09-09-2010, 03:18 PM
Quote: βαθμιαίος
RE: Interesting question (IMO)
This question/answer wasn't published until Book V. It is one of those little jewels that make Book V well worth reading and, indeed, make me wish for a version with the Book V material integrated back into the sessions, as it is at lawofone.info.
Session 102 Wrote:Each entity must, in order to completely unblock yellow ray, love all which are in relationship to it, with hope only of the other selves’ joy, peace, and comfort.
I was accidently led to the above thread and found this gem. Thank you B!
I have been suffering from yellow ray blockage...and this makes so much sense. It gives me good direction for my daily prayers and intentions. To hope for the peace joy and comfort of all those I am in relationship with.
Part of my life purpose I think is getting this ray unblocked, and this seems to be key. Love all which is in relationship to me. I have been intending forgiveness for a long time. Now it is time to radiate love:idea:, the love that comes from deep inside.
This love is a dynamic stillness. I am starting to understand it better. From that still, deep, ever-present connection to the Creator, I can radiate love, and hope only for other selves joy, peace and comfort.
You guys are great...I get nourished whenever I pop in here