03-25-2021, 01:15 PM
Or find bliss in it Jafar ?

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03-25-2021, 07:46 PM
(03-25-2021, 12:40 PM)jafar Wrote: Nothing will apparently change by being 'awakened'. I can see why a person might think that nothing apparent will change, but I don't believe it is accurate. One's particular activities are immaterial. (I usually cut a couple of cords of firewood per year, btw.) Terms like "enlightenment" are notoriously ambiguous, but when one's unconscious becomes aligned the conscious self and these become aligned with one's spirit helpers and are aimed towards doing the sort of work that one came her to do, from what I've been given to understand, the change is not a linear, more attached, less attached kind of thing. It's an exponential jump into a completely reorganized and updated energy system as the heart becomes the focal point instead of the solar plexus. One's relationships with the Earth, fellow travelers, spirit guides, all of these change. There's no way they could not change. (06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend? 8 years later, this moved me greatly, Patrick. I thank you for that. I've been dealing with a lot of negativity and anger within me for the past week or two. My ego looking down on other selves for not "knowing" the spiritual "truths" that i do. Truly a delusional path. this post reminded me to forgive myself, to let go, the only growth I need to worry about is my own. And I don't even need to worry about it, I just needed to surrender myself to the way. Thank you !! love
06-03-2021, 03:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2021, 03:32 PM by Patrick.
Edit Reason: spelling
(06-03-2021, 03:18 PM)pat19989 Wrote: ...this post reminded me to forgive myself, to let go, the only growth I need to worry about is my own. And I don't even need to worry about it, I just needed to surrender myself to the way... Here are some notes I have that supports this view fully. ![]() https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0211.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...In this regard we would suggest that the skillful choice is always to work on the self without regard for working with other entities. Service to others, working upon what you perceive needs to be done in the world, begins and ends within yourself. Until the point at which you are asked specific questions that you may answer in what you hope is a spiritually helpful manner, the work you do on yourself is sufficient and more than adequate in terms of how you may affect the consciousness of planet Earth. Change yourself and you change the world. That is how powerful you really are... https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0518.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...You need only to work upon yourself, so that you are a clear channel, unmoved by the ridiculousness of many situations, and in great humor when others find a situation quite grim. For you see, you dwell in the midst of a great cosmic joke and a great cosmic tragedy. And the ability to see both polarities of this truth equally is a very helpful one in dealing with yourself. And when you have dealt with this polarity within yourself, laughing at your grief and solemn in your joy, you may be of balanced help to others, for you may not then be touched by their difficulties to the point where you will be unable to respond in the way the Creator within you would respond... https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._1124.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...in that same general run of seekers there is often a prejudice against working on the self, for it seems selfish to be absorbed in the processes of the self. It is our opinion that it is in healing yourself that you heal the world. It is in learning to love yourself that you learn to love others. It is in finding compassion at last for yourself that you are finally able to have compassion on others. It is in blessing your own suffering by respecting it, honoring it, and forgiving it in yourself that you become able to behold the suffering of the world in its massive and almost infinite depth... https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0924.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...The focus upon the self in the means of balancing distortions and looking for ways to understand more of what is occurring within the self is an activity that may seem to some to be full of pride and ego, yet we would suggest that such a concentration of an entity’s attention upon its own self in that manner is a means by which a seeker grows, for it needs to be aware of the activity of intellect, of emotion, and of the spirit that moves within one’s own being. Yet that information is used only to temper the steel, shall we say, the character of the entity, and not to impose this character upon another... https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0204.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...Many times, it seems to each, that there is no way that one person can be of service, that one person’s light can make a difference. However, this instrument is fond of saying that in a dark place the light of one candle can be seen for quite a distance. Metaphysically, this is far more true even than the physical truth of candles and sight. Each of you makes a significant difference to the lightening of the planet as well as to the lightening of your soul. For when each of you does one, each of you is doing the other. To work on the self is to work on the world. Indeed, to work on the self is the most direct and effective way to work on the outer world in a metaphysical sense...
06-03-2021, 04:10 PM
(06-03-2021, 03:31 PM)Patrick Wrote:https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0211.aspx Q`uo Wrote:...In this regard we would suggest that the skillful choice is always to work on the self without regard for working with other entities. Service to others, working upon what you perceive needs to be done in the world, begins and ends within yourself. Until the point at which you are asked specific questions that you may answer in what you hope is a spiritually helpful manner, the work you do on yourself is sufficient and more than adequate in terms of how you may affect the consciousness of planet Earth. Change yourself and you change the world. That is how powerful you really are... Being an extremely introverted individual (however I am starting to see my extrovert come out a bit more) these passages bring me great joy. love (06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend? That's true, but keep in mind that this advice should not include to ignore the Elite and their plans. You should be aware of it, so that you will not agree with it or support it. For ignoring the "New Age" mind and the "conspiracy theory" has been invented.
06-25-2021, 12:03 PM
(06-25-2021, 05:07 AM)tadeus Wrote:(06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend? This is when the "Middle Way" becomes interesting? As much as I despise the "Elites" because the basis of their superiority-complex is through selfishness and greed. The best defense is offense, in the fact that we should be nonchalant, to the point of ignoring them, (yet also being aware of what is happening). Remaining neutral and alert. Be cautious and detached by World events. In my worldview, Zen always takes the superior position, and everything else is only supposition. Remain in stillness and acknowledge the Higher Goal that is yet to be achieved. Obviously, the "Elites" have a lower mindset than those who are Spiritually Aware. Meanwhile, have pity on them for their ignorance. Their time has not yet come, (only in their delusions). (06-25-2021, 12:03 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: This is when the "Middle Way" becomes interesting? What is the "Middle Way"? I would say the middle way is to balance everything: live <-> work capitalizm <-> poverty intellect <-> spirituality knowledge <-> faith companionship <-> solitude passivity <-> activity ... <-> ... (06-25-2021, 12:03 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: Zen always takes the superior position, and everything else is only supposition It would be wonderful if i could reduce everything to this. ![]() There is always the question "Why i am here?" So Zen is for me to see everything that happens now.
06-26-2021, 12:54 PM
very nice tadeus
06-26-2021, 07:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2021, 08:02 PM by the.
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(06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend? there're some articles discussed the difference between 'light worker' and 'light warrior'. depends on consciousness level and point of view, probably also which 'game' he/she is playing. for some people, take action from heart is far better than meditation only (not taking any physical action). this video explains the reason: Marina Jacobi - Constructive New Timelines S4 E26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYsrFUcgbtk (06-26-2021, 07:23 PM)the Wrote: Marina Jacobi - Constructive New Timelines S4 E26 Could you please define the meaning of a timeline? (It's always not clear when people are using this word.) Is it a synonym for the "probability/possibility vortex" of Ra? "Light warrior" is another misleading term for me, because light & love does not fit together with a warrior. Why words / terms are used, that have a inverted logic in it?
06-27-2021, 07:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 08:30 AM by the.
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(06-27-2021, 04:12 AM)tadeus Wrote: Could you please define the meaning of a timeline? this is a big topic. 1. To better understand timeline, it's better to understand our 'reality' first. you can learn that through Marina Jacobi's quantum manifestation teaching: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaW-6K...X-oRG7cBZQ or any other materials that resonate with you. 2. this is a very good video about 'timeline' , you can think this is a 'shortcut' about learning timeline https://swaruu.org/transcripts/timelines...erspective 3. many people still see 'healing their own shadow' and 'take action to against elite etc' as conflict, and can only choose one of them. but actually there's no conflict here, they can choose both, even in one timeline/reality. (06-27-2021, 04:12 AM)tadeus Wrote: "Light warrior" is another misleading term for me, because light & love does not fit together with a warrior. 1. I am trying to explain there're multiple perspectives, multiple view points, all of them are part of the 'one', and all are valid. if one is correct, doesn't mean other different viewpoints are invalid. besides Ra material, I learned this through 'the ascension papers' https://zingdad.com/publications/books/t...ers-book-1 and recently https://swaruu.org/ especially on the teaching of 'acceptance' and 'zero point'. many people haven't got this yet, and think 'avoid the fight','refusing see the darkness',' there's only light in this world' is the only way. 2. if you want to have a quick understanding and/or only want to read one article to start, u can try reading this post and the complete article referenced in this post "suffer in 3D, fight in 5D, and 'accept' in 6D or whatever Density/dimension' https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthre...?tid=19253 3. this is not a good explanation, but this incorrect metaphor might help some people. As Ra said, if u see somebody starving to death, gave him food. this is 'light warrior' behaviour, because you are taking physical 3D action to help improve the situation, and do this by heart. if you expand the situation a little bigger, this one is starving because other/elite took his food away. you are fighting with the elite to get the food back and gave it to this poor person, so he can survive. on the contrary, if you didn't give that person food, but just meditate, healing your own shadow, since all outside world is just reflection of what is inside of you. and maintain your own consciousness level, this is 'light worker' behaviour. in my original comment, Marina's video covered this a little bit as well, Marina Jacobi - Constructive New Timelines S4 E26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYsrFUcgbtk&t=2s 4. probably you know there's a heated discussion on 'closing the politics subforum', from their response, you can see the distinction action between 'light worker' and 'light warrior', or whatever term you want to name them. https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthre...?tid=19203 and at my current level of ignorance, that discussion truly revealed each one's consciousness level. 5.last but not least, if none of above resonates with you, that's fine, because '"Your truth is, whatever is deeply true in your heart."'.(quoted from 'the ascension papers') i know Patrick's very first post is a valid point, and it will help a lot of people increase their consciousness level/frequency, and it's good for the ascension. so I am not against it. all my comments are to provide another viewpoint. this is like climbing mountain, every step is useful to reach the top. but once you stand firm on it, you can move on, to take the next step, to accept a bigger truth, and further expand the consciousness. no matter original post or my comments, they're just one 'step' in our journey.
06-27-2021, 08:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 10:32 AM by the.
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(03-24-2021, 08:24 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote:(06-17-2012, 02:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: Are you awake my friend? very well said. yes, warriors rise up. (06-27-2021, 07:18 AM)the Wrote: this is a big topic. Thank you for the links! Indeed this idea does not resonate with me, even i am engineer - or maybe because i am engineer. There is one angle of view to see everything technical, trying to describe the reality in formulas, and the other angle to see it in a spiritual and philosophical way. I am glad that i can switch between the two angles, but i don't want to mix them. So i agree with the second sentence from your link: Quote:In the end... There is no timeline. It is just an idea formed in a head not even heads, or just as a concept. (06-27-2021, 07:18 AM)the Wrote: 3. many people still see 'healing their own shadow' and 'take action to against elite etc' as conflict, and can only choose one of them. but actually there's no conflict here, they can choose both, even in one timeline/reality. I did have only some inner conflict up to the point I learned that there are only many facets of knowledge and different angles of view on them. (06-27-2021, 07:18 AM)the Wrote: 1. I am trying to explain there're multiple perspectives, multiple view points, all of them are part of the 'one', and all are valid. if one is correct, doesn't mean other different viewpoints are invalid. So we are talking about the same perception. But why things must be encapsulated into complicate inconsistent terms / words? Specially when people are not able to count and will jump from 3D into 5D. ![]() Commonly people only use a world of own definitions, when they want to generate scientificity, or want to hide a missing consistency. It was really convincing for me that Ra has informed in a very straight and consistent way, although the verbalization is straining. (06-27-2021, 07:18 AM)the Wrote: on the contrary, if you didn't give that person food, but just meditate, healing your own shadow, since all outside world is just reflection of what is inside of you. and maintain your own consciousness level, this is 'light worker' behaviour. Sorry, but I am afraid this is only New Age thinking. Of course it is O.K. when someone will find his way with all this stuff, but it is apprehensive when this will be only a deadlock. And there are already to much blind lanes outside ...
06-27-2021, 01:16 PM
(03-24-2021, 08:24 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: At this point I am not preaching or trying to convert. This is why I think it is important that we understand our "Inner Reality" and reach "Self-Realization". Yes - just look ahead, be prepared and accept the heavy transformation process. Understanding the construct of this world can give this Inner Peace, because there are no really boring questions left. Then you are able to see through the matrix on a beautiful planet and physical illusion with all the wonderful possibilities.
07-02-2021, 06:13 PM
it's not good to be stuck in hatefulness towards negative beings, fixate on them all the time, and want to attack them and tear them down, but it's just as dangerous to completely ignore them and go inward, act like they don't exist, and think they'll simply evaporate if you do enough inner work. that's spiritual bypassing: "the tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved issues."
it's a balance. we need to do inner work and take time for ourselves and grow spiritually, and sometimes we need to take heart-centered action in the physical. your post conflates taking action to "taking arms." you can take action in a non-violent way. we live in a physical world and physical action is important to make changes. stuff like peaceful protests can have a profound effect. look at the recent london protests that i heard had 2 million people. that sends a powerful message and wave of energy to the government as well as to the general population and creates real change. we most definitely do need to stand up to the elites, this is how we reclaim our power and sovereignty.
07-02-2021, 07:00 PM
(07-02-2021, 06:13 PM)schubert Wrote: it's not good to be stuck in hatefulness towards negative beings, fixate on them all the time, and want to attack them and tear them down, but it's just as dangerous to completely ignore them and go inward, act like they don't exist, and think they'll simply evaporate if you do enough inner work. that's spiritual bypassing: "the tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved issues." I like where you are coming from schubert? Are you aware that you are speaking pure Zen Buddhism? The "Middle Path". When action and nonaction are the same thing. Eventually, the "Silent Majority" will force the Old World Order to change, or collapse from within. Is it not collapsing already? Or, if enough people, (thinking in Positive Thought and Action), will create change. It is the "Snowball Effect". As the Silent Majority grows and become Awakened, there will come a time when the Silent Majority becomes the Overall Majority and then the corruption has to show accountability for its actions. We are not there yet, except everything is happening faster.
The "Middle Path" is indeed the solution, because violence only justify more violence on the side of the negative polarization.
But action and nonaction are not really the same thing and will not have the same result. Nonaction will mean to do nothing (including thinking) and to accept everything. This is the Sinkhole of Indifference Ra mentioned. Action will mean to think (including to choose) and say "No" and not to agree by saying nothing. What you see as collapse is hopefully not the planned Great Reset. The awakening process is still inhibited with fear and i think it will grow.
07-03-2021, 11:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2021, 11:32 AM by Ming the Merciful.)
Continuing on this theme of "Are You Awake". David Icke has said it precisely as it should be said. The Law of One is the example for Humanity, and we cannot be conquered by a small minority of the Elite. They are not strong enough and we, (en masse), are too powerful. We also have justice on our side and that cannot be manipulated by a few.
07-14-2021, 01:24 AM
'Warrior' has connotations from our history and collective human picture of the topic. We picture men on horseback, swords, anger, death, fire, blood. In a spiritual or heavenly sense, war is the contest of wills, who can bring their energy to bear in the most concentrated, unshakeable form. It's akin to conviction. How strong is your conviction. You are warrior for peace if you are unshakeable in your conviction that peace is the true path and you cannot drift into anger and fear and turmoil. You can be a warrior without having any 'demons' who you are fighting against. I like the original post and everything said afterwards. Ciao
Third density of this planet was triggered artificially by a drastic infringement of its free will by the guardians more than 75.000 years ago. This has major consequences on the composition of planet population and the shape of our bodies. Not too many of current third density beings come from second density ranks of this planet. If the planet would have been allowed to evolve at its pace decided by its free will, probably the third density wasn't even started yet. Currently this planet hosts beings that in majority were forced here because they destroyed their home planets or were unfit learners of spiritual evolution in the third density they originated from. It is just normal that in such correctional environment most social structures will have some sort of negative polarized impact on the ones they lead. This infringement of planet free will is the cause where aggressive defensive behaviour originates from.
For most people attack and survival are the main goal in this illusion. Long ago during cold war there was a joke saying: It will be a fight for peace that will destroy everything. Unfortunately most earthlings believe in the winner archetype and in the fight for freedom myth. Hatonn and Ra clearly stated that the only way to win as a spiritual being is to allow yourself to lose in this illusion. Don't stop loving even if this would terminate your incarnation. How many of us can love like this? If you ask me this is what it takes to be awake. Many of us grasp the concept but how many of us live it?
01-18-2022, 06:26 PM
Beautiful post Patrick, good for you
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