concepts to alight on to work those archetypal concepts which linger in everyone's mind. Today, a trinity!
Eternity, Temporality, Sempiternity
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S/Tless, Space/Time, Time/Space
Sempiternity is a weird one, but it basically means infinite temporal existence, so an infinite future and past. However, only Eternity is outside of time.
P.S. This is related to LOO through the use of Space/Time and Time/Space concepts.
Eternity, Temporality, Sempiternity
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S/Tless, Space/Time, Time/Space
Sempiternity is a weird one, but it basically means infinite temporal existence, so an infinite future and past. However, only Eternity is outside of time.
P.S. This is related to LOO through the use of Space/Time and Time/Space concepts.