Im kind of on a wild journey here that I’m just beginning to uncover.
Any tips on smoking weed are appreciated.
Backstory: When I was young I split my head open in the middle of my forehead and became aware of light.
Fast forward 20 years and I’m struggling with my colons health. I’m stuck in a mode of survival focus and spatial awareness.
I start smoking again and I start having these thing called thoughts.
I had them before but never in my forehead.
So now I’m aware of thinking and I have the ability to create. So like anyone else who hasn’t been able to create since having their childhood brain. I kept smoking and kept traveling and really messed up. But first some positives before I got too far ahead of myself.
I’m able to feel my gut and can determine that it’s caused by negative thoughts. A balanced orange sub red is all I get up to.
I’m seeing possibilities and introduce myself to time management.
It seemed like weed was the answer so after helping me become more balanced I smoked more and repeated.
Next thing you know I’m tuning in to space wars or some s***.
I’m not sure what happened there but I ended up looking at the light.
I began to dissociate a little after that. I could sense my chakras and kept them open. My survival kept closing out of fear.
Badly enough I kept thinking, only love can conquer fear, but what I didn’t know was fear was trying to protect me.
I began to think I had multiple personality disorder and made myself believe I was being tested with lessons. I created fear and kept conquering it with love. I’m pretty sure I was balancing high up and just didn’t have a solid base.
I feel like I got stuck in my higher chakras and couldn’t leave.
Now the main point of this is to get a better grasp on how weed effects energy healers or empathy.
My body and mind seemed to be unaware of each other before smoking.
My mind has been overreacting and my body was foreign through it all.
Was I just supposed to fear and let the energy come back down?
Do I have to wait till weeds totally out of my system?
Do I have to wait till my mind loses the connections it made?
I’ll probably just wait a month but any tips are helpful.
Ps: My mom flushed all my weed and took my medical card so I can’t get more but I wasn’t planning on it too soon. She says she won’t have it in her house any more! I learned a lesson there too.
Any tips on smoking weed are appreciated.
Backstory: When I was young I split my head open in the middle of my forehead and became aware of light.
Fast forward 20 years and I’m struggling with my colons health. I’m stuck in a mode of survival focus and spatial awareness.
I start smoking again and I start having these thing called thoughts.
I had them before but never in my forehead.
So now I’m aware of thinking and I have the ability to create. So like anyone else who hasn’t been able to create since having their childhood brain. I kept smoking and kept traveling and really messed up. But first some positives before I got too far ahead of myself.
I’m able to feel my gut and can determine that it’s caused by negative thoughts. A balanced orange sub red is all I get up to.
I’m seeing possibilities and introduce myself to time management.
It seemed like weed was the answer so after helping me become more balanced I smoked more and repeated.
Next thing you know I’m tuning in to space wars or some s***.
I’m not sure what happened there but I ended up looking at the light.
I began to dissociate a little after that. I could sense my chakras and kept them open. My survival kept closing out of fear.
Badly enough I kept thinking, only love can conquer fear, but what I didn’t know was fear was trying to protect me.
I began to think I had multiple personality disorder and made myself believe I was being tested with lessons. I created fear and kept conquering it with love. I’m pretty sure I was balancing high up and just didn’t have a solid base.
I feel like I got stuck in my higher chakras and couldn’t leave.
Now the main point of this is to get a better grasp on how weed effects energy healers or empathy.
My body and mind seemed to be unaware of each other before smoking.
My mind has been overreacting and my body was foreign through it all.
Was I just supposed to fear and let the energy come back down?
Do I have to wait till weeds totally out of my system?
Do I have to wait till my mind loses the connections it made?
I’ll probably just wait a month but any tips are helpful.
Ps: My mom flushed all my weed and took my medical card so I can’t get more but I wasn’t planning on it too soon. She says she won’t have it in her house any more! I learned a lesson there too.