(04-09-2009, 02:25 AM)irpsit Wrote: These are all great posts.
Maybe we just have existence at not only one dimension but at several ones, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6D
For some I was pondering over the octaves and I came with this too
(I had a tendency to focus more on a possible STO path in this description)
1 energy, atomic particles
2 atomic organization
3 molecular organization
4 elements fire water, earth air, forming stars and planets
5 forming planets become stable with geological phenomena
6 organic molecules, now with organic phenomena and water
7 nucleic acids and virus
2D animals and plants
1 bacteria
2 simple life, such algae or protozoans
3 simple plants and simple animals (insects)
4 flowers and herbs, fishes and others
5 the trees outside in my garden, most mammals, birds, etc
6 advanced mammals, such as dogs or cats
7 advanced primates (near 3D first octave), a few pets close to us
3D humans
1 brute animalistic humans, small self-awareness and of others
2 tribalistic human, awareness of a tribal group and of self (of course I would say native tribes nowadays are also very close to 4D)
3 early civilization, greater awareness of group and of self, STS power kicks in, but also the early STO acts
4 thinking man... dwelling between STS and STO choices, the normal man you find in the streets (no prejudice intended)
5 ethic advanced thinking man, entering spirituality, chakras become aware, learning the choices of love, self or others. It should a way where man progressively moves from emotions into third chakra and then into heart chakra, also from mind more to heart, and individual life to group or relationship activity or service
6 humans, having with peak moments, working in groups, spreading love energy (love chakra is active), and challening angels and etc. As part of STS fraction, brutal power is exercised and challened; also maybe dual activated children, wanderers, coincidences, love flow
7 all chakras activating and transcendence
1 astral world illusions, spirits, spirits after death, wandering, with time-space potential and manifestation abilities and energy abilities, early begginings of group activity
2 devas and gnomes, elementals and fairies, therefore, memory complexes establishing, powerful love emotions
3 spirits, memory complexes, connections, past-life acesses, etc, refining love, like many
4 angelic spirits of astral world, entities developing powerful love feelings, maybe some lower channeled entities
5 spirit guides
6 powerful 4d astral societies, some 4D challened entities
7 ascended masters, transcending time-space
5D ... example of Christ energy, our souls roots, some channeled entities
6D ... higher selfs, Ra and others
7D ... Higher hierarchy angels...
Love for all
Don't take my analysis too seriously
Dear Dr. irpsit, ... (lol)
I like this thinking very very much. If you are not a Dr. of Biology perhaps there is substance enough here to accomplish a thesis on just exactly this model and these thoughts. May I direct you to what I found to be a very interesting breakdown on exactly your model here, particularly as regards man in 3D as to what you have described, given to me by our colleague "Zenmaster" from an entirely different thread on another post? Although the author Ken Wilbur addresses primarily a different tangent, on what I have teasingly referred to as "Metaphizzler Consciousness", zenmaster saw nonetheless almost to the letter what you are describing here and what the author Ken Wilbur writes to, this as described in his model of 'Spiral Dynamics' : http://rationalspirituality.com/articles...namics.htm
I will be as interested to see your response, as well as all others as regards Ken Wilbur's admonitions on shortcut thinking on the path toward higher consciousness, http://rationalspirituality.com/articles...Nature.htm