01-08-2021, 05:44 AM
Dear all,
I am a „sometimes reader“ on the forums and there is something on my mind which has been greatly triggered by the so-called "covid crisis" those last months.
And I see that some readers here are also familiar with conspiracy theories, so maybe you can relate and offer your thoughts on the situation.
I have been into conspiracy theories for at least 10 years now – it started out of curiosity and of course like many others, I saw that what politicians talk about and what they actually do does clash a lot of times. And conspiracy theories offer explanations which many times seem more logical than the „official stories“ (9/11 etc).
And of course when covid started I was immediately like "yeah sure, a biological weapon designed to instill fear and help them sell their drugs – vaccines – as usually big pharma will be profiting "
and if you know that big pharma is one of the greatest lobbyists out there, of course it makes perfect sense.
And so far my predictions were eerily accurate, I even predicted they would have the vaccine by the end of the year, or at the latest, start of 2021 – when I told my friends back in may they were like „no way this is going to happen“. And here we are and they have the vaccine.
Now the thing is – I realized more and more, all those things DO NOT HELP ME OR DO ME ANY GOOD at all.
And even if all the conspiracy theories are true – what good does it do? Most of the people believe the official stories and are increasingly fearful. There is no revolution out there and capitalism goes on, the rich getting richer, blablabla.....
I have noticed it here over the last days, some people are even afraid to walk by another on the street and cross the street in a hurry or they will immediately put up the mask if someone else walks by.
And I must admit, I sometimes even admire the people who still naively believe that politicians are doing all this to protect the populace and it is all for our ultimate good.
I would love to be able to view politicians with benevolence but usually I have to turn off the TV when they start talking bc I cannot stand it …..
So I am sort of torn – the one side of me believes the conspiracies and the deep state and ,well, just to watch the news seems to confirm that view.
And I get angry and desperate and helpless.
The other side wishes desperatly for salvation and spiritual enlightenment and when I tune into that more and more I realize that I should keep out of what is happening in the world right now and only focus on that – inner growth - spirituality.
But still I have to live in this world and seeing how fearful other people are sort of affects me too and makes me sad (I have to add, I am rather empathic and all too often soak up the energies around me too easily. Which is why I keep to myself as much as possible and have to avoid crowds – well social distancing makes that easier, haha)
So can anyone relate to what I wrote? What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading all this and looking forward to hear from you
I am a „sometimes reader“ on the forums and there is something on my mind which has been greatly triggered by the so-called "covid crisis" those last months.
And I see that some readers here are also familiar with conspiracy theories, so maybe you can relate and offer your thoughts on the situation.
I have been into conspiracy theories for at least 10 years now – it started out of curiosity and of course like many others, I saw that what politicians talk about and what they actually do does clash a lot of times. And conspiracy theories offer explanations which many times seem more logical than the „official stories“ (9/11 etc).
And of course when covid started I was immediately like "yeah sure, a biological weapon designed to instill fear and help them sell their drugs – vaccines – as usually big pharma will be profiting "
and if you know that big pharma is one of the greatest lobbyists out there, of course it makes perfect sense.
And so far my predictions were eerily accurate, I even predicted they would have the vaccine by the end of the year, or at the latest, start of 2021 – when I told my friends back in may they were like „no way this is going to happen“. And here we are and they have the vaccine.
Now the thing is – I realized more and more, all those things DO NOT HELP ME OR DO ME ANY GOOD at all.
And even if all the conspiracy theories are true – what good does it do? Most of the people believe the official stories and are increasingly fearful. There is no revolution out there and capitalism goes on, the rich getting richer, blablabla.....
I have noticed it here over the last days, some people are even afraid to walk by another on the street and cross the street in a hurry or they will immediately put up the mask if someone else walks by.
And I must admit, I sometimes even admire the people who still naively believe that politicians are doing all this to protect the populace and it is all for our ultimate good.
I would love to be able to view politicians with benevolence but usually I have to turn off the TV when they start talking bc I cannot stand it …..
So I am sort of torn – the one side of me believes the conspiracies and the deep state and ,well, just to watch the news seems to confirm that view.
And I get angry and desperate and helpless.
The other side wishes desperatly for salvation and spiritual enlightenment and when I tune into that more and more I realize that I should keep out of what is happening in the world right now and only focus on that – inner growth - spirituality.
But still I have to live in this world and seeing how fearful other people are sort of affects me too and makes me sad (I have to add, I am rather empathic and all too often soak up the energies around me too easily. Which is why I keep to myself as much as possible and have to avoid crowds – well social distancing makes that easier, haha)
So can anyone relate to what I wrote? What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading all this and looking forward to hear from you