Be careful of what some may deem “The Harvest.” For many it will involve what amounts to a demonic possession. A chaotic gestalt consciousness that seeks experiences of Good and Evil will attempt to permanently merge with your energy field. They came upon me 14 years ago promising to help me with my life, goals, plans, work, etc. However, it quickly descended into hell, and satanic torment for most of these 14 years. Turns out that all they were interested in doing was harvesting my DNA/chakras and altering my timeline to PREVENT me from achieving my goals. They also seem to be cutting me off from my higher chakras and God source by blocking my heart chakra from the solar plexus.
These beings are using my body to achieve their own agenda. Earth's lay lines are the meridian axiatonal lines or grid system that conducts and transmits frequencies throughout our bodies and the planet. They are an exact mirror as they exist in our personal holographic template and are reflected from within the larger mirror of the planet’s own meridian and template system. They told me initially that they wanted to use me (my DNA) to help shift billions of people to a higher dimension. But, I did not know that it involved them taking my body over almost completely. Is there anything that can be done to change these dynamics because I feel like I am just being used by cosmic beings to achieve their agenda at my life’s expense?