01-21-2017, 02:34 PM
It's someone that reached the apex of human evolution.
Peace, love and light.
Peace, love and light.
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01-21-2017, 02:34 PM
It's someone that reached the apex of human evolution.
Peace, love and light.
02-05-2017, 10:45 PM
83.18 Questioner: Specifically, by what process in the first case, when two polarized entities would attempt to penetrate the veil, whether they be positively or negatively polarized— specifically by what technique would they penetrate the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. The penetration of the veil may be seen to begin to have its roots in the gestation of green-ray activity, that all-compassionate love which demands no return. If this path is followed the higher energy centers shall be activated and crystallized until the adept is born. Within the adept is the potential for dismantling the veil to a greater or lesser extent that all may be seen again as one. The other-self is primary catalyst in this particular path to the piercing of the veil, if you would call it that.
02-06-2017, 10:21 AM
I would say an adept is one who has / is doing the Great Work. He is one who has gained sufficient mastery in working with the mind, body, and spirit. One who is able to affect changes in consciousness at will. He is one who has come into his power and is able to make contact with intelligent infinity and to use intelligent energy.
02-12-2017, 11:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 11:49 AM by Aurora Borealis.)
We like to talk about the positive side because it inspire us and others to be one and do great things in our own little ways. Being selfless 100 % may seem to be impossible for us but there are those extraordinary people who were able to give themselves in service to others with all their hearts, mind, body and soul.
Being protective of ourselves from harm is a service to self, so I thought are these extraordinary people have not protected themselves because of their service to others?
02-13-2017, 10:10 AM
Very interesting question. Love is the ultimate protection, and an adept is one who knows himself to be the Creator. The Creator is all that there is. An adept doesn't protect himself out of fear or selfishness. It's a natural, what we would call, protection, Love and Truth are.
All is one. It's not a selfish act to embark upon the Great Work. For in doing the Great Work, all beings benefit. Caring about the self, loving the self is necessary. One must be able to love himself to love others. This is not selfish because the work is being done for service to others. "I seek to know in order to serve."
02-13-2017, 11:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 11:27 AM by Aurora Borealis.)
So if one must love himself to love others, at what point will it not seem to be deemed selfish in loving oneself?
If one have overcome the material aspects of life and always put others before himself, will that be enough? My other question is, if one sacrifice himself for world peace but loses his life in just praying and meditating, but not helping others physically, will that be enough also?
02-14-2017, 09:26 AM
"Love others as one loves the self." The seeker is equally as worthy of love as those whom he seeks to serve.
The intention is what holds metaphysical weight. One's intention to serve others is what matters. That initial choice to love and to serve others is continually remade and purified throughout the incarnation. To your second question, yes. Our culture tends to overvalue the "doing", that one is only of value if he is doing something. Yet, our being informs the doing. Prayer and meditation do great work on the inner planes and allow light into the web of our planet and into our planetary consciousness. We need those who pray and meditate. This kind of service is equally as valueable as an outer service. By all means, when the opportunity for outer service presents itself, take it! But rest knowing that your beingness is worthy and beautiful and a light unto the world. The lighthouse on the hill.
02-14-2017, 10:19 AM
Thank you Nau7ik for your insights, I understand that there is a similarity teachings in my Catholic background as the Bible was written with divine inspiration.
May I ask if other members have mixed beleifs regarding religion and Ra's teachings?
02-14-2017, 12:06 PM
(02-13-2017, 11:27 AM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: My other question is, if one sacrifice himself for world peace but loses his life in just praying and meditating, but not helping others physically, will that be enough also? Quo Wrote:[A]s the seeker of truth, which we are calling the adept, proceeds further and further along its path, it will discover that those qualities of the outer world which at one time were happy experiences, no longer have attraction. The world and all its lures falls away, and the inner world only is that of importance to such a seeker, for only within the seeking of truth by meditation, by contemplation, by prayer, by fasting, by giving oneself completely to the will of the Creator, can the true seeker achieve this goal of union with the One Creator. -`ღ´-
I'm gonna have to disagree with Q'uo on that one, but what do I know? Many say our culture is overly focused on 'the doing' but I have found a lot of spiritual culture to be the exact opposite. I don't think either extreme is the point of balance, personally.
That is I do not believe an inner service is 'better' than an outer service or vice versa but rather they should be brought in to alignment, imo.
02-14-2017, 06:31 PM
(02-13-2017, 11:27 AM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: My other question is, if one sacrifice himself for world peace but loses his life in just praying and meditating, but not helping others physically, will that be enough also?I also think it's a matter of balance. Both is service to One Creator. As st. Benedict said: "Ora et labora." (Pray and work.) Although these two type of activities may not be totally incompatible ... It depends also on your age and physical abilities ... Secondly, lets not forget of the importance of interaction with others for polarization and service. Quote:... your entities need constant moments of meditation to balance your activities.
02-14-2017, 06:55 PM
(02-14-2017, 10:19 AM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: May I ask if other members have mixed beleifs regarding religion and Ra's teachings?I also have strong roots in Christianity and I feel Ra Material resonates well with me inspite some doctrinal differences with mainstream Christian religion, most notably reincarnation, divine incarnation of Christ and his role in salvation. I think you must must discern for yourself and choose what (and what details) is currently best resonating with you.
02-15-2017, 03:53 PM
I too believe that it should be a balance of spiritual work and the physical.
I wanted to teach pre-schools for free but there was a resistance on my part that did allow me to do so. My purpose is to inspire parents specially children to dream and inspire people to be a good person regardless of religion, I am still holding on to my dream of teaching as my service to others because I felt my prayers aren't enough to pay it forward. On mixed belief, is it mix Divine Galactic-Buddism-Christian beliefs in one. Please correct me if I am wrong. As we are all seeker of truth, is it a universal law teachings or is there any difference? With respect to Ra's teachings, how can we be sure that the adepts have no personal influences on the teachings? I'm sorry for my queries, I hope I did not sound rude, just inquiring.
02-16-2017, 10:20 AM
Questions are great, keep asking them! you don't sound rude at all.
Teaching is a dream of mine as well! Your heartfelt desire is heard in the heavens ![]() I'm not quite sure what you mean with the first question tho. In my opinion, the Law of One is a universal teaching. Ra must respect the Free Will of the 3D seeker, so they can only speak universally, not specifically. The spiritual principles in the Law of One are positive in polarity and can be applied to any religion or tradition. All religions are the equal when you seek from the mystical standpoint. Make it your own! Fashion your unique path. By adepts I assume you are referring to the L/L Research group. It's not personally influenced because it was done in trance. Carla left her body and Ra spoke through her. Ra was speaking without any influence. Don asked the questions. If by adepts you mean Ra, Ra only ever spoke when asked a question. They wouldn't presume to tell us anything except if we asked first. Positive entities wait for the call. They don't call themselves as negative polarized entities do. Anyway, follow the path of resonance. Ra is not an authority and you are free to take what is helpful and leave the rest behind. You are your only authority.
02-16-2017, 01:02 PM
I have read in other web sites a channelling of spirit guides which is celestial in nature.
I also had a galactic past life reading that resonates with my present personality. I also have readings (from different people) that I have a celestial spirit guide looking after me, is there any connection or teachings of Ra that speak of these things?
02-17-2017, 10:05 AM
There are! Channelings from spirit guides can be various in nature. Those of Ra and Q'uo are galactic, universal, meaning Ra is not from this planet. They haven't lived with us. They don't have the right to interfere with our life and give us personal advice. We may call them and they can respond but free will must be honored and respected.
There are inner planes spirits who can offer a more detailed personal response because they have lived on this planet, they have walked with us, they ar free to speak to us as we speak to our friends. We all have unseen friends that surround us at all times. They are attracted to us by the nature of our seeking. We have angels, guides, spirits, teachers looking after us certainly! If you're interested I recommend checking out the L/L Research transcript library! The Q'uo channelings are incredible! Some of the best telepathic channeling I have seen. They go into further detail about these topics. (Much better than I lol.)
02-17-2017, 10:37 AM
(02-16-2017, 01:02 PM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: I have read in other web sites a channelling of spirit guides which is celestial in nature. Nau7ik pointed out a great resource for you to delve into for answers. I would just like to state my opinion. In my personal opinion most sites laying out specifics like past life names, your charts, and almosall of it being transient information,usually only pertaining self. I would suggest not relying on websites, and doing inner seeking, and starting with lower triad work and focusing on clearing blocks and finding balance. For at least three years before trying to open any higher energy centers. This is what I suggest to all That come to me for spiritual help. The lower triad work is grossly tangible and is a great place to start understanding yourself and the nature of your being/energy. Moving to quick to activate energy centers, is one of the most repeated mistakes I have seen. I understand the want/desire to activate higher energy centers. The truth is that each energy center when balanced and flowing produce its own orgasmic vibration. For me when organge is balanced and flowing, it produces joy flowing up as if an instrument is playing it. I started opening all my energy centers very rapidly, due to remembering how, and I moved way to fast. The inbalanbes, and blockages encountered were immense. It took me years to retrace to balance and unblock energy centers. Spirituality isn't something you can rush, and is a lifelong path.
02-18-2017, 02:38 PM
Thank you all for your good insights and advices.
I'll start on energy balancing and blockages.
02-18-2017, 06:25 PM
Hey I really enjoyed your story. And I did cry through parts of it. I am glad you made it here to share your experience, and love.
02-19-2017, 11:57 AM
Thank you infinite Unity, somehow I am not surprised if you recognized me, my real name is Aurora but sometimes I use Aube with the same definition (and childhood name Au and Bebe).
I too, still can't believe that it could happen to one person but realizing that everything happened made me prepared for the next challenge in life and every wisdom gained are meant to be taught and shared to whoever needs it. Being chased by a tornado made me realized that .i can run that fast LOL Being almost struck by a lightning in a split second amazed me that it could illuminate the whole village and discovered my clairvoyant ability. This one made me laugh so hard that I saw two people outside the house with almost popped out eyes in awe and stuck like a star on the wall then I heard them laughed. Oh, sometimes Though I don't understand why it all happened I just try something to remember and laugh at it. There is more than meets the eye.
02-23-2017, 04:02 AM
Another quote on this topic, that might be useful to keep in mind:
Ra Wrote:I am Ra. Your query is less than perfectly focused. We shall address the subject in general. -`ღ´-
06-11-2017, 10:21 PM
Quote:75.23 Questioner: I am sorry for the confusion. Sometimes, as you say, sound vibration complexes are not very adequate, and I’m sorry.
07-09-2017, 07:44 PM
07-09-2017, 08:04 PM
(02-13-2017, 11:27 AM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: So if one must love himself to love others, at what point will it not seem to be deemed selfish in loving oneself? In learning to one love self yet retaining the mindset of service to others, one is able to understand what the self needs, in turn these are the same needs of others. In turn you learn healthier personal boundaries while being surrounded by the Law of Free Will. Free will is adhered to whether one likes it or not. As a result, one can serve one self upwards of selfishness and experience the result of ones karma, or one can serve others while learning to balance serving the self in such a way as to become a balanced, or one can serve others in such a way as to become a martyr. There is not positive and negative, but rather, contraction and expansion, surely one needs to serve themselves to do daily things like laundry or brushing of the teeth, it may not serve the self or of others to have bad breath haha. Praying and meditation can have an affect however it is hindered by the freewill of the individual you are meditating upon. As a result it needs to be complimented with physical action. We're mind body spirits, not just minds. We experience time as the illusion that is not cyclical. Actions count since the afterlife is spent reviewing those actions in preparation for the next life.
03-08-2020, 11:01 PM
04-09-2020, 08:06 AM
The term "Adept" was defined by L/L Research in the glossary of the "The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One" books as:
Quote:One who devotes the self to seeking the Creator using the disciplines of the personality in the work of faith and spirit. After having adequately balanced the preceding energy centers, the adept proceeds into indigo-ray to make contact with intelligent infinity. The adept may bring intelligent energy through the indigo gateway in order to heal, teach, and work for the Creator in ways that are both radiant and balanced. Whatever the outer service, though, the adept's primary work is not that of doing, but of being.
04-09-2020, 01:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2020, 01:52 PM by AnthroHeart.)
In working with a shaman I realized that contacting Intelligent Infinity is only 1/2 the work.
We have to purify our physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. This is done through release and purging and Kundalini. I don't know if I'm adept, but I do have over 1,000 hours of work on myself. Not sure exactly. It could be much more over these last 15 years.
04-09-2020, 02:36 PM
I am fond of the old Buddhist saying, apparently a quote of Gautama.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
04-09-2020, 02:59 PM
lol Aion
there makes me think of this buddhist's story too : Under a tree was a master sitting and a monk comes to him and says " Master, how many incarnations do I have till enlightenment ?" and the master answers, " 3. " and the monk walks away, and he is like " oh my, three more, three more ! " Then appears this young monk who comes to the tree, and he says " Master, how many more incarnations do I have ?" and the master says " 125." and the young monk starts to ascend the path and he is like " Yes, yes !! 125 more ! wonderful !! " and when he gets on top of the path, he gets enlightened. lol |