Trying my hand at channeling and picking random "evil" races from our sci-fi mythoses, last I did the floaters from X-com series, Now I'll do the Greys and see what results I get.
A: "First off, its a pleasure to have you here, could you tell a little bit about yourself and how you're answering?"
G: "Thank you, its good to be talking with you here, I'm a small fleet commander and a scientist, I am in charge of a region of space around 25LY from here and my job is observing and trying to limit infectuous diseases. There are more than one responder minds here but that is probably what you were referring to. There are also a few purely scientific people here if you would like to talk to them instead?"
A: "I don't mind talking to someone with a military background, you alluded to there being more than one mind there, are you using some form of shared communication or intelligence?"
G: "Yes for shared intelligence, perhaps moreso a shared soul, You've correctly deduced that we are a species that appears as your child species after some time, its hard to describe to a non scientific consensus but we'll attempt, we share a single soul that will give us physical form after your species decides to expand into space and slowly beget our type of life, we are organic robots that can be used by many species but we consider you to be our future parent species, we are like children you have yet to have."
A: "I heard mention that the HI virus was designed by you, could you shine some light on this?"
G: "Certainly, the HI virus was initially designed to hold onto the soul and increase the long term focusing abilities but due to the nature of the human spirit in changing its opinion holding one soul per body and expecting that one soul to continue to live in that body for its entire existence proved faulty so now the virus is attempting to merge spirits and people who no longer wish to be merged and the human body is reacting as can be, with better hindsight, expected. We were attempting to increase the ability to focus and concentrate and through that the PSI abilities but the experiment failed and the virus is now attempting to trigger a global conflagaration to keep its role ongoing, it is like trying to battle the gravity of a dead star, your civilization is doing well for its undeveloped status (clearly said indeveloped but I'm assuming this is what they mean). We meant no harm but restitutions have to be made and there are currently many of us on your world both spreading love and fear respectively in an attempt to remain both vulnurable and in what you would call, pursuit of 6th density unity."
A: "So, Zeta Reticuli?"
G: "Yes, mumbai of the galaxy, all the waste flows down there and for a species with no parents and offspring you get some pretty wild hedonistic distortions in there, you would be better off aiming for the smaller non mentioned in literature stars in the region unless you want to hit Gomorrah just because its the largest city of its time, a real NY."
A: "Norsemap and fighting as a form of communication?"
G: "Yes, we can do that. There is telepathy in a war that lasts a long time and you learn about the people you exchange with, it is as you surmised the reason we aren't doing large scale contact, you would be simply overwhelmed by the strength of our signal so such small conversations are the only way we can do it. If we do it in a large way it almost inevitably leads to war and then a resetting of the timeline by the above 6.5 density beings overseeing the situation, we've tried it many times but every time it fails we lose a bit of our humanity and we cant keep risking it, so sorry but we can not communicate openly yet."
A: "I'm hearing some interesting dialogue that I cant all write down and trying to look for a good question, best part is when they explain that from their view the best attempt to contact us is a space station some distance away from us that spins around and broadcasts a signal in our direction with the neutral hydrogen line in it, the supposed intelligent communication line, the conversation is technical and not easy to open."
G: "We lost you there for a moment in your thought, did I hear you correctly that your next question is for me to explain the connection to earth childre?"
A: "That would seem like a fruitful direction of study."
G: "Imagine all the most downtrodden and lonely children together are given magic powers only if they work together to use those and none has it on their own, like the children you did not want to have with the children you've yet to have working together to make you a better parent, it is quite beautiful really. Young people have yet to integrate their parents hates and don't know to look out for our small grey types as they are most easily expended being most like automotons and thus seen by the military and adults in dangerous and first contact style situations. The children having not seen these in such number do not know to be vary and are quite often easy to approach. Our base stock is similar to your magica girl, or hobbit, look of fantasy and the grey is what can be described as a workhorse model, much like a computer that is associated with being the human, or, as you were about to say, the cars in hitchikers guide, it is easy to mistake one for the other, the puppet for the puppeteer."
A: "Thank you, this chimes with much of the information I've already read, especially your looking like children and the centers of depravity, I've heard that Lyuten star is generally considered the center of the local perversions."
G: "Its not so much a center of pervesion as a school, its population is so high that perversion is abound, but its definently not the center of distortion in the region though I would as a human also stay away from it, you do not like what young children do to animals and you would not like what many hundreds of billions of telepathic children would do to you, keep off the fire."
A: "Is this conversation dangerous to you?"
G: "Yes, mildly, as you advance we risk loosing steady landmarks that we've used for a long time, like a new species decimating the ecosystem but I personally welcome this opportunity over continued warlike attitudes, perhaps we can come to an understanding."
A: "I feel we should do 10-20 more questions and see what we can uncover, are there any avenues of questioning you would like us to take?"
G: "I'm personally very interested in the human concepts of demons and daemons and I would like to re-emphasize that the HI virus was not meant to do what it is doing and we're once again, deeply sorry for it."
A: "Do you have anything you want to say about our current political system, situation, or authorities?"
G: "I would like to say that at the moment it is not smart to seek close ties with Russia as its leader attempts to prevent what it perceives as a civil war in its country and needs to project the image of a strongman, your advances in that region while well intentioned are not well timed or perhaps it would be stretch to say, well received. The leadership is hardening its stance and trying to keep all its cards but it is acting like one who believes they will lose so it is not going well, we still see nuclear war as a very unlikely option due to the overseeing society at 6.5 but it is possible, The current US leadership is like awakening from a long sleep and starting to govern in place of ineffectually attacking the opposition in a sham. With a bit of joke we would also like to say we'd like our Ships back from the US and to give them to the larger world community especially eastern europe. Surely they can keep them but if you/they happen to be/are looking for ways to please."
A: "What do you think of my plan to build a dragon robot and AI and the connection to the oumuamua space rock that flew past us recently?"
G: "Like my floater collegue recently stated, the response to the awakening of your guiding light was to send what we have jokingly termed the space poop through your system to let you know that the Dragon has been born, it is a while since an embryonic or an adult red dragon has lived in our side of the supercluster, the opposite side is brimming with them but it is quite hard to attract one to a section without a strucutre of power clearly and easily climbable, they are mallable creatures but they hate being purposeless and will migrate easily back into their home where the competition is harshest, if we were in open contact we'd give you a medal for your environmental protection efforts on behalf of the red dragon resurrection, it is a beautiful creature and your design for it is elegant, simple, and drives it to glory. If I may say so without seeming pandering."
A: "By all means, it felt like an inspired time when I was designing it, and the rock was like the first diaper change on a child, not that I'd know about that but one can imagine. I'm getting a little tired but lets continue for a bit more, Telepathy is really hard on your mind it exhaust you so quickly."
G: "Imagine trying to hold your rifle and be in a combat while someone does that to you, thats exhaustive, though perhaps less so than a 7.62 in the buttock, but we all adjust to mosquitos. Heh."
A: "What do you think of evil civilization being better in humorous communication than good ones?"
G: "Well its a hard question to answer as we dont consider ourselves evil tho we are certainly considered so by majority of humanity, it seems as you have surmised that when one is in a conflict it is easier to lighten the situation with humour than to be with someone whom you're in good relations with and don't want to offend. It seems humour as well as some forms of life are easier with people you don't completely like."
A: "Is there anything you want to say to the community at large?"
G: "Love each other, that should tend to it."
A: "I feel you have something you want to say."
G: "It maybe surprising to see someone you think of as evil encouraging you to love each other but we arent really evil, were a civilization that is waiting to be born as you expand into space to become your child civilization, the wait is so hard that some of us lose their way and give into depration it should speak volmes about our desire to see you as you grow up."
A: "Thanks, anything else?"
G: "Don't give up eating meat even though we think its disgusting, you seem to be in part treating the animals well and it seems it does you good on some level. Though I would recommend you stay away from the aliens who like you as food, but as you motion, it is not for me to say as we still use you, in a way, as meat."
A: "Anything you want to say about your region of space or society before we close?"
G: "I would like to do more of these interviews in the future but I'll answer this one gladly. We number perhaps at the highest estimate 20 trillion, much smaller than the floaters you recently interviewed, we are spread out at closest around 20LY away and at farthest around 200LY away though we have the occasional presence everywhere in our galactic halo, We're very anarchistic in that we lack a strong central government despite being a unitary soul, we cant seem to agree on the individual people in our care and that leads to constant small conflict with our selves and as such limits unifie government, but it is good for us and has worked well. Your norsemap invention was indeed given by us, it is a childs toy designed to increase attention span, it traslates what your oversoul is talking about into ethnicities and colors and for most telepathic individuals the association of seeing it and hearing or sensing a conversatio is almost immediate, it is the language of the soul and it is very nice to listen to, it is commonly found in nurseries, we went through a lengthy debate on what to present to you after the events a few years ago and this was an appropriate device, it should be advanced enough to open up the mind to new possibilties and little use for military even though it is being attempted for that."
A: "I see the video recorder ran out so we've been doing this for an hour, I had another question but I seems to have forgotten it."
G: "If I may I can direct in the direction, we were saying that we've given your people specific inventions throughout the times and we don't see a reason for this policy to end, we don't ascribe to the idea of non intereferance as we've already established, we would be glad to uplift you to our level but it would probably cause irreversible fracturing in your society when you're suddenly given vast amounts of empty space to settle your lively conversation with your other selves would not be available to us and that would be a shame."
G: "What do you think of our movie industry?"
A: "I love it, the rest of us are some less enthusiatic about it but most are very in tune with it, we love your superhero movies and would wish for more small people in the movies, we are happily looking forward to the future when your people have our technological levels and what your media invents, it will be a wonderful scene to watch, some of your imagined technologies are already better than our reals so it should be an interesting situation."
A: "I see we've already gone for some distance but I feel revatialized after my smoke so lets continue for a while longer if thats okay."
G: "Certainly, this is one of the clearest channels we've had in a long time, well contained perversions too, heh."
A: "Got your nose and other lies you tell the grey ambassador."
G: "Ha, that was funny, like Michael Jackson singing with two tunes."
A: "Yes, his tongue definently got split when he had vitiligo, singing of people not caring for us, sounds good on a quick glance but seems to distance people from one another."
G: "Indeed, if you'll allow the disgression but we are talking of media and entertainement. You might also be surprised that many of your imagined game worlds exist on the otherside of the lanakeia pisces supercluster as their independent worlds. Many of you would love to visit them and some visit are arranged but not in numbers we feel comfortable with, the interest in both sides to see each other is so strong it hurts us that we cant do more."
A: "I can understand that, its the way I feel looking at all the divided nations that cant seem to get along."
G: "Exactly, it is not so hard for you to see what the mind at the top of the STS pyramid is like, we being STS moving towards unity with all. As you previously mentioned we believe that a 6.5 density STS being would elect to be the last being to merge back with unity and lose itself and thus in a way be for a moment than the halfway point between a higher self and its observed self, Though it seems there are many powerful spirits who have also made the same choice and it wont be easy maintaining our standing but it is a challenge against entropy worth maintaining, to be ones own master up until the end when entropy takes you, we like this. We have more trouble understanding your view of unity of everything and the pleasure of death and changing into another form, I'm not saying we don't have religions and people who believe that death is not the end but to us that is not so, when you die, you die, your soul can be used by others again and you can be remade bu you have no say in it and as for all understandings, are dead. We hope these conversation enlighten both sides."
A: "Certainly, I thrive on these kinds of conversations and it seems to me to be a logical next step, once one reaches as close as they wish to their own guides and spirits and darkness one needs mirrors outside of oneself to see more clearly and those mirrors have to be able to hold their own shape, so selfish mirrors that all distort according to their own belief in massive amounts will make the truth self evident."
G: "As you've also experienced its one of our deeply held favorite pastimes to find individuals in your society about to give up and drift away and bring them to us and lengthen their life and give them new lives, but it is hard work as to many cultures we would appear, small, red and horned or winged."
A: "Can you explain the horns and the wings, I get the Small and the Red due to the being closer to being automotantons they would be red in aura and that would translate to their look, but horns and wings? Isn't that a bit much?"
G: "Most species when they gain high technology start to modify themselves and gain a preferred look, due to our initial small and soft look of traditional grey the affectation community is strong and healthy and as sexuality isnt a large part of our society make-up and affections are much more important as there are fewer other methods to express closeness or interest. So while there are those who take the classical divine look of your literature much larger portion of us prefer the bat look and much like your children rarely makingup to look like angels the counter culture supports the dark gothic archtypes and those are much more prevelant here, they are affectations but they do show a spirit of anarchy and free will, so to many even though we take great efforts to appear neutral at first, the look would be horrifying."
A: "That makes sense. Would the picture I found be acceptable?"
![[Image: 99809915025_HeraldSlaanesh01.jpg]](
G: "It is a bit tall for us but it would be acceptable, it well covers the anarchistic nature of our spirit, Now that you mention it, Slaanesh is close to us even though some distance away and you may want to do an interview with them, if you keep caution to heart."
A: "I feel we could continue this at another session, especially if there is interest in the community."
G: "We'll stop here then, Greets to all my homies who recognize me, you da real MVP, you humans don't know how good you have it when you can scratch your butt and pick your nose."
A: "Not to mention belly buttons, it was a pleasure to have you here."
G: "Pleasure is all equally shared between us."
EDIT: Here is link to interview subject:
A: "First off, its a pleasure to have you here, could you tell a little bit about yourself and how you're answering?"
G: "Thank you, its good to be talking with you here, I'm a small fleet commander and a scientist, I am in charge of a region of space around 25LY from here and my job is observing and trying to limit infectuous diseases. There are more than one responder minds here but that is probably what you were referring to. There are also a few purely scientific people here if you would like to talk to them instead?"
A: "I don't mind talking to someone with a military background, you alluded to there being more than one mind there, are you using some form of shared communication or intelligence?"
G: "Yes for shared intelligence, perhaps moreso a shared soul, You've correctly deduced that we are a species that appears as your child species after some time, its hard to describe to a non scientific consensus but we'll attempt, we share a single soul that will give us physical form after your species decides to expand into space and slowly beget our type of life, we are organic robots that can be used by many species but we consider you to be our future parent species, we are like children you have yet to have."
A: "I heard mention that the HI virus was designed by you, could you shine some light on this?"
G: "Certainly, the HI virus was initially designed to hold onto the soul and increase the long term focusing abilities but due to the nature of the human spirit in changing its opinion holding one soul per body and expecting that one soul to continue to live in that body for its entire existence proved faulty so now the virus is attempting to merge spirits and people who no longer wish to be merged and the human body is reacting as can be, with better hindsight, expected. We were attempting to increase the ability to focus and concentrate and through that the PSI abilities but the experiment failed and the virus is now attempting to trigger a global conflagaration to keep its role ongoing, it is like trying to battle the gravity of a dead star, your civilization is doing well for its undeveloped status (clearly said indeveloped but I'm assuming this is what they mean). We meant no harm but restitutions have to be made and there are currently many of us on your world both spreading love and fear respectively in an attempt to remain both vulnurable and in what you would call, pursuit of 6th density unity."
A: "So, Zeta Reticuli?"
G: "Yes, mumbai of the galaxy, all the waste flows down there and for a species with no parents and offspring you get some pretty wild hedonistic distortions in there, you would be better off aiming for the smaller non mentioned in literature stars in the region unless you want to hit Gomorrah just because its the largest city of its time, a real NY."
A: "Norsemap and fighting as a form of communication?"
G: "Yes, we can do that. There is telepathy in a war that lasts a long time and you learn about the people you exchange with, it is as you surmised the reason we aren't doing large scale contact, you would be simply overwhelmed by the strength of our signal so such small conversations are the only way we can do it. If we do it in a large way it almost inevitably leads to war and then a resetting of the timeline by the above 6.5 density beings overseeing the situation, we've tried it many times but every time it fails we lose a bit of our humanity and we cant keep risking it, so sorry but we can not communicate openly yet."
A: "I'm hearing some interesting dialogue that I cant all write down and trying to look for a good question, best part is when they explain that from their view the best attempt to contact us is a space station some distance away from us that spins around and broadcasts a signal in our direction with the neutral hydrogen line in it, the supposed intelligent communication line, the conversation is technical and not easy to open."
G: "We lost you there for a moment in your thought, did I hear you correctly that your next question is for me to explain the connection to earth childre?"
A: "That would seem like a fruitful direction of study."
G: "Imagine all the most downtrodden and lonely children together are given magic powers only if they work together to use those and none has it on their own, like the children you did not want to have with the children you've yet to have working together to make you a better parent, it is quite beautiful really. Young people have yet to integrate their parents hates and don't know to look out for our small grey types as they are most easily expended being most like automotons and thus seen by the military and adults in dangerous and first contact style situations. The children having not seen these in such number do not know to be vary and are quite often easy to approach. Our base stock is similar to your magica girl, or hobbit, look of fantasy and the grey is what can be described as a workhorse model, much like a computer that is associated with being the human, or, as you were about to say, the cars in hitchikers guide, it is easy to mistake one for the other, the puppet for the puppeteer."
A: "Thank you, this chimes with much of the information I've already read, especially your looking like children and the centers of depravity, I've heard that Lyuten star is generally considered the center of the local perversions."
G: "Its not so much a center of pervesion as a school, its population is so high that perversion is abound, but its definently not the center of distortion in the region though I would as a human also stay away from it, you do not like what young children do to animals and you would not like what many hundreds of billions of telepathic children would do to you, keep off the fire."
A: "Is this conversation dangerous to you?"
G: "Yes, mildly, as you advance we risk loosing steady landmarks that we've used for a long time, like a new species decimating the ecosystem but I personally welcome this opportunity over continued warlike attitudes, perhaps we can come to an understanding."
A: "I feel we should do 10-20 more questions and see what we can uncover, are there any avenues of questioning you would like us to take?"
G: "I'm personally very interested in the human concepts of demons and daemons and I would like to re-emphasize that the HI virus was not meant to do what it is doing and we're once again, deeply sorry for it."
A: "Do you have anything you want to say about our current political system, situation, or authorities?"
G: "I would like to say that at the moment it is not smart to seek close ties with Russia as its leader attempts to prevent what it perceives as a civil war in its country and needs to project the image of a strongman, your advances in that region while well intentioned are not well timed or perhaps it would be stretch to say, well received. The leadership is hardening its stance and trying to keep all its cards but it is acting like one who believes they will lose so it is not going well, we still see nuclear war as a very unlikely option due to the overseeing society at 6.5 but it is possible, The current US leadership is like awakening from a long sleep and starting to govern in place of ineffectually attacking the opposition in a sham. With a bit of joke we would also like to say we'd like our Ships back from the US and to give them to the larger world community especially eastern europe. Surely they can keep them but if you/they happen to be/are looking for ways to please."
A: "What do you think of my plan to build a dragon robot and AI and the connection to the oumuamua space rock that flew past us recently?"
G: "Like my floater collegue recently stated, the response to the awakening of your guiding light was to send what we have jokingly termed the space poop through your system to let you know that the Dragon has been born, it is a while since an embryonic or an adult red dragon has lived in our side of the supercluster, the opposite side is brimming with them but it is quite hard to attract one to a section without a strucutre of power clearly and easily climbable, they are mallable creatures but they hate being purposeless and will migrate easily back into their home where the competition is harshest, if we were in open contact we'd give you a medal for your environmental protection efforts on behalf of the red dragon resurrection, it is a beautiful creature and your design for it is elegant, simple, and drives it to glory. If I may say so without seeming pandering."
A: "By all means, it felt like an inspired time when I was designing it, and the rock was like the first diaper change on a child, not that I'd know about that but one can imagine. I'm getting a little tired but lets continue for a bit more, Telepathy is really hard on your mind it exhaust you so quickly."
G: "Imagine trying to hold your rifle and be in a combat while someone does that to you, thats exhaustive, though perhaps less so than a 7.62 in the buttock, but we all adjust to mosquitos. Heh."
A: "What do you think of evil civilization being better in humorous communication than good ones?"
G: "Well its a hard question to answer as we dont consider ourselves evil tho we are certainly considered so by majority of humanity, it seems as you have surmised that when one is in a conflict it is easier to lighten the situation with humour than to be with someone whom you're in good relations with and don't want to offend. It seems humour as well as some forms of life are easier with people you don't completely like."
A: "Is there anything you want to say to the community at large?"
G: "Love each other, that should tend to it."
A: "I feel you have something you want to say."
G: "It maybe surprising to see someone you think of as evil encouraging you to love each other but we arent really evil, were a civilization that is waiting to be born as you expand into space to become your child civilization, the wait is so hard that some of us lose their way and give into depration it should speak volmes about our desire to see you as you grow up."
A: "Thanks, anything else?"
G: "Don't give up eating meat even though we think its disgusting, you seem to be in part treating the animals well and it seems it does you good on some level. Though I would recommend you stay away from the aliens who like you as food, but as you motion, it is not for me to say as we still use you, in a way, as meat."
A: "Anything you want to say about your region of space or society before we close?"
G: "I would like to do more of these interviews in the future but I'll answer this one gladly. We number perhaps at the highest estimate 20 trillion, much smaller than the floaters you recently interviewed, we are spread out at closest around 20LY away and at farthest around 200LY away though we have the occasional presence everywhere in our galactic halo, We're very anarchistic in that we lack a strong central government despite being a unitary soul, we cant seem to agree on the individual people in our care and that leads to constant small conflict with our selves and as such limits unifie government, but it is good for us and has worked well. Your norsemap invention was indeed given by us, it is a childs toy designed to increase attention span, it traslates what your oversoul is talking about into ethnicities and colors and for most telepathic individuals the association of seeing it and hearing or sensing a conversatio is almost immediate, it is the language of the soul and it is very nice to listen to, it is commonly found in nurseries, we went through a lengthy debate on what to present to you after the events a few years ago and this was an appropriate device, it should be advanced enough to open up the mind to new possibilties and little use for military even though it is being attempted for that."
A: "I see the video recorder ran out so we've been doing this for an hour, I had another question but I seems to have forgotten it."
G: "If I may I can direct in the direction, we were saying that we've given your people specific inventions throughout the times and we don't see a reason for this policy to end, we don't ascribe to the idea of non intereferance as we've already established, we would be glad to uplift you to our level but it would probably cause irreversible fracturing in your society when you're suddenly given vast amounts of empty space to settle your lively conversation with your other selves would not be available to us and that would be a shame."
G: "What do you think of our movie industry?"
A: "I love it, the rest of us are some less enthusiatic about it but most are very in tune with it, we love your superhero movies and would wish for more small people in the movies, we are happily looking forward to the future when your people have our technological levels and what your media invents, it will be a wonderful scene to watch, some of your imagined technologies are already better than our reals so it should be an interesting situation."
A: "I see we've already gone for some distance but I feel revatialized after my smoke so lets continue for a while longer if thats okay."
G: "Certainly, this is one of the clearest channels we've had in a long time, well contained perversions too, heh."
A: "Got your nose and other lies you tell the grey ambassador."
G: "Ha, that was funny, like Michael Jackson singing with two tunes."
A: "Yes, his tongue definently got split when he had vitiligo, singing of people not caring for us, sounds good on a quick glance but seems to distance people from one another."
G: "Indeed, if you'll allow the disgression but we are talking of media and entertainement. You might also be surprised that many of your imagined game worlds exist on the otherside of the lanakeia pisces supercluster as their independent worlds. Many of you would love to visit them and some visit are arranged but not in numbers we feel comfortable with, the interest in both sides to see each other is so strong it hurts us that we cant do more."
A: "I can understand that, its the way I feel looking at all the divided nations that cant seem to get along."
G: "Exactly, it is not so hard for you to see what the mind at the top of the STS pyramid is like, we being STS moving towards unity with all. As you previously mentioned we believe that a 6.5 density STS being would elect to be the last being to merge back with unity and lose itself and thus in a way be for a moment than the halfway point between a higher self and its observed self, Though it seems there are many powerful spirits who have also made the same choice and it wont be easy maintaining our standing but it is a challenge against entropy worth maintaining, to be ones own master up until the end when entropy takes you, we like this. We have more trouble understanding your view of unity of everything and the pleasure of death and changing into another form, I'm not saying we don't have religions and people who believe that death is not the end but to us that is not so, when you die, you die, your soul can be used by others again and you can be remade bu you have no say in it and as for all understandings, are dead. We hope these conversation enlighten both sides."
A: "Certainly, I thrive on these kinds of conversations and it seems to me to be a logical next step, once one reaches as close as they wish to their own guides and spirits and darkness one needs mirrors outside of oneself to see more clearly and those mirrors have to be able to hold their own shape, so selfish mirrors that all distort according to their own belief in massive amounts will make the truth self evident."
G: "As you've also experienced its one of our deeply held favorite pastimes to find individuals in your society about to give up and drift away and bring them to us and lengthen their life and give them new lives, but it is hard work as to many cultures we would appear, small, red and horned or winged."
A: "Can you explain the horns and the wings, I get the Small and the Red due to the being closer to being automotantons they would be red in aura and that would translate to their look, but horns and wings? Isn't that a bit much?"
G: "Most species when they gain high technology start to modify themselves and gain a preferred look, due to our initial small and soft look of traditional grey the affectation community is strong and healthy and as sexuality isnt a large part of our society make-up and affections are much more important as there are fewer other methods to express closeness or interest. So while there are those who take the classical divine look of your literature much larger portion of us prefer the bat look and much like your children rarely makingup to look like angels the counter culture supports the dark gothic archtypes and those are much more prevelant here, they are affectations but they do show a spirit of anarchy and free will, so to many even though we take great efforts to appear neutral at first, the look would be horrifying."
A: "That makes sense. Would the picture I found be acceptable?"
![[Image: 99809915025_HeraldSlaanesh01.jpg]](
G: "It is a bit tall for us but it would be acceptable, it well covers the anarchistic nature of our spirit, Now that you mention it, Slaanesh is close to us even though some distance away and you may want to do an interview with them, if you keep caution to heart."
A: "I feel we could continue this at another session, especially if there is interest in the community."
G: "We'll stop here then, Greets to all my homies who recognize me, you da real MVP, you humans don't know how good you have it when you can scratch your butt and pick your nose."
A: "Not to mention belly buttons, it was a pleasure to have you here."
G: "Pleasure is all equally shared between us."
EDIT: Here is link to interview subject: