03-20-2019, 12:25 AM
i think it was the Law of One that mentions how when you incarnate on earth you have a sort of memory wipe/veil put over u. it wouldnt make any sense for wanderers to come here if it was permanent so surely memory is restored/veil lifts at some point. i guess the obvious thing to assume is that its lifted once you pass away but i wonder if its more complicated than that and you have to go thru some form of healing process after passing away to have ur memory restored or something like that. i know about like past life regression and hypnosis stuff that people can do now but yeah.
anybody know any info/writings that talk more in depth about the whole veil concept? i know i should just trust myself and not worry about it but i figured id throw it out there and ask. ive tried googling this question but struggled to find relevant results. thanks
anybody know any info/writings that talk more in depth about the whole veil concept? i know i should just trust myself and not worry about it but i figured id throw it out there and ask. ive tried googling this question but struggled to find relevant results. thanks